
همه کمپین های ویدیویی را بازیابی کنید

function getAllVideoCampaigns() {
  // AdsApp.videoCampaigns() will return all campaigns that are not
  // removed by default.
  const videoCampaignIterator = AdsApp.videoCampaigns().get();
  console.log(`Total campaigns found : ${videoCampaignIterator.totalNumEntities()}`);
  return videoCampaignIterator;

یک کمپین ویدیویی را با نام آن بازیابی کنید

function getVideoCampaignByName(campaignName) {
  const videoCampaignIterator = AdsApp.videoCampaigns()
      .withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
  if (!videoCampaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error(`No video campaign with name ${campaignName} found.`);
  const videoCampaign = videoCampaignIterator.next();
  console.log(`Campaign Name: ${videoCampaign.getName()}`);
  console.log(`Enabled: ${videoCampaign.isEnabled()}`);
  console.log(`Bidding strategy: ${videoCampaign.getBiddingStrategyType()}`);
  console.log(`Ad rotation: ${videoCampaign.getAdRotationType()}`);
  console.log(`Start date: ${formatDate(videoCampaign.getStartDate())}`);
  console.log(`End date: ${formatDate(videoCampaign.getEndDate())}`);
  return videoCampaign;

function formatDate(date) {
  function zeroPad(number) { return Utilities.formatString('%02d', number); }
  return (date == null) ? 'None' : zeroPad(date.year) + zeroPad(date.month) +

بازیابی آمار یک کمپین ویدیویی

function getVideoCampaignStats(campaignName) {
  const videoCampaignIterator = AdsApp.videoCampaigns()
      .withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
  if (!videoCampaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error(`No video campaign with name ${campaignName} found.`);
  const videoCampaign = videoCampaignIterator.next();
  // Fetch stats for the last month. See the DateRangeLiteral section at
  // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/query/date-ranges#predefined_date_range
  // for possible values.
  // Note: Reports can also be used to fetch stats. See
  // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/features/reports
  // for more information.
  var stats = videoCampaign.getStatsFor('LAST_MONTH');
  console.log(`${videoCampaign.getName()}, ${stats.getImpressions()} impressions, ` +
      `${stats.getViews()} views`);
  return stats;

یک کمپین ویدیویی را متوقف کنید

function pauseVideoCampaign(campaignName) {
  const videoCampaignIterator = AdsApp.videoCampaigns()
      .withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
  if (videoCampaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoCampaign = videoCampaignIterator.next();

یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی اضافه کنید

function addVideoAdGroup(campaignName, adGroupName) {
  const videoCampaignIterator = AdsApp.videoCampaigns()
      .withCondition(`campaign.name = "${campaignName}"`)
  if (videoCampaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoCampaign = videoCampaignIterator.next();
    const videoAdGroupOperation = videoCampaign.newVideoAdGroupBuilder()
        // This can also be:
        // Some types may only be usable in specific ad group types.

یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی را به روز کنید

function updateAdGroup(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
    // update other properties as required here

همه گروه‌های تبلیغات ویدیویی را بازیابی کنید

function getAllVideoAdGroups() {
  // AdsApp.videoAdGroups() will return all ad groups that are not removed by
  // default.
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups().get();
  console.log(`Total adGroups found : ${videoAdGroupIterator.totalNumEntities()}`);
  return videoAdGroupIterator;

یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی را با نام بازیابی کنید

function getVideoAdGroupByName(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (!videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error(`No video ad group found with name ${adGroupName}.`);
  const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
  console.log('AdGroup Name: ' + videoAdGroup.getName());
  console.log('AdGroup Type: ' + videoAdGroup.getAdGroupType());
  console.log('Enabled: ' + videoAdGroup.isEnabled());
  return videoAdGroup;

آمار یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی را بازیابی کنید

function getVideoAdGroupStats(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (!videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error(`No video ad group found with name ${adGroupName}.`);
  const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
  // You can also request reports for pre-defined date ranges. See
  // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/query/date-ranges#predefined_date_range
  // for possible values.
  const stats = videoAdGroup.getStatsFor('LAST_MONTH');
  console.log(`${videoAdGroup.getName()}, ${stats.getImpressions()}, ${stats.getViews()}`);
  return stats;

یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی را متوقف کنید

function pauseVideoAdGroup(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (!videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error(`No video ad group found with name ${adGroupName}.`);
  const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
  console.log(`AdGroup with name: ${videoAdGroup.getName()} ` +
      `has paused status: ${videoAdGroup.isPaused()}`);

هر ویدیویی را برای استفاده در تبلیغات بازیابی کنید

function getVideo() {
  // This will just get the first valid YouTube video in the account.
  // It demonstrates how to filter to see if a video is valid for video ads.
  const videos = AdsApp.adAssets().assets()
      .withCondition("asset.type = YOUTUBE_VIDEO")
  for (const video of videos) {
    // You have to use a YouTube video for True View ads, so only return if
    // the YouTubeVideoId exists.
    if(video.getYouTubeVideoId()) {
      return video;
  return null;

یک ویدیوی خاص را برای استفاده در تبلیغات بازیابی کنید

function getVideoByYouTubeId(youTubeVideoId) {
  // You can filter on the YouTubeVideoId if you already have that video in
  // your account to fetch the exact one you want right away.
  const videos = AdsApp.adAssets().assets()
      .withCondition(`asset.type = YOUTUBE_VIDEO AND ` +
          `asset.youtube_video_asset.youtube_video_id = '${youTubeVideoId}'`)
  if (videos.hasNext()) {
    return videos.next();
  return null;

یک تبلیغ ویدیویی در جریان اضافه کنید

function addInStreamVideoAd(adGroupName) {
  // If you have multiple adGroups with the same name, this snippet will
  // pick an arbitrary matching ad group each time. In such cases, just
  // filter on the campaign name as well:
  // AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
  //     .withCondition('Name = "INSERT_ADGROUP_NAME_HERE"')
  //     .withCondition('CampaignName = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  const video = getVideo(); // Defined above
  if (videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
        .withAdName("In Stream Ad")

یک تبلیغ ویدیویی درون فید اضافه کنید

function addInFeedVideoAd(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  const video = getVideo(); // Defined above
  if (videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
        .withAdName("In-Feed Video Ad")
        .withDescription1("Description line 1")
        .withDescription2("Description line 2")

توقف موقت تبلیغات ویدیویی در گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی

function pauseVideoAdsInVideoAdGroup(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
    const videoAdsIterator = videoAdGroup.videoAds().get();
    for (const videoAd of videoAdsIterator) {

بازیابی تبلیغات ویدیویی در گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی

function getInStreamAdsInVideoAdGroup(adGroupName) {
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (!videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error(`No video ad group found with name ${adGroupName}.`);
  const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
  const videoAdsIterator = videoAdGroup.videoAds()
  console.log(`Total ads found : ${videoAdsIterator.totalNumEntities()}`);
  return videoAdsIterator;

function logVideoAd(videoAd) {
  // Note that not all fields are populated for both video ad types.
  console.log('Video ID : ' + videoAd.getVideoId());
  console.log('Headline : ' + videoAd.getHeadline());
  console.log('Line1 : ' + videoAd.getDescription1());
  console.log('Line2 : ' + videoAd.getDescription2());
  console.log('Final URL : ' + videoAd.urls().getFinalUrl());
  console.log('Display URL : ' + videoAd.getDisplayUrl());
  console.log('Destination Page : ' + videoAd.getDestinationPage());
  console.log('Approval Status : ' + videoAd.getApprovalStatus());
  console.log('Enabled : ' + videoAd.isEnabled());

بازیابی آمار تبلیغات از یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی

function getVideoAdGroupAdStats(adGroupName) {
  let statsList = [];
  const videoAdGroupIterator = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition(`ad_group.name = "${adGroupName}"`)
  if (videoAdGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    const videoAdGroup = videoAdGroupIterator.next();
    const videoAdsIterator = videoAdGroup.videoAds().get();
    for (const videoAd of videoAdsIterator) {
      // You can also request reports for pre-defined date ranges. See
      // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/query/date-ranges#predefined_date_range
      // for possible values.
      const stats = videoAd.getStatsFor('LAST_MONTH');
      console.log(`${videoAdGroup.getName()}, ${stats.getViews()}, ${stats.getImpressions()}`);
  return statsList;

مخاطبان درون بازار را به یک گروه تبلیغات ویدیویی اضافه کنید

function addInMarketAudienceToVideoAdGroup() {
  const ag = AdsApp.videoAdGroups()
      .withCondition('campaign.status != REMOVED')

  console.log(`AdGroup ID ${ag.getId()}, Campaign ID ${ag.getVideoCampaign().getId()}`);

  // Get the audience ID from the list here:
  // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#in-market-categories

  const audience = ag.videoTargeting()

  console.log('Added Audience ID %s', audience.getResult().getId().toString());

  const audiences = ag.videoTargeting().audiences().get();
  for (const aud of audiences) {
    console.log('Retrieved Audience ID %s', aud.getId().toString());