Implementation Overview

To implement Subscription Linking, a publisher must integrate JavaScript code to link readers on their publications' websites, and create server-side services to manage linked readers and their entitlements. Additionally, the API must be enabled in Google Cloud, and the Google Cloud project must be linked to the relevant Publisher Center publication.


  1. You have a Google Cloud Project account. This may be a previously existing account or a new one.
  2. You have a Publisher Center account with your publication already configured for subscription linking.
    1. While Subscription Linking is in Beta, you may need to request that the feature is enabled for your publication. Use this form to request access if it is not already available for your publication.
  3. Your publication's domains have been verified within Google Search Console.

Implementation Steps

In recommended order, these are the steps required to enable Subscription Linking on your site.

  1. Add structured data markup to the pages of your site.
  2. Create publisher-provided IDs (PPID) for your readers.
  3. Integrate client-side js for letting readers link their publisher account to their Google Account.
  4. Implement a server-side integration for updating entitlements for readers who have linked their account.