您可以让地图项图层响应用户 click
事件,以获取所点击边界的地点 ID 和地图项类型。下面这个示例地图展示了“国家/地区”图层的边界,该地图使用了事件处理脚本,用于为所点击的与所选国家/地区相关联的多边形应用样式。
当地图项图层上发生点击事件时,Maps SDK for Android 会将 FeatureClickEvent
对象传递给事件处理脚本。使用 FeatureClickEvent
当您调用 FeatureLayer.setFeatureStyle()
时,样式工厂函数会为地图项图层中的所有地图项设置样式。如需在事件处理脚本中更新地图项的样式,您必须调用 FeatureLayer.setFeatureStyle()
按照开始使用中的步骤创建新的地图 ID 和地图样式(如果您尚未执行此操作)。请务必启用国家/地区地图项图层。
为地图项点击事件注册事件处理脚本。private FeatureLayer countryLayer;
@Override public void onMapReady(GoogleMap map) {
// Get the COUNTRY feature layer. countryLayer = map.getFeatureLayer(new FeatureLayerOptions.Builder() .featureType(FeatureType.COUNTRY) .build());
// Register the click event handler for the Country layer. countryLayer.addOnFeatureClickListener(this);
// Apply default style to all countries on load to enable clicking. styleCountryLayer(); }
// Set default fill and border for all countries to ensure that they respond // to click events. private void styleCountryLayer() { FeatureLayer.StyleFactory styleFactory = (Feature feature) -> { return new FeatureStyle.Builder() // Set the fill color for the country as white with a 10% opacity. .fillColor(Color.argb(0.1, 0, 0, 0)) // Set border color to solid black. .strokeColor(Color.BLACK) .build(); };
// Apply the style factory function to the country feature layer. countryLayer.setFeatureStyle(styleFactory); }private var countryLayer: FeatureLayer? = null
override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap) { // Get the COUNTRY feature layer. countryLayer = googleMap.getFeatureLayer(FeatureLayerOptions.Builder() .featureType(FeatureType.COUNTRY) .build())
// Register the click event handler for the Country layer. countryLayer?.addOnFeatureClickListener(this)
// Apply default style to all countries on load to enable clicking. styleCountryLayer() }
// Set default fill and border for all countries to ensure that they respond // to click events. private fun styleCountryLayer() { val styleFactory = FeatureLayer.StyleFactory { feature: Feature -> return@StyleFactory FeatureStyle.Builder() // Set the fill color for the country as white with a 10% opacity. .fillColor(Color.argb(0.1f, 0f, 0f, 0f)) // Set border color to solid black. .strokeColor(Color.BLACK) .build() }
// Apply the style factory function to the country feature layer. countryLayer?.setFeatureStyle(styleFactory) }为所选国家/地区应用红色填充颜色。只有可见地图项可供点击。
@Override // Define the click event handler. public void onFeatureClick(FeatureClickEvent event) {
// Get the list of features affected by the click using // getPlaceIds() defined below. List<String> selectedPlaceIds = getPlaceIds(event.getFeatures());
if (!selectedPlaceIds.isEmpty()) { FeatureLayer.StyleFactory styleFactory = (Feature feature) -> { // Use PlaceFeature to get the placeID of the country. if (feature instanceof PlaceFeature) { if (selectedPlaceIds.contains(((PlaceFeature) feature).getPlaceId())) { return new FeatureStyle.Builder() // Set the fill color to red. .fillColor(Color.RED) .build(); } } return null; };
// Apply the style factory function to the feature layer. countryLayer.setFeatureStyle(styleFactory); } }
// Get a List of place IDs from the FeatureClickEvent object. private List<String> getPlaceIds(List<Feature> features) { List<String> placeIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (Feature feature : features) { if (feature instanceof PlaceFeature) { placeIds.add(((PlaceFeature) feature).getPlaceId()); } } return placeIds; }// Define the click event handler. override fun onFeatureClick(event: FeatureClickEvent) {
// Get the list of features affected by the click using // getPlaceIds() defined below. val selectedPlaceIds = getPlaceIds(event.getFeatures()) if (!selectedPlaceIds.isEmpty()) { val styleFactory = FeatureLayer.StyleFactory { feature: Feature -> // Use PlaceFeature to get the placeID of the country. if (feature is PlaceFeature) { if (selectedPlaceIds.contains((feature as PlaceFeature).getPlaceId())) { return@StyleFactory FeatureStyle.Builder() // Set the fill color to red. .fillColor(Color.RED) .build() } } return@StyleFactory null }
// Apply the style factory function to the feature layer. countryLayer?.setFeatureStyle(styleFactory) } }
// Get a List of place IDs from the FeatureClickEvent object. private fun getPlaceIds(features: List<Feature>): List<String> { val placeIds: MutableList<String> = ArrayList() for (feature in features) { if (feature is PlaceFeature) { placeIds.add((feature as PlaceFeature).getPlaceId()) } } return placeIds }