একটি SMS বার্তা পাঠান
/** * An example of sending SMS messages from Google Ads Scripts using Twilio. * See: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/third-party-apis#basic_authentication_samples * for full details on configuration. */ // Supply an email address: If for some reason your Twilio account // details become invalid or change, this will be used to make sure // you are notified of failure. const EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'INSERT_EMAIL_ADDRESS'; // The Twilio phone number or short code, as per the Phone Numbers Dashboard // https://www.twilio.com/console/phone-numbers/incoming const TWILIO_SRC_PHONE_NUMBER = 'INSERT_TWILIO_SRC_PHONE_NUMBER'; // Your Twilio Account SID, see: https://www.twilio.com/console const TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = 'INSERT_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'; // Your Twilio API Auth Token, see: https://www.twilio.com/console const TWILIO_ACCOUNT_AUTHTOKEN = 'INSERT_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_AUTHTOKEN'; /** * Builds an SMS message for sending with Twilio and sends the message. * @param {string} dstPhoneNumber The destination number. This is a string as * telephone numbers may contain '+'s or be prefixed with '00' etc. * @param {string} message The text message to send. */ function sendTwilioSms(dstPhoneNumber, message) { const request = buildTwilioMessageRequest(dstPhoneNumber, message); sendSms(request); } /** * Send an SMS message * @param {!SmsRequest} request The request object to send */ function sendSms(request) { const retriableErrors = [429, 500, 503]; for (let attempts = 0; attempts < 3; attempts++) { const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(request.url, request.options); const responseCode = response.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode < 400 || retriableErrors.indexOf(responseCode) === -1) { break; } Utilities.sleep(2000 * Math.pow(2, attempts)); } if (responseCode >= 400 && EMAIL_ADDRESS) { MailApp.sendEmail( EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'Error sending SMS Message from Google Ads Scripts', response.getContentText()); } } /** * Builds a SMS request object specific for the Twilio service. * @param {string} recipientPhoneNumber Destination number including country * code. * @param {string} textMessage The message to send. * @return {SmsRequest} */ function buildTwilioMessageRequest(recipientPhoneNumber, textMessage) { if (!recipientPhoneNumber) { throw Error('No "recipientPhoneNumber" specified in call to ' + 'buildTwilioMessageRequest. "recipientPhoneNumber" cannot be empty'); } if (!textMessage) { throw Error('No "textMessage" specified in call to ' + 'buildTwilioMessageRequest. "textMessage" cannot be empty'); } const twilioUri = `https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/${TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}/Messages`; const authHeader = 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode( TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID + ':' + TWILIO_ACCOUNT_AUTHTOKEN); const options = { muteHttpExceptions: true, method: 'POST', headers: {Authorization: authHeader}, payload: { From: TWILIO_SRC_PHONE_NUMBER, To: recipientPhoneNumber, // Twilio only accepts up to 1600 characters Body: textMessage.substr(0, 1600) } }; return {url: twilioUri, options: options}; }