معلمات الإعلان

إنشاء إعلان نصي بمعلمات إعلان لمجموعة إعلانية

function setupAdParamsInAdGroup(adGroupName) {
// If you have multiple adGroups with the same name, this snippet will
// pick an arbitrary matching ad group each time. In such cases, just
// filter on the campaign name as well:
// AdsApp.adGroups()
//     .withCondition('ad_group.name = "INSERT_ADGROUP_NAME_HERE"')
//     .withCondition('campaign.name = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
const adGroupIterator = AdsApp.adGroups()
.withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
if (!adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No ad group with name "${adGroupName} found`);
const adGroup = adGroupIterator.next();

.withHeadlinePart1('Holiday sale')
'Starts in {param1: a few} days {param2: and} hours!')
.withDescription('Everything must go!')

const keywordIterator = adGroup.keywords().get();
if (!keywordIterator.hasNext()) {
.log(`No keywords found in ad group ${adGroupName}.`);
} else {
const keyword = keywordIterator.next();
// Setup Ad to show as 'Doors open in 5 days, 7 hours!' when searched
// using this keyword. If the ad is triggered using a keyword
// without ad param, the ad shows as
// 'Doors open in a few days, and hours!'
.setAdParam(1, 5);
.setAdParam(2, 7);

استرداد معلمات الإعلان لكلمة رئيسية

function getAdParamsForKeyword(adGroupName) {
// If you have multiple adGroups with the same name, this snippet will
// pick an arbitrary matching ad group each time. In such cases, just
// filter on the campaign name as well:
// AdsApp.adGroups()
//     .withCondition('ad_group.name = "INSERT_ADGROUP_NAME_HERE"')
//     .withCondition('campaign.name = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
const adGroupIterator = AdsApp.adGroups()
.withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
if (!adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No ad group with name "${adGroupName} found`);
const adGroup = adGroupIterator.next();
const keywordIterator = adGroup.keywords()
.withCondition('ad_group_criterion.keyword.text = "Holiday sales"')
if (!keywordIterator.hasNext()) {
.log(`No keywords found in ad group ${adGroupName}.`);
} else {
const keyword = keywordIterator.next();
const adParamIterator = keyword.adParams().get();
for (const adParam of adParamIterator) {

function logAdParam(adParam) {
.log('Keyword : ' + adParam.getKeyword().getText());
.log('MatchType : ' + adParam.getKeyword().getMatchType());
.log('Index : ' + adParam.getIndex());
.log('Insertion Text : ' + adParam.getInsertionText());