

Google Standard Payments supports redirect-based Forms of Payment (FOPs). A redirect FOP enables users of Google's products or services to pay for these in an external entity's web interface. At a high level, a user who wants to pay for goods is initially redirected to a payment integrator or to an issuer that is available through a payment integrator. If the user is redirected to the integrator, the integrator should forward the user to the issuer's web interface to complete the purchase. Once the payment is completed, the user should be redirected back to Google via the integrator.

Google uses two main flows to complete a redirect FOP payment:

  1. Initiate redirect: There are two different flows that can initiate a redirect payment. The payment integrator should only implement one of these options:
    • Begin Redirect flow: Initiates a payment by redirecting the user to the payment integrator.
    • Generate Redirect Payment Url flow: Google initiates a payment by sending a server-to-server request to the payment integrator to generate a redirect payment URL. Based on the response, Google redirects the user directly to the issuer.
  2. Complete Redirect flow: Once the user completes the purchase, the integrator uses this flow to confirm the payment with Google.

Finally, all movement of money between the integrator’s bank and Google’s bank is done in the remittance flow.

Redirect FOP overview

The following figure illustrates a broad overview of the flows:

Redirect FOP Overview Diagram

At a high level, adding your service as a form of payment to Google products involves these flows:

  1. Initiate Redirect:
  2. Complete Redirect flow
  3. Refund flow
  4. Remittance flow

Concepts and terminology

Key flows

Begin Redirect flow

The first step in a redirect payment is the Begin Redirect flow. The purpose of the Begin Redirect flow is to redirect the user, via the integrator, to their chosen issuer's web interface so they can authorize a payment. Upon redirect, Google provides basic transaction information to the integrator, which in turn forwards it to the issuer.

For more information, see the Begin Redirect flow section.

Complete Redirect flow

Once the user is in the issuer's web interface, they should perform all the necessary steps to complete a payment (these steps can change depending on the issuer). As part of the Complete Redirect flow, the issuer should redirect the user back to the integrator with information about the successful payment. The integrator will in turn redirect the user back to Google, including payment details as part of the redirect response. Once payment is confirmed, Google will provide the purchased goods or services to the user.

For more information, see the Complete Redirect flow section.