Protocol standards

The API follows a set of HTTP API standards and supports idempotency to facilitate a more robust integration.

Google hosted URLs

The documentation for each Google-hosted method provides a base URL, which includes the method name and major version number. The complete URL is created by adding the caller's Payment Integrator Account ID to the end. For example, the documentation for the Google-hosted echo method specifies the URL:

If the caller's Payment Integrator Account ID is INTEGRATOR_1, they would add that to the end of the URL to form:

Partner hosted URLs

The documentation for each partner hosted API method provides a base URL, which includes the method name and major version number. You should not include the Payment Integrator Account ID (PIAID) in the URLs you host.

Sandbox and production environments

Google hosts Carrier Wallets APIs in both sandbox (for development and testing purposes) and production. Requests in the Google sandbox environment do not result in any real world financial liability. The sandbox and production environments are completely separate and do not share keys or transaction information.

Google expects that your sandbox is consistently available since we'll use the sandbox to first test changes and new features.

Google's sandbox base path

Google's Production base path

This guide will use the production endpoints.

Content type and encoding

Message payloads that use PGP encryption must use the content type application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8. PGP request bodies must be sent using base64url encoding, as defined in rfc4648 §5. Message payloads that use JWE encryption must use the content type application/jose; charset=utf-8. The Compact Serialization option supported by JWE/JWS handles the encoding for the final request body.

HTTP status codes

Carrier Wallets APIs are designed to return an HTTP 200 status code for all requests that can be processed by the server. This includes both successful and declined requests from the perspective of business or application logic. Requests that cannot be processed should not result in an HTTP 200 status code since they represent an error between Google and the partner. Instead, the API response should use the appropriate HTTP status codes below with an optional ErrorResponse object.

HTTP Errors And Reasons

Client specified an invalid argument.

This can also be returned if the operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution.

Use this if retries of the request cannot succeed until the system state has been explicitly fixed. For example, if a refund request fails because it references a capture that does not exist, retrying will not succeed until the capture exists in the integrators system.


The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation. For example, invalid signatures or unknown signatures should return 401.


The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.


Some requested entity such as payment or user was not found.


The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue like sequencer-check failures, transaction aborts, etc.


This code should be used in situations where an idempotency key is being reused with different parameters.


Some system resource has exhausted.


The operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).


Internal errors. This means some invariants expected by underlying system has been broken.


Operation is not implemented, supported or enabled in this service.


The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying.


Deadline expired before operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire.

Request idempotency

Request idempotency is a central strategy used in the Carrier Wallets APIs used to ensure that system interactions between Google and partners are robust and fault tolerant. Idempotent requests are requests that can potentially be sent multiple times but have the same effect as a single request. This strategy facilitates eventual consistency between systems by making retries safe, allowing our systems to coalesce into agreement on the state of the resource.

Our API leverages idempotency to:

  • reduce reconciliation issues by making all actions easily traceable and auditable.
  • prevent race conditions by ensuring that multiple identical requests from the same client do not result in a different final state.
  • minimize state by allowing requests to be understood in isolation, allowing for improved performance and throughput by removing server load caused by retention of data.
  • avoid the need for additional fields to indicate if a request is a retry


Example 1: Connectivity lost before response received


  1. Google sends a request to the integrator.
  2. The integrator server receives this request and processes it successfully.
  3. Google's server loses power prior to receiving the response in step #2.
  4. Google's server power is restored and the same request is sent with all the same parameters (same request ID and request details but updated requestTimestamp) to the integrator's server.


In this case the integrator server must reply with the same reply given at step #2 since all the parameters, except for responseTimestamp, are the same. The side-effect only occurs once, at step 2. Step 4 has no side-effect.

Example 2: Request sent to a server undergoing maintenance


  1. Integrator server's database is down for maintenance.
  2. Google sends a request to the integrator.
  3. Integrator correctly returns UNAVAILABLE status code.
  4. Google's server receives the response and schedules a retry.
  5. Integrator server's database comes back online.
  6. Google resends the request from step #2 (same request ID and request details but updated requestTimestamp). Note that the request IDs for both requests should be the same.
  7. Integrator server receives request and returns an OK status code along with full response.


In this case the integrator server must process the request in step #7 and not return HTTP 503 (UNAVAILABLE). Instead, the integrator server should fully process the request and return OK with appropriate messaging. Note that while the system is UNAVAILABLE Google may make repeated requests similar to step #2. Each request should result in a message similar to step #3. Eventually, step #6 and step #7 will occur.

Example 3: Retried message does not match initial message due to recovery error


  1. Google sends a request to the integrator.
  2. The integrator server receives this request and processes it successfully.
  3. Google's server loses power prior to receiving the response in step #2.
  4. Google's server power is restored and attempts to send the same request but unfortunately some of the parameters are different.


In this case the integrator server should reply with an HTTP 412 (PRECONDITION FAILED) error code which denotes to Google that there is an error in this system.