Revision History

Revision History

One Time Payment Code v1 Specification Revision History

This is a revision history noting significant changes to the One Time Payment Code APIs.

Date API Version Change Description APIs Impacted
2023-08-07 1.0.10 Add asynchronous refund API. All
2023-07-31 1.0.9 Added amount field to ReferenceNumberPaidNotificationRequest. Google-hosted
2022-11-15 1.0.8 Make legal address optional. Integrator-hosted
2022-11-07 1.0.7 Added total_withholding_taxes field to RemittanceStatementDetailsResponse. remittanceStatementDetails
2022-09-27 1.0.6 Add network specific identifier. All
2021-09-30 1.0.5 Update comment for reference number field. Google-hosted
2021-09-29 1.0.4 Move base path concept to host string on Overview pages. Add basePath field and drop http scheme from OpenAPI spec files. All
2021-09-28 1.0.3 Deduplicate v1 Request and Response headers on ErrorResponse. All
2021-09-23 1.0.2 Update displayable_reference_number. Integrator-hosted
2021-09-21 1.0.1 Add displayable_reference_number to GenerateReferenceNumberResponse. Integrator-hosted
2021-09-07 1.0.0 Create stand-alone documentation site for refundable-one-time-payment-code-v1. All