
Targetkan kampanye untuk suatu negara

function targetFrance(campaignName) {
const campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
if (!campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No campaign with name "${campaignName}" found`);

const campaign = campaignIterator.next();
// Target France (location id = 2250) and set a bid modifier of +50%. See
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
// for details.
.addLocation(2250, 1.5);

Dapatkan daftar lokasi yang ditargetkan oleh kampanye

function getTargetedLocations(campaignName) {
const campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
if (!campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No campaign with name "${campaignName}" found`);

const campaign = campaignIterator.next();
return campaign.targeting().targetedLocations().get();

Buang target lokasi dari kampanye

function untargetFrance(campaignName) {
const campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
if (!campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No campaign with name "${campaignName}" found`);

const campaign = campaignIterator.next();
// Remove targeting for France (location id = 2250). See
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
// for details.
const targetedLocationIterator = AdsApp.targeting()
.withIds([[campaign.getId(), 2250]]).get();
if (targetedLocationIterator.hasNext()) {