C++ Reference: constraint_solveri
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Collection of objects used to extend the Constraint Solver library.This file contains a set of objects that simplifies writing extensions of the library.
The main objects that define extensions are:
- BaseIntExpr, the base class of all expressions that are not variables.
- SimpleRevFIFO, a reversible FIFO list with templatized values.
A reversible data structure is a data structure that reverts its
modifications when the search is going up in the search tree, usually
after a failure occurs.
- RevImmutableMultiMap, a reversible immutable multimap.
- MakeConstraintDemon<n> and MakeDelayedConstraintDemon<n> to wrap methods
of a constraint as a demon.
- RevSwitch, a reversible flip-once switch.
- SmallRevBitSet, RevBitSet, and RevBitMatrix: reversible 1D or 2D
- LocalSearchOperator, IntVarLocalSearchOperator, ChangeValue and
PathOperator, to create new local search operators.
- LocalSearchFilter and IntVarLocalSearchFilter, to create new local
search filters.
- BaseLns, to write Large Neighborhood Search operators.
- SymmetryBreaker, to describe model symmetries that will be broken during
search using the 'Symmetry Breaking During Search' framework
see Gent, I. P., Harvey, W., & Kelsey, T. (2002).
Groups and Constraints: Symmetry Breaking During Search.
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP2002
(Vol. 2470, pp. 415-430). Springer. Retrieved from
Then, there are some internal classes that are used throughout the solver
and exposed in this file:
- SearchLog, the root class of all periodic outputs during search.
- ModelCache, A caching layer to avoid creating twice the same object.