Service level agreements

Google enforces several Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure a reliable and responsive user experience. Examples of common Google Standard Payments SLAs and how they are measured are provided here.

Example SLAs

System availability

Example terms

The Payment Integrator shall make their Systems available to Google for 99.9% of requests over any 24 hour period (per API method).

The System shall be considered unavailable for a given request if System fails to respond to a valid API request with a valid API response within 7 seconds as measured by Google after a well-formed transactional packet has been sent to the Payment Integrator.

The measurement period will be defined as one hour if more than 1000 API request are sent to a given API method over the course of an hour. If fewer than 1000 API requests are sent to a given API method per hour, the measurement period will be defined as the 24 hour period from midnight to midnight (UTC). Any calls sent during a scheduled maintenance period will be ignored when calculating the System availability SLA.

Example evaluation

System availability is then calculated as follows (for each API method):



Example terms

The System responds to 95% of API requests within 5 seconds, and 90% of API requests within 3 seconds over any one hour period (per API method).

The measurement period will be defined as one hour if more than 1000 API request are sent to a given API method over the course of an hour. If fewer than 1000 API requests are sent to a given API method per hour, the measurement period will be defined as the 24 hour period from midnight to midnight (UTC). Any calls sent during a scheduled maintenance period will be ignored when calculating the Latency SLA.

Example evaluation

Latency is measuring the time it takes for the Payment Integrator's System to respond to a Google API request sent while the system is available. Therefore, latency is calculated as follows:
