آپلود انبوه

آپلود انبوه از Google Drive

function bulkUploadFromGoogleDrive() {
// See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/bulk-upload
// for the list of supported bulk upload templates.
// You can upload a CSV file, or an EXCEL sheet.
const file = DriveApp.getFilesByName('BulkCampaignUpload.csv').next();
const upload = AdsApp.bulkUploads().newFileUpload(file);

// Use upload.apply() to make changes without previewing.

آپلود انبوه از سرور راه دور

function bulkUploadFromRemoteServer(csvFileUrl) {
// See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/bulk-upload
// for the list of supported bulk upload templates.
const blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(csvFileUrl)

const upload = AdsApp.bulkUploads().newFileUpload(blob);

// Use upload.apply() to make changes without previewing.

آپلود انبوه از Google Sheets

function bulkUploadFromGoogleSpreadsheet(spreadsheetUrl) {
// The format of this spreadsheet should match a valid bulk upload template.
// See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/bulk-upload
// for the list of supported bulk upload templates.
const spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
const sheet = spreadSheet.getActiveSheet();

const upload = AdsApp.bulkUploads().newFileUpload(sheet);

// Use upload.apply() to make changes without previewing.

ایجاد/به روز رسانی کمپین ها

function createOrUpdateCampaigns() {
// See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/bulk-upload
// for the list of supported bulk upload templates and their column names.
const columns = [
'Campaign', 'Budget', 'Bid Strategy type', 'Campaign type'

const upload = AdsApp.bulkUploads().newCsvUpload(
, {moneyInMicros: false});

// Google Ads identify existing campaigns using its name. To create a new
// campaign, use a campaign name that doesn't exist in your account.
'Campaign': 'Test Campaign 1',
'Budget': 234,
'Bid Strategy type': 'cpc',
'Campaign type': 'Search Only'
// Use upload.apply() to make changes without previewing.