Launch process and certification

Once development nears completion, you and Google can start the certification and launch process.


Certification occurs in two phases:

Once certification is complete and both parties are satisfied with the integration, launch can occur.

Integration testing

The purpose of integration testing is to verify that all Virtual Cards APIs requests and responses are handled correctly. The list of tests expected can be found in the test cases section.

Tests are performed in two environments:

  • Google sandbox -> Integrator sandbox
  • Google prod -> Integrator prod

If you have not yet exchanged production information such as keys and API domain, submit the VCN integration request form to connect with Google in the production environment.


Dogfooding allows you and Google to test real world end user experience.

Dogfood testing must occur in both the Integrator's and Google's production environment and typically occurs for two weeks before launch.

By the end of dogfood all launch blocking issues should be resolved and the dogfood can be extended if additional testing or fixes need to occur.

Once Integration testing and Dogfood phases have been successfully completed the certification is complete.


In order to launch, you and Google need to give approval for launch.

It starts with a 1% roll out and rolling out to 100% typically takes one month.