- HTTP request
- Request body
- Response body
- MerchantDetails
- RetrieveVirtualCardNumberRiskSignals
- ChallengeResultDetails
- ChallengeResult
- OtpChallengeResult
- CardSecurityCodeChallengeResult
- RetrieveVirtualCardNumberResponse
- RetrieveVirtualCardNumberResult
- RetrieveVirtualCardNumberSuccessResult
- VerifiableMinimumRequiredCardInfo
- ChallengeRequiredDeclinedResult
- ChallengeOption
- SmsOtpChallengeOption
- EmailOtpChallengeOption
- CardSecurityCodeChallengeOption
- CardSecurityCodeType
- ChallengeResultInvalidDeclinedResult
- ChallengeResultExpiredDeclinedResult
- ChallengeResultRetryExceededDeclinedResult
Retrieves a virtual card number for a card enrolled in Virtual Cards.
An example request looks like this:
"requestHeader": {
"protocolVersion": {
"major": 1
"requestId": "BKD0GF23KSD8S23",
"requestTimestamp": {
"epochMillis": "1481899949606"
"paymentIntegratorAccountId": "abcdef123456"
"enrollmentRequestId": "G1MQ0YERJ0Q7LPM",
"merchantDetails": {
"merchantDomainName": "https://www.gap.com"
"riskSignals": {
"commonRiskSignals": {
"environmentalDetails": {
"ipAddress": "",
"actionContext": "NATIVE_APP",
"deviceGeoLocation": {
"latitudeE7": "396317000",
"longitudeE7": "-86733000"
"physicalDetails": {
"deviceToAccountBindingId": "0bba7f1e4a83ab4fdd77f5ebd6bd4495905f36db9c7c6e638833721e181bd837",
"devicePhoneNumberLastFour": "1234",
"deviceAccountAge": "LESS_THAN_SEVEN_DAYS",
"android": {},
"devicePlatformAuthenticatorEnabled": {}
"googleAccountDetails": {
"accountAndCardNameMatch": {},
"customerPhoneNumberLastFour": "1234",
"autofillPaymentMethodAttempts": "42",
"numberOfBillingLastNames": "7"
"googleRiskAssessment": {
"deviceRiskScore": "DEVICE_RISK_SCORE_MEDIUM",
"accountRiskScore": "ACCOUNT_RISK_SCORE_HIGH"
"challengeRecommended": {}
An example challengeRequired
response looks like this:
"responseHeader": {
"responseTimestamp": {
"epochMillis": "1481899950236"
"result": {
"challengeRequired": {
"challengeOptions": [
"challengeOptionId": "ALFKJSG2352",
"platformAuthentication": {}
"challengeOptionId": "KLHL252LKJJ",
"smsOtp": {
"maskedPhoneNumber": "(***)-***-1212"
"challengeOptionId": "QJF3295JGSA",
"smsOtp": {
"maskedPhoneNumber": "(***)-***-3434"
"challengeOptionId": "GCAO261QRTS",
"emailOtp": {
"maskedEmailAddress": "a***b@gmail.com"
"challengeOptionId": "BQT3143SAF1",
"emailOtp": {
"maskedEmailAddress": "c***d@gmail.com"
"challengeOptionId": "SKDZ384SJDID",
"cardSecurityCode": {
"cardSecurityCodeType": "CARD_SECURITY_CODE_TYPE_CVV2",
"maxVerificationAttempts": "3"
An example request with challenge results looks like this:
"requestHeader": {
"protocolVersion": {
"major": 1
"requestId": "BKD0GF23KSD8S23",
"requestTimestamp": {
"epochMillis": "1481899949606"
"paymentIntegratorAccountId": "abcdef123456"
"enrollmentRequestId": "G1MQ0YERJ0Q7LPM",
"merchantDetails": {
"merchantDomainName": "https://www.gap.com"
"riskSignals": {
"commonRiskSignals": {
"environmentalDetails": {
"ipAddress": "",
"actionContext": "NATIVE_APP",
"deviceGeoLocation": {
"latitudeE7": "396317000",
"longitudeE7": "-86733000"
"physicalDetails": {
"deviceToAccountBindingId": "0bba7f1e4a83ab4fdd77f5ebd6bd4495905f36db9c7c6e638833721e181bd837",
"devicePhoneNumberLastFour": "1234",
"deviceAccountAge": "LESS_THAN_SEVEN_DAYS",
"android": {},
"devicePlatformAuthenticatorEnabled": {}
"googleAccountDetails": {
"accountAndCardNameMatch": {},
"customerPhoneNumberLastFour": "1234",
"autofillPaymentMethodAttempts": "42",
"numberOfBillingLastNames": "7"
"googleRiskAssessment": {
"deviceRiskScore": "DEVICE_RISK_SCORE_MEDIUM",
"accountRiskScore": "ACCOUNT_RISK_SCORE_HIGH"
"challengeRecommended": {}
"challengeResultDetails": {
"challengeResults": [
"platformAuthentication": {}
"otp": {
"oneTimePassword": "111111"
"cardSecurityCode": {
"cardSecurityCode": "123"
An example success response looks like this:
"responseHeader": {
"responseTimestamp": {
"epochMillis": "1481899950236"
"result": {
"success" :{
"virtualCard": {
"accountNumber": {
"value": "2222444466668888"
"expiryDate": {
"expiryMonth": "09",
"expiryYear": "26"
"cvn": "246"
For an overview of the challenge flow, see yellow path retrieval diagrams.
HTTP request
POST https://www.integratorhost.example.com/integrator-base-path/virtual-cards-v1/retrieveVirtualCardNumber
Request body
The request body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation |
{ "requestHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
requestHeader |
REQUIRED: Common header for all requests. |
enrollmentRequestId |
REQUIRED: A reference to an earlier enrollment request. Specifically, the identifier set in the This is a string that has a maximum length of 100 characters. |
merchantDetails |
REQUIRED: Details about the merchant that will accept the virtual card number. |
riskSignals |
REQUIRED: The risk signals used by the vendor to make a risk assessment. |
challengeResultDetails |
OPTIONAL Challenge result information, provided after the user completes any requested challenges. The presence indicates the user has completed, or attempted to complete a given challenge. |
Response body
This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse
, consult the ErrorResponse
object and HTTP status codes documentation.
Possible response messages | |
HTTP 200 Status |
HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status |
Details about a merchant that will accept the virtual card.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field merchantOrigin . The origin of the merchant. Exactly one must be set. merchantOrigin can be only one of the following: |
appPackageName |
The merchant's app package name where the virtual card number will be used. |
merchantDomainName |
The merchant's domain from the web URL where the virtual card number will be used. |
Information used by the vendor to make risk assessment about a virtual card number retrieval.
JSON representation |
{ "commonRiskSignals": { object ( |
Fields | |
commonRiskSignals |
REQUIRED Common request risk signals. |
Union field RecommendationDecision can be only one of the following: |
challengeNotRecommended |
The user should not be challenged. |
challengeRecommended |
The user should be challenged. |
Information on any challenge results submitted with the request.
JSON representation |
"challengeResults": [
object ( |
Fields | |
challengeResults[] |
REQUIRED The list of challenge results. |
Details about a specific challenge result.
JSON representation |
{ "challengeOptionId": string, // Union field |
Fields | |
challengeOptionId |
REQUIRED: The globally unique reference identifying a specific challenge option. This is a string that has a maximum length of 100 characters. Valid characters: [ |
Union field challenge_option_details . The challenge-specific details. Exactly one must be set. challenge_option_details can be only one of the following: |
platformAuthentication |
A platform authentication verified by Google. |
otp |
An OTP result received from an out-of-band communication. |
cardSecurityCode |
A card security code input by the user. |
The result details of an OTP challenge.
JSON representation |
{ "oneTimePassword": string } |
Fields | |
oneTimePassword |
REQUIRED The OTP as submitted by the user for verification. The format is 6-digit numerical. |
The result details of a card security code challenge.
JSON representation |
{ "cardSecurityCode": string } |
Fields | |
cardSecurityCode |
REQUIRED The card security code as submitted by the user for verification. The format is 3-5 numerical digits. |
Response object for the retrieveVirtualCardNumber
JSON representation |
{ "responseHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
responseHeader |
REQUIRED: Common header for all responses. |
result |
REQUIRED: Contains the result of the request. |
Details corresponding to the result.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field result . Contains the possible result types. Exactly one must be set. result can be only one of the following: |
success |
The request to |
riskDeclined |
Declined for risk reasons. |
cardIneligible |
Declined because the given enrollment is ineligible to retrieve a virtual card number. |
challengeRequired |
The payment integrator requires a challenge to retrieve the virtual card number. |
challengeResultInvalid |
A provided challenge result has an invalid value. |
challengeResultExpired |
A provided challenge result exceeded the time limit. |
challengeResultVerificationLimitExceeded |
A provided challenge result exceeded the retry limit. |
Details about the success result.
JSON representation |
"virtualCard": {
object ( |
Fields | |
virtualCard |
REQUIRED: Contains the virtual card number information. |
FPAN representation of a card with an expiration date. Includes CVN.
JSON representation |
{ "accountNumber": { object ( |
Fields | |
accountNumber |
REQUIRED: The account number itself (i.e., the FPAN). |
expiryDate |
REQUIRED: Expiration date, month and year. |
cvn |
REQUIRED: The card verification number (CVN) for the given This is a string of 3-4 digits. |
Details about a challenge required result.
JSON representation |
"challengeOptions": [
object ( |
Fields | |
challengeOptions[] |
REQUIRED a list of challenges the user can complete in order to authenticate. |
Details about a specific challenge option the user can complete in order to authenticate.
JSON representation |
{ "challengeOptionId": string, // Union field |
Fields | |
challengeOptionId |
REQUIRED: The globally unique reference identifying a specific challenge option. This is a string that has a maximum length of 100 characters. Valid characters: [ |
Union field challenge_option_details . The challenge-specific details. Exactly one must be set. challenge_option_details can be only one of the following: |
platformAuthentication |
A platform authentication verified by Google. |
smsOtp |
A one-time password transmitted via SMS. |
emailOtp |
A one-time password transmitted via email. |
cardSecurityCode |
A verification of a security code printed on the user's card. |
A one-time password transmitted via SMS.
JSON representation |
{ "maskedPhoneNumber": string } |
Fields | |
maskedPhoneNumber |
REQUIRED The masked phone number the SMS OTP will be sent to. If the user has multiple phone numbers that can be used for SMS OTP challenges, partners should return multiple The phone number masking format is: "[()*-]*[0-9]{4}" - The last four digits are displayed. - The remaining digits are replaced with the character '*'. - The characters "-" "(" and ")"are allowed for formatting. ex: "(***)-***-1234". |
A one-time password transmitted via email.
JSON representation |
{ "maskedEmailAddress": string } |
Fields | |
maskedEmailAddress |
REQUIRED The masked email address the email OTP will be sent to. If the user has multiple email addresses that can be used for email OTP challenges, partners should return multiple Three asterisks should be used to mask the characters between the first and last characters of the email address username. Fewer asterisks should be used for usernames shorter than 5 characters. Examples:
A verification of a security code printed on the user's card.
JSON representation |
"maxVerificationAttempts": string,
"cardSecurityCodeType": enum ( |
Fields | |
maxVerificationAttempts |
REQUIRED The maximum number of times a card security code can be submitted for verification for this challenge option. |
cardSecurityCodeType |
REQUIRED: The type of the card security code that is being requested from the user. |
The type of the card security code.
Enums | |
The security code is a CVV2. This is also known as the CVN, CVV, CVC, CID, etc. |
The security code is a 3CSC. For example, the 3-digit code on the back of American Express cards. |
The security code is an XID. For example, the 5 digit code on the back of Discover cards. |
Details about an invalid challenge response result.
JSON representation |
{ "challengeOptionId": string } |
Fields | |
challengeOptionId |
REQUIRED: The challenge option ID of the invalid challenge response. |
Details about a challenge response expired result.
JSON representation |
{ "challengeOptionId": string } |
Fields | |
challengeOptionId |
REQUIRED: The challenge option ID of the invalid challenge response. |
Details about a challenge response retry exceeded result.
JSON representation |
{ "challengeOptionId": string } |
Fields | |
challengeOptionId |
REQUIRED: The challenge option ID of the invalid challenge response. |