- HTTP request
- Request body
- Response body
- PaymentLookupCriteria
- ArnCriteria
- GoogleTransactionReferenceNumberCriteria
- RequestOriginator
- Amount
- FraudClassification
- Fraudulent
- FraudType
- NotFraudulent
- PaymentDisputeReasonCode
- RawResult
- RefundIssuer
- RequestProactiveRefundResponse
- Result
- NotRefunded
- DecisionReason
- Refunded
- AcquirerShouldRefund
Request that a transaction (possibly) be proactively refunded because a chargeback dispute is about to be filed against it.
HTTP request
POST https://vgw.googleapis.com/gsp/chargeback-alert-v1/requestProactiveRefund/:PIAID
Request body
The request body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation |
{ "requestHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
requestHeader |
REQUIRED: Common header for all requests. |
paymentIntegratorAccountId |
REQUIRED: The payment integrator account identifier that identifies the caller and associated contractual constraints for this interaction. |
paymentLookupCriteria |
REQUIRED: Criteria indicating the payment that is to be looked up for this inquiry. |
requestOriginator |
REQUIRED: Information about the organization or organizational sub-group that originated this request. |
amount |
REQUIRED: The requested refund amount. |
fraudClassification |
REQUIRED: Whether the vendor considers the original transaction to be fraudulent. |
reasonCode |
REQUIRED: The reason for the chargeback alert. |
rawResult |
OPTIONAL: Raw result of this chargeback alert. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In chargeback code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact chargeback code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the |
refundIssuer |
REQUIRED: Which party is responsible for issuing a refund. |
Response body
This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse
, consult the ErrorResponse
object and HTTP status codes documentation.
Possible response messages | |
HTTP 200 Status |
HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status |
Container for criteria that can uniquely lookup a payment. One (and only one) member field must be populated.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field criteria . REQUIRED: The criteria for finding the payments. Exactly one member must be set. criteria can be only one of the following: |
arnCriteria |
Lookup based on Acquirer Reference Number (ARN). |
googleTransactionReferenceNumberCriteria |
Lookup based on the Google Transaction Reference Number. |
Payment lookup criteria based on Acquirer Reference Number (ARN).
JSON representation |
{ "acquirerReferenceNumber": string, "authorizationCode": string } |
Fields | |
acquirerReferenceNumber |
REQUIRED: The Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) that uniquely identifies the payment. Must be 23-24 digits long. |
authorizationCode |
REQUIRED: The Authorization Code for the transaction. |
Payment lookup criteria based on the Google-generated Transaction Reference Number.
JSON representation |
{ "googleTransactionReferenceNumber": string, "authorizationCode": string } |
Fields | |
googleTransactionReferenceNumber |
REQUIRED: The Google-generated Transaction Reference Number that uniquely identifies the payment. |
authorizationCode |
REQUIRED: The Authorization Code for the transaction. |
Information about the organization or organizational sub-group, and optionally the employee, from which this request originated. This allows Google to identify issues or abuse and implement controls at a finer-grained level than the paymentIntegratorAccountId
. It is especially valuable when the caller is an intermediary service provider that sources requests from multiple external clients.
JSON representation |
{ "organizationId": string, "organizationDescription": string } |
Fields | |
organizationId |
REQUIRED: An identifier of the company, organization, or organizational group from which this request originated. Must be unique within this |
organizationDescription |
REQUIRED: A human-readable name or description of the organization that can be used to ease communication between employees of Google and the integrator regarding that organization. |
Associates an amount in micros with a currency code.
JSON representation |
{ "amountMicros": string, "currencyCode": string } |
Fields | |
amountMicros |
REQUIRED: An amount in micros. |
currencyCode |
REQUIRED: ISO 4217 3-letter currency code |
Container for whether or not the vendor considers the original transaction fraudulent. One (and only one) member field must be present.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field classification . ** REQUIRED**: Exactly one of these fields must be set. classification can be only one of the following: |
fraudulent |
The original transaction was fraudulent. |
notFraudulent |
The original transaction was not fraudulent. |
Details for a transaction that was fraudulent.
JSON representation |
"fraudType": enum ( |
Fields | |
fraudType |
REQUIRED: The type of Fraud. |
Enums | |
Do not ever set this default value! |
Use was not authorized. |
Account owner did not knowingly participate in a transaction. |
The instrument was reported as lost by the account holder at the time of the transaction. |
The instrument was reported as comprimised by the account holder at the time of the transaction. |
The transaction was not authorized by the account holder. |
The user did not apply for this account or provided false details. |
A card was reported as not received by the cardholder at the time of the transaction. |
Unrecognized or unmapped type. |
The cardholder was manipulated by a fraudster to provide payment in good-faith, to an account the cardholder believes belongs to a legitimate payee. |
The cardholder was deliberately misled by the merchant. |
This type has no fields.
Details for a transaction that was not fraudulent.
Enums | |
Do not ever set this default value! |
Fraudulent transaction. |
Fraudulent transaction made by a family member, friend, or member of the household. |
Suspicious transaction. |
The user does not recognize the charge on their bill. |
The user was told they would get a refund but they never got it. |
The user was charged twice for the same purchase. |
The user canceled a subscription but was still charged. |
User input error. |
User didn't have sufficient funds. |
Item was never delivered. |
Merchandise was defective or not as described. |
The user received the wrong merchandise. |
The user was charged for and received merchandise they did not order. |
Missing or unclear signal. This should be used when the reason is unknown. |
Other reasons that are not relevant as risk is concerned. Should be used if the reason is known but does not fit in a currently defined reason. |
The amount that was charged to the user was not the amount they expected. |
The user was charged for a transaction that they had already paid for by some other means, such as a different instrument. |
The transaction was not submitted in time for processing. |
Raw result object.
JSON representation |
{ "scope": string, "rawCode": string } |
Fields | |
scope |
OPTIONAL: Scope of the rawCode, can be empty. |
rawCode |
REQUIRED: Raw code from the integrator or subsystems within it. |
Which party is responsible for issuing a refund.
Enums | |
Do not ever set this default value! |
The Merchant (Google) is responsible for issuing the refund. |
The Acquirer is responsible for initiating the refund. |
Response payload for the requestProactiveRefund
JSON representation |
{ "responseHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
responseHeader |
REQUIRED: Common header for all responses. |
result |
REQUIRED: The result of the proactive refund request. |
A container for the response details. Exactly one member field must be populated.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field result . REQUIRED: The type of result. Exactly one of the values must be set. result can be only one of the following: |
notRefunded |
The transaction was not and should not be refunded. |
refunded |
Google refunded the transaction. |
acquirerShouldRefund |
The acquirer should refund the transaction. |
Details of why the transaction was not refunded.
JSON representation |
"decisionReason": enum ( |
Fields | |
decisionReason |
REQUIRED: The reason why the transaction was not and should not be refunded. |
The reason for the decision not to refund the transaction.
Enums | |
Do not ever set this default value! |
The transaction was previously refunded. |
The transaction was previously charged back. |
The requested refund amount exceeds the original transaction amount by more than the allowed amount. |
Some other reason not covered by the other values. |
Google refunded the transaction.
JSON representation |
"amount": {
object ( |
Fields | |
amount |
REQUIRED: The amount refunded. This may differ from the requested amount if, for example, the amount requested exceeded that of the original transaction. |
The acquirer should refund the transaction.
JSON representation |
"amount": {
object ( |
Fields | |
amount |
REQUIRED: The amount that should refunded. This may differ from the requested amount if, for example, the amount requested exceeded that of the original transaction. |