
ইংলিশ প্রিমিয়ার লিগের জন্য ফিক্সচারের একটি তালিকা পুনরুদ্ধার করুন

 * @fileoverview Example of using Sportsradar API to get English Premier League
 * soccer schedules, to use in adjusting campaigns.
 * The principles of this example could easily be reused against any of the
 * sports feeds available from Sportradar.
 * Example: Get fixtures on 1st Oct 2016
 * const schedule = getSoccerSchedule(2016, 10, 1);
 * See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/third-party-apis#working_with_api_responses
 * See http://developer.sportradar.us/

// Replace with the API Key found on your Sportradar API Application page.

// Insert your email address here for notification of API request failures.

const VERSION = 2;
const LEAGUE = 'eu';

// Set to false when no longer in trial mode.
const TRIAL_MODE = true;

 * Retrieves a list of fixtures from the Soccer Schedule API.
 * @param {number} year The year for which to get matches, in the form yyyy.
 * @param {number} month The month for which to get matches, in range 1-12.
 * @param {number} day The day for which to get matches, in range 1-31.
 * @return {!Array.<!Object>} An array of object containing fixture info or
 *     null if the request was unsuccessful.

function getSoccerSchedule(year, month, day) {
const urlTemplate =
const accessLevel = TRIAL_MODE ? 't' : 'p';
const url = Utilities.formatString(
, accessLevel, VERSION, LEAGUE, year, month, day, API_KEY);
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
return parseScheduleXml(response.getContentText());

 * Converts the date format returned from the XML feed into a Date object.
 * @param {string} scheduleDate A date from the feed e.g. 2016-07-11T17:00:00Z
 * @return {!Date} The resulting Date object.

function parseScheduleDate(scheduleDate) {
return new Date(
.replace(/-/g, '/').replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ' GMT'));

 * Parses the schedule XML, identifying only English Premier League Soccer
 * matches, as an example of selecting events on which to make Google Ads
 * changes.
 * @param {string} xmlText XML response body from a call to the soccer schedule
 *    API.
 * @return {!Array.<!Object>} An array of object containing fixture info.

function parseScheduleXml(xmlText) {
const fixtures = [];
const scheduleElement = XmlService.parse(xmlText).getRootElement();
// The namespace is required for accessing child elements in the schema.
const namespace = scheduleElement.getNamespace();
const matchesElement = scheduleElement.getChild('matches', namespace);

const matchElements = matchesElement.getChildren();
for (let i = 0, matchElement; matchElement = matchElements[i]; i++) {
const status = matchElement.getAttribute('status').getValue();

const scheduled = matchElement.getAttribute('scheduled').getValue();
const scheduledDate = parseScheduleDate(scheduled);
const categoryElement = matchElement.getChild('category', namespace);
const country = categoryElement.getAttribute('country').getValue();
const tournamentElement = matchElement.getChild('tournament', namespace);
const tournamentName = tournamentElement.getAttribute('name').getValue();
if (tournamentName === 'Premier League' && country === 'England') {
const homeElement = matchElement.getChild('home', namespace);
const awayElement = matchElement.getChild('away', namespace);

const homeTeamName = homeElement.getAttribute('name').getValue();
const awayTeamName = awayElement.getAttribute('name').getValue();

: scheduledDate,
: homeTeamName,
: awayTeamName
return fixtures;