

  • 通过 Zoom 在线瑜伽课程
  • 通过 Google Meet 在线化妆大师课程
  • 通过 Skype 查看管道在线情况的视频





  • Feed:将 typeVirtualSessionDirectMerchantPaymentCancellationPolicy(如果尚未添加)添加到服务 Feed 中
  • 预订服务器:将 CreateSessionInfo 添加到 CreateBooking 方法,向用户发送包含虚拟设置信息的电子邮件
  • 实时更新(现有行为):通过 InventoryUpdate RTU 处理对虚拟库存的更改,通过 BookingNotification RTU 对预订进行修改,并通过 Service RTU 对服务进行更改。


服务 Feed

以下字段已添加到“服务”Feed 中,以支持在线服务。

服务 Feed 规范

 enum ServiceType {
    // Service that provides dining reservation.
    // Service that provides food ordering in general, could be either takeout
    // or delivery or both.
    // Service that only provides food delivery.
    // Service that only provides food takeout.

    // Service that provides appointments or classes. Recommended for (1) health
    // and fitness, (2) spa and beauty, and (3) financial consults and
    // evaluations services. Please see the supported service types:
    // https://developers.google.com/maps-booking/guides/end-to-end-integration/overview
    // Service that provides appointment for an online class or session which
    // will be fully virtual. Must be set if enabling virtual service bookings.
// Information about virtual/online session. E.g. Online yoga class, virtual
// cooking class etc.
message VirtualSession {
  // Instructions on how this virtual class is set up. If the partner does not
  // include the video URL with the booking, then this text must include when
  // the video URL will be shared with the user. Eg. “Zoom url will be mailed
  // 30 minutes prior to the class”. (Recommended)
  // Only the folloiwng four tags are supported: <br>, <strong>, <em>, <i>.
  Text session_instructions = 1;

  // Requirements for the given virtual session. Eg. yoga mat,
  // cooking utensils etc. (Recommended)
  // Only the folloiwng four tags are supported: <br>, <strong>, <em>, <i>.
  Text session_requirements = 2;

  // Information about the virtual platform used in this session. (Required to
  // enable virtual services)
  message VirtualPlatformInfo {
    // Enum to indicate which virtual platform would be used by the merchant.
    enum Platform {
      // The merchant is flexible in which video platform they use.
      FLEXIBLE = 1;
      GOOGLE_MEET = 3;
      ZOOM = 4;
      SKYPE = 5;
      YOUTUBE = 6;
      // Should be set if the video platform used is different from the ones
      // mentioned here.
      OTHER = 7;
    Platform platform = 1;
    // The name of the platform if the platform is set to OTHER. (Required if
    // platform is set to OTHER)
    Text other_platform_name = 2;
  VirtualPlatformInfo virtual_platform_info = 3;

  // Set this as true if the virtual session is not live and is pre-recorded.
  // (Optional)
  bool is_session_prerecorded = 4;
// Information about how the user can pay directly to the merchant instead of
// pre-paying for the service via RwG.
message DirectMerchantPayment {
  // Users would be advised to pay only via the payment methods mentioned below.
  repeated Text payment_methods = 1;
// Cancellation policy for a service.
message CancellationPolicy {
  // Defines a single refund condition. Multiple refund conditions could be
  // used together to describe "refund steps" as various durations before the
  // service start time.
  message RefundCondition {
    // Duration in seconds before the start time, until when the customer can
    // receive a refund for part of the service's cost specified in
    // `refund_percent`.
    // When set to 0 (default), the service can be cancelled at any time.
    int64 min_duration_before_start_time_sec = 1;

    // The percent that can be refunded, as long as the service booking is
    // cancelled at least `min_duration_before_start_time` before the service
    // start time, in the range of [0, 100]. When set to 0 (default), the
    // service is not refundable. When set to 100 this service is fully
    // refundable.
    uint32 refund_percent = 2;
  // Zero or more refund conditions applicable to the policy.
  repeated RefundCondition refund_condition = 1;

服务 Feed 示例

  "service": [
      "merchant_id": "100",
      "service_id": "100-1",
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Makeup masterclass",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Makeup masterclass"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Learn how to do runway makeup from an award winning makeup artist.",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Learn how to do runway makeup from an award winning makeup artist."
      "virtual_session": {
        "session_instructions": {
          "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be sent to you 15 mins before the start of the class. The class link will be accessible 1 day after the class.  ",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be sent to you 15 mins before the start of the class. The class link will be accessible 1 day after the class.  "
        "session_requirements": {
          "value": "makeup brush, makeup palette, mirror",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "makeup brush, makeup palette, mirror"
        "virtual_platform_info": {
          "platform": "OTHER",
          "other_platform_name": "Susan's hosted platform"
      "direct_merchant_payment": {
        "payment_methods": [
            "value": "Venmo",
            "localized_value": [
                "locale": "en",
                "value": "Venmo"
      "price": {
        "price_micros": 75000000,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "rules": {
        "min_advance_booking": 0,
        "min_advance_online_canceling": 86400,
        "cancellation_policy": {
          "refund_condition": [
              "min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 3600,
              "refund_percent": 100
      "prepayment_type": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
      "tax_rate": {
        "micro_percent": 7750000
      "merchant_id": "100",
      "service_id": "100-2",
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Advanced Vinyasa Yoga",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Advanced Vinyasa Yoga"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Learn the advanced techniques of vinyasa yoga taught by award winning yoga instructors.",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Learn the advanced techniques of vinyasa yoga taught by award winning yoga instructors."
      "virtual_session": {
        "session_instructions": {
          "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be included in an email from the merchant.",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be included in an email from the merchant."
        "session_requirements": {
          "value": "yoga mat, dumbbells",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "yoga mat, dumbbells"
        "virtual_platform_info": {
          "platform": "ZOOM"
      "price": {
        "price_micros": 40000000,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "rules": {
        "min_advance_booking": 0,
        "min_advance_online_canceling": 86400,
        "cancellation_policy": {
          "refund_condition": [
              "min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 86400,
              "refund_percent": 100
              "min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 3600,
              "refund_percent": 50
      "prepayment_type": "REQUIRED",
      "tax_rate": {
        "micro_percent": 7750000
      "require_credit_card": "REQUIRE_CREDIT_CARD_ALWAYS"
  • 本地化的说明:说明应清晰地阐明服务的用途。有关如何设计服务内容结构的最佳做法,请参阅最佳做法指南
  • 会话说明:会话说明应描述所需的全部必要设置,并符合政策中规定的指导原则。
    • 如果平台视频网址和会议 ID 不是作为 CreateBooking 的一部分自动创建的(例如,详细信息不是通过 CreateBookingResponse 发送的),那么您应该在 session_instructions 中明确指出用户应该向他们发送平台详细信息的时机和位置。
  • 课程要求:课程要求应描述用户有效参与课程所需的所有设备或材料。您也可以添加用户可能需要的可选资料,但请将它们标记为可选。
  • 平台:平台应指明用户将用于访问在线服务的平台。
    • 如果平台稍后由商家确定,请将 platform 设置为 FLEXIBLE
    • 如果商家使用的平台不在列表中,请将 platform 设置为 OTHER,并指定 other_platform_name
  • 取消政策:请务必提供准确的取消政策。如果允许退款和取消,请设置 CancellationPolicy。如果未设置,则默认假设是不允许退款。

空闲状态 Feed

  • Spot 总数 (Spots Total):设置为平台允许的参与者总数量(务必减去员工人数)


可选:如果您的系统代表商家创建会议 ID 和网址,请将 VirtualSessionInfo 添加为 CreateBookingResponse 的一部分。

CreateBooking 规范

message Booking {
// Information related to the virtual session which was booked.
message VirtualSessionInfo {
  // URL which was created for the virtual session. (optional)
  string session_url = 1;
  // The meeting id which was created for the virtual session. (optional)
  string meeting_id = 2;
  // Password required to access the session. (optional)
  string password = 3;

 VirtualSessionInfo virtual_session_info = X;


  "idempotency_token": "10000000000",
  "payment_information": {
    "prepayment_status": "PREPAYMENT_NOT_PROVIDED"
  "slot": {
    "confirmation_mode": "CONFIRMATION_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS",
    "duration_sec": "3600",
    "merchant_id": "10001",
    "service_id": "10001-1",
    "start_sec": "1586829600"
  "user_information": {
    "email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
    "family_name": "John",
    "given_name": "Doe",
    "telephone": "+123 456 7890",
    "user_id": "110291237"


  "booking": {
    "bookingId": "abcdefg-12345",
    "slot": {
      "merchantId": "10001",
      "serviceId": "10001-1",
      "startSec": "1586804400",
      "durationSec": "3600"
    "userInformation": {
      "userId": "110291237",
      "givenName": "John",
      "familyName": "Doe",
      "telephone": "+123 456 7890",
      "email": "john.doe@gmail.com"
    "status": "CONFIRMED",
    "virtual_session_info": {
      "video_url": "meet.google.com/abcd-efg",
      "meeting_id": "abcd-efg",
      "password" : "somepassword"



  • InventoryUpdate RTU:对系统或“通过 Google 预订”系统中的槽位更改所做的任何更新都应触发 InventoryUpdate RTU,以通知相应槽发生的变更。
  • BookingNotification RTU:对系统或“通过 Google 预订”系统进行预订的任何更新(例如修改或取消)都应触发 BookingNotification RTU,以通知我们预订的变化。
    • 如果用户未向商家/合作伙伴提交付款,请向我们发送取消 RTU。“通过 Google 预订”将发送取消电子邮件。
  • 服务 RTU:如果您目前通过服务 RTU 更新服务,则在为在线服务更新时,请务必包含相应的在线服务字段。


默认情况下,当用户在“通过 Google 预订”平台上进行交易时,“通过 Google 预订”会发送标准的预订确认、修改和取消电子邮件。

合作伙伴还应另外通过电子邮件向用户发送会议详细信息、付款详情和取消政策信息。 您也可以选择在预约或课程开始前发送电子邮件提醒。 请参阅政策文档,确保您遵守有关虚拟课程的电子邮件政策。