Cache with Firebase

Looker Studio has its own cache system for reports. When creating your connector, you can implement a custom cache to facilitate faster reports and avoid APR rate-limits.

For example, you are creating a connector which provides historical weather data for the last 7 days for a specific zip code. Your connector is becoming quite popular but the external API that you are fetching the data from has strict rate limits. The API only updates its data daily, so for a specific zip code, there is no need to fetch the same data multiple times within a day. Using this solution guide, you can implement a daily cache for each zip code.


  • A Firebase Realtime database. If you don’t have access to one, create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project and follow the Get started guide to create your own Firebase Realtime Database instance.
  • A GCP service account to read and write data from Firebase Realtime Database.
  • A Community Connector that fetches data from a source.


  • This solution cannot be used with Looker Studio Advanced Services. When you use Looker Studio Advanced Services, your connector code in Apps Script does not have access to the data. Thus you cannot cache the data using Apps Script.
  • Report editors and viewers cannot reset this specific cache.


Implement a service account

  1. Create a service account in your Google Cloud project.
  2. Ensure this service account has BigQuery access in the cloud project.
    • Required Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles: Firebase Admin
  3. Download the JSON file to get the service accounts keys. Store the file's content in your connector project’s script properties. After adding the keys, should look similar to this in Apps Script UI:
    Saving service account keys in Script Properties
  4. Include the OAuth2 for Apps Script library in your Apps Script project.
  5. Implement the required OAuth2 code for the service account:
var SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY = 'private_key';
var SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = 'client_email';
var BILLING_PROJECT_ID = 'project_id';

var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

 * Copy the entire credentials JSON file from creating a service account in GCP.
 * Service account should have `Firebase Admin` IAM role.
function getServiceAccountCreds() {
  return JSON.parse(scriptProperties.getProperty(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS));

function getOauthService() {
  var serviceAccountCreds = getServiceAccountCreds();
  var serviceAccountKey = serviceAccountCreds[SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY];
  var serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountCreds[SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL];

  return OAuth2.createService('FirebaseCache')

Implement code to read and write from Firebase

You will use the Firebase Database REST API to read and write to a Firebase Realtime database. The following code implements the methods needed for accessing this API.

Implement getData()

The structure for your existing getData() code without caching should look like this:

 * This file is only to demonstrate how the `getData()` fucntion would look
 * like without the Firebase Realtime Database caching. It is not a part of
 * the connector code and should not be included in Apps Script / Clasp.

function getData(request) {
  var requestedFields = getFields().forIds( {

  var fetchedData = fetchAndParseData(request);
  var data = getFormattedData(fetchedData, requestedFields);

  return {
    rows: data

To use caching in your getData() code, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the 'chunk' or 'unit' of data that should be cached.
  2. Create a unique key to store the minimum unit of data in the cache.
    For the example implementation, zipcode from configparams is being used as the key.
    Optional: For per-user cache, create a composite key with the base key and user identity. Example implementation:
    js var baseKey = getBaseKey(request); var userEmail = Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail(); var hasheduserEmail = getHashedValue(userEmail); var compositeKey = baseKey + hasheduserEmail;

  3. If cached data exists, check if cache is fresh.
    In the example, the cached data for a specific zip code is saved with the current date. When data is retrieved from the cache, date for the cache is checked against the current date.

    var cacheForZipcode = {
      data: <data being cached>,
      ymd: <current date in YYYYMMDD format>
  4. If cached data does not exist or the cached data is not fresh, fetch data from source and store it in cache.

In the following example, main.js includes getData() code with caching implemented.

Example code


// [start common_connector_code]
var cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector();

function getAuthType() {
  return cc

function getConfig(request) {
  var config = cc.getConfig();

    .setName('Enter Zip Code')
    .setPlaceholder('eg. 95054');


function getFields() {
  var fields = cc.getFields();
  var types = cc.FieldType;
  var aggregations = cc.AggregationType;

    .setName('Zip code')


    .setName('Temperature (F)')

  return fields;

function getSchema(request) {
  return {
    schema: getFields().build()
// [end common_connector_code]

// [start caching_implementation]
function getData(request) {
  var requestedFields = getFields().forIds( {

  var cacheUpdateNeeded = true;
  var url = buildFirebaseUrl(request.configParams.zipcode);
  var cache = firebaseCache('get', url);

  if (cache) {
    var currentYmd = getCurrentYmd();
    cacheUpdateNeeded = currentYmd > cache.ymd;

  if (cacheUpdateNeeded) {
    var fetchedData = fetchAndParseData(request);
    cache = {}; = fetchedData;
    cache.ymd = currentYmd;
    firebaseCache('delete', url);
    firebaseCache('post', url, cache);

  var data = getFormattedData(, requestedFields);

  var requestedFields = getFields().forIds( {

  var cache = getCachedData(request);
  var data = getFormattedData(cache, requestedFields);

  return {
    rows: data

function getCachedData(request) {
  var cacheUpdateNeeded = true;
  var url = buildFirebaseUrl(request.configParams.zipcode);
  var cachedData = getFromCache(url);
  var currentYmd = getCurrentYmd();

  if (cachedData) {
    cacheUpdateNeeded = currentYmd > cachedData.ymd;

  if (cacheUpdateNeeded) {
    var fetchedData = fetchAndParseData(request);
    freshData = {}; = fetchedData;
    freshData.ymd = currentYmd;
    putInCache(url, freshData);
    cachedData = freshData;


function getCurrentYmd() {
  var currentDate = new Date();
  var year = currentDate.getFullYear();
  var month = ('0' + (currentDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
  var date = ('0' + currentDate.getDate()).slice(-2);
  var currentYmd = year + month + date;
  return currentYmd;

// [end caching_implementation]

// [start common_getdata_implementation]
function fetchAndParseData(request) {
  // TODO: Connect to your own API endpoint and parse the fetched data.
  // To keep this example simple, we are returning dummy data instead of
  // connecting to an enpoint. This does not affect the caching.
  var parsedData = sampleData;
  return parsedData;

function getFormattedData(fetchedData, requestedFields) {
  var data = {
    return formatData(rowData, requestedFields);
  return data;

function formatData(rowData, requestedFields) {
  var row = requestedFields.asArray().map(function(requestedField) {
    switch (requestedField.getId()) {
      case 'date':
      case 'zipcode':
        return rowData.zipcode;
      case 'temperature':
        return rowData.temperature;
        return '';
  return {values: row};
// [end common_getdata_implementation]

var sampleData = [
    date: '20190601',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 80
    date: '20190602',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 82
    date: '20190603',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 82
    date: '20190604',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 85
    date: '20190605',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 84
    date: '20190606',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 83
    date: '20190607',
    zipcode: '95054',
    temperature: 81


// [start firebase_access_implementation]


 * Returns the URL for a file in a firebase database.
 * @param {string} fileName The filename in the database
 * @returns {string} The url for the file in the database
function buildFirebaseUrl(fileName) {
  var serviceAccountCreds = getServiceAccountCreds();
  var projectId = serviceAccountCreds[BILLING_PROJECT_ID];

  if (fileName) {
    fileName = '/' + fileName;
  var urlElements = [
  var url = urlElements.join('');
  return url;

 * Generic method for handling the Firebase Realtime Database REST API.
 * For `get`: returns the data at the given url.
 * For `post`: posts the data in in firestore db at the given url and returns `undefined`.
 * For `delete`: deletes the data at the given url and returns `undefined`.
 * @param {string} method Method for the REST API: `get`, `post`, or `delete`
 * @param {string} url REST endpoint
 * @param {string} [data] Data to be stored for `post` method
 * @returns {undefined|object} Returns data from the REST endpoint for `get`
 *          method. For other methods, returns `undefined`.
function firebaseCache(method, url, data) {
  var oAuthToken = getOauthService().getAccessToken();

  var responseOptions = {
    headers: {
      Authorization: 'Bearer ' + oAuthToken
    method: method,
    contentType: 'application/json'

  // Add payload for post method
  if (method === 'post') {
    responseOptions['payload'] = JSON.stringify(data);

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, responseOptions);

  // Return value only for `get`.
  if (method === 'get') {
    var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
    if (responseObject === null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      var autoKey = Object.keys(responseObject)[0];
      var returnValue = responseObject[autoKey];
    return returnValue;

function getFromCache(url) {
  return firebaseCache('get', url);

function deleteFromCache(url) {
  return firebaseCache('delete', url);

function putInCache(url, data) {
  return firebaseCache('put', url, data);

// [end firebase_access_implementation]

var SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY = 'private_key';
var SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = 'client_email';
var BILLING_PROJECT_ID = 'project_id';

var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

 * Copy the entire credentials JSON file from creating a service account in GCP.
 * Service account should have `Firebase Admin` IAM role.
function getServiceAccountCreds() {
  return JSON.parse(scriptProperties.getProperty(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS));

function getOauthService() {
  var serviceAccountCreds = getServiceAccountCreds();
  var serviceAccountKey = serviceAccountCreds[SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY];
  var serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountCreds[SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL];

  return OAuth2.createService('FirebaseCache')

Additional resources

The Chrome UX Connector facilitates a dashboard based on a ~20GB BigQuery table to thousands of users. This connector uses Firebase Realtime Database along with Apps Script Cache Service for a two layered caching approach. See code for implementation details.