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FedCM 更新:Chrome 133 中滤除的账号界面发生变化
在 Chrome 133 中推出了新的 FedCM 界面,用于显示已滤除的账号。
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- Federated Credential Management API
FedCM 更新:Chrome 132 中的模式、使用其他账号和接续功能。
Chrome 132 引入了多项 FedCM 更新,包括用于更好地控制用户的 Mode API,以及用于实现灵活的多步登录流程的 Continuation API。
- Web
- Federated Credential Management API
Android WebView 上的用户代理缩减
Android WebView 将采取后续措施,减少“用户代理”字符串中提供的信息,以更好地保护用户隐私。此次变更生效后,依赖于 User-Agent 字符串获取特定信息的网站和服务可能需要采取行动。本文介绍了相关背景信息,包括所发生的情况、WebView 为何进行这项更改,以及您可以采取哪些措施进行准备。
FedCM:Chrome 131 中 Storage Access API 的信任信号
Chrome 131 将 Storage Access API 与 FedCM 集成,其中 FedCM 用作信任信号来自动授予存储空间访问权限。
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- Federated Credential Management API
- Storage Access API
- 博客
FedCM 更新:桌面设备上的 Multi IdP API、Android 源试用版 Chrome 的 Button Mode API 和接续包
Chrome 128 会在桌面设备上启动 Multi IdP API 的源试用,并会启动 Android 版 Chrome 的 Button Mode API 和接续包功能源试用。
- Web
- Federated Credential Management API
针对第三方 Cookie 弃用试用宽限期的选择停用机制
对于参与任一第三方 Cookie 弃用试用活动的网站,Chrome 会提供宽限期,供其暂时重新启用第三方 Cookie。在宽限期内,即使网站尚未部署试用令牌,也能在 Chrome 中访问第三方 Cookie。Chrome 现在提供了一种机制,可让网站为一定比例的用户退出宽限期。
FedCM 更新:针对 Continuation API 软件包和 Storage Access API 自动授权的源试用
Chrome 126 开始针对 Continuation API 软件包和 Storage Access API 自动授权进行源试用
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- Federated Credential Management API
Chrome 的第三方 Cookie 弃用试用:宽限期的变化
自 2024 年 7 月 1 日起,已注册试用某个第三方 Cookie 的网站和服务将有 60 天的宽限期来部署试用令牌(自试用注册获得批准后算起)。
对于需要时间来适应第三方存储空间、Service Worker 和通信 API 分区的网站,我们延长了弃用试用期限,让它们能够暂时保持其第三方存储空间、Service Worker 和通信 API 的分区状态。
2024 年 Google I/O 大会上的 Privacy Sandbox
Privacy Sandbox 团队在 2024 年 Google I/O 大会上分享了关于弃用第三方 Cookie 的最新资讯
FedCM 更新:Button Mode API 源试用、CORS 和 SameSite
Chrome 125 开始针对 Button Mode API 进行源试用,并更新了 CORS 和 SameSite。
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- Federated Credential Management API
FedCM 更新:Domain Hint API
Chrome 123 引入了 FedCM Domain Hint API。借助 Domain Hint API,开发者可以仅显示他们接受的网域中的联合登录账号,从而提供更好的用户体验。
- Web
- Federated Credential Management API
FedCM 更新:解除 API 和两项更新的关联
Chrome 122 引入了 FedCM Disconnect API 和两项更新。Disconnect API 可让浏览器终止 RP 与 IdP 之间的连接。
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- Federated Credential Management API
参加 Privacy Sandbox 咨询交流时间第 12 期:了解 Chrome 协助测试
第 12 期 Privacy Sandbox 咨询交流时间活动专门介绍 Chrome 协助测试,届时我们会提供 Privacy Sandbox 测试人员的一些最新动态,并与产品和技术负责人一起回答您的问题。
1% 的 Chrome 用户默认限制使用第三方 Cookie
如果您的网站使用了第三方 Cookie,请在我们即将弃用这些 Cookie 时采取措施。从 2024 年 1 月 4 日起,第三方 Cookie 将默认为 1% 的用户受到限制,以方便测试,而我们计划在 2024 年第 3 季度起向 100% 的用户全面开放测试。
参与通过 Storage Access API 进行非 Cookie 存储访问的源试用
Chrome 已提议让第三方通过 Storage Access API 请求存储或通信访问权限(使用 Cookie 和非 Cookie)。
通过试用第三方 Cookie 来申请延长迁移时间
为方便测试,Chrome 已默认为 1% 的 Chrome 用户限制第三方 Cookie。Chrome 计划从 2024 年第 3 季度开始逐步扩大对第三方 Cookie 的限制,但要解决英国竞争和市场管理局的所有剩余竞争问题。为帮助您更轻松地完成此流程,我们提供了第三方弃用试用选项,让嵌入式网站和服务可以请求更多时间,以便从第三方 Cookie 依赖项中迁移至非广告用例。
为停用第三方 Cookie 做好准备
如果您的网站使用了第三方 Cookie,请在我们即将弃用这些 Cookie 时采取措施。为方便测试,Chrome 自 2024 年 1 月 4 日起已限制 1% 的用户使用第三方 Cookie。Chrome 计划从 2024 年第 3 季度开始逐步扩大对第三方 Cookie 的限制,但要解决英国竞争和市场管理局的所有剩余竞争问题。在此 Cookie 倒计时系列中,我们将向您介绍时间表和立即采取措施,以确保您的网站准备就绪。
FedCM 更新:IdP Sign-In Status API、登录提示等
Chrome 116 不仅包含 Login Hint API、User Info API 和 RP Context API 等新的 FedCM 功能,还开始试用 IdP Sign-In Status API 的源试用。
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- Federated Credential Management API
参与未分区的第三方存储、Service Worker 和 Communications API 的弃用试用
从 Chrome 115 开始,存储空间、Service Worker 和通信 API 将逐步在第三方上下文中划分。对于需要时间来适应这项新功能的网站,这些弃用试用将使他们能够暂时不对第三方存储空间、Service Worker 和通信 API 进行分区。
为 Chrome 的用户代理减少功能做好准备
从 Chrome 110(2023 年 2 月)开始,我们将逐步为 Android 版本和设备型号引入固定值:型号“K”的默认值将始终为“Android 10”。
适用于 Chrome 和 Android 的 FLEDGE 服务
FLEDGE 是一种 Privacy Sandbox 提案,可满足再营销和自定义受众群体用例的需求,因此第三方无法使用它来跨网站跟踪用户浏览行为。
具有独立状态 (CHIPS) 源试用的 Cookie 延长了
CHIPS 是一种 Privacy Sandbox 提案,它引入了一种机制,用于选择使用按顶级网站划分的第三方 Cookie。从 Chrome 100 开始的源试用现在可在 Chrome 106 上试用,一直持续到 2022 年 10 月 25 日。
Privacy Sandbox 的进展(2022 年 3 月至 4 月)
进行了更新,其中包括纳入多个可供源试用的 API:用于分区 Cookie 和归因报告、FLEDGE 和 Topics 的 CHIPS,这是 Privacy Sandbox 相关性和效果衡量合并试用的一部分。
测试 Privacy Sandbox 广告相关性和效果衡量 API
了解开发者测试和即将进行的源试用,从而跨 Privacy Sandbox 相关性和衡量 API(Topics、FLEDGE 和 Attribution Reporting)进行统一实验。
具有独立分区状态 (CHIPS) 源试用的 Cookie
从 Chrome 100 开始,CHIPS 源试用支持在“分区”存储中选择 Cookie,并为每个顶级网站使用单独的 Cookie JAR。分区 Cookie 可由第三方服务设置,但只能在最初设置它们的顶级网站的上下文中读取。
Privacy Sandbox 的进展(2022 年 1 月/2 月)
更新包括:Privacy Sandbox on Android、CHIPS 源试用、减少用户代理、新的 Topics 提案以及 FLEDGE 和归因报告方面的重大更新。
Protected Audience API 是一项 Privacy Sandbox 提案,可满足再营销和自定义受众群体用例的需求,因此第三方无法使用它来跨网站跟踪用户浏览行为。
Privacy Sandbox 的进展(2021 年 10 月)
Privacy Sandbox 新闻的每月摘要,包括更名的 Federated Credentials Management API 和 W3C TPAC 会话。
[OUTDATED] First-Party Set 和 SameParty 属性
当第一方和第三方有不同的处理方式时,First-Party Set 可让同一实体拥有并运营的相关域名被视为第一方域名。
Shared Storage and Select URL updates: cross-origin worklets, and saved queries
Chrome introduces Shared Storage updates including support for cross-origin worklet scripts and updates to the Select URL API with Shared Storage in Chrome 132 with the support of saved queries.
- Web
- Shared Storage API
Validating the security of the Aggregation Service
Sharing updates on the Aggregation Service coordinators, and results of an independent security assessment.
Third-party cookie site compatibility lookup tool
Chrome is providing a lookup service to show how third-party cookie availability is affected by Chrome's third-party cookie grace period, and grace period opt-out configuration.
Privacy Sandbox response to IAB Tech Lab's Fit Gap Analysis for Digital Advertising
We're responding because we believe that it's important to listen to what IAB Tech Lab is presenting and that the ecosystem has the most up to date, accurate information.
Join the Privacy Sandbox Office Hours: Private State Tokens
Register for the upcoming Private State Tokens Office Hours. Coming on the 27th February in Portuguese and 6th March in English.
Introducing the Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool (PSAT)
Announcing the Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool, a DevTools extension with specialized capabilities to help developers deal with the deprecation of third-party cookies and adoption of alternative APIs.
Related Website Sets - the new name for First-Party Sets in Chrome 117
Related Website Sets (RWS) is the new name for First-Party Sets. It also brings increased flexibility in defining sets.
Introducing Privacy Sandbox Demos
Privacy Sandbox Demos offer cookbook recipes, sample code, and demo applications, based on Privacy Sandbox APIs.
Enhancements to the Topics API
Updates to top topics selection, the Topics taxonomy and filtering mechanisms, along with speed improvements and enhanced user controls.
Preparing to ship the Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs
General availability for these APIs begins in late July with Chrome Stable 115.
Developer enrollment for the Privacy Sandbox
A new process to new verify developer identity and gather configuration details for the Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs, across Chrome and Android.
Privacy Sandbox for the web: Expanding testing into 2023
Testing takes time. We're taking a deliberate approach to testing the Privacy Sandbox for the web. The APIs are available for functional testing through origin trials sets the stage for expanded testing in 2023—including live traffic end-to-end experiments—with a focus on understanding ecosystem outcomes and the real-world impact of transitioning away from third-party cookies.
Increasing the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial to 5%
This week, no sooner than October 26, we'll begin increasing the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial population towards 5% of Chrome Stable users.
Prepare for User-Agent Reduction changes in October
In October, Chrome will take the next step in reducing the information available in the browser's User-Agent string, to improve privacy for users. With this change, websites and services that rely on the User-Agent string for certain information may need to take action. This post gives some background on what's happening, why Chrome is making this change, and what you can do to prepare.
Expanding Privacy Sandbox testing
As the Privacy Sandbox timeline changes, learn about the expanding and extending the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial and how you can test and give feedback to shape the future of the APIs.
Progress in the Privacy Sandbox (May - June 2022)
Updates including including an expanded Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement trial for Attribution Reporting, FLEDGE, Topics, fenced frames, and Shared Storage. We've published the 2022 Q1 feedback summary report along with hosting more developer Office Hours.
Generate summary reports with the aggregation service
Experiment and set up the aggregation service to generate Attribution Reporting summary reports.
Join Privacy Sandbox developer office hours #1: learn about Chrome Origin Trials
Join the Google Chrome team in our Privacy Sandbox office hours, where developers testing and integrating the Privacy Sandbox technologies can ask questions of Chrome tech leads.
User-Agent Reduction deprecation trial
Starting from Chrome 101, the information available in the User-Agent string will be reduced. Sites that haven't had time to migrate away from using the reduced User-Agent string can take part in a deprecation trial to continue receiving the full User-Agent string.
User-Agent Reduction origin trial
Starting in Chrome 95 Beta, an origin trial allowed sites to opt into receiving the reduced user agent string, which will contain only the browser's brand and significant version, its desktop or mobile distinction, and the platform it's running on.
Progress in the Privacy Sandbox (August 2021)
First in the series of monthly summaries for changes across the Privacy Sandbox proposals. Share your feedback on this first edition so we can improve as we go.
Progress update on the Privacy Sandbox initiative
The Privacy Sandbox proposes a set of privacy-preserving APIs to support business models that fund the open web in the absence of tracking mechanisms like third-party cookies. This post provides an update on the status of the APIs and proposals.
How to participate in the Privacy Sandbox initiative
The Privacy Sandbox proposes a set of privacy-preserving APIs to support business models that fund the open web in the absence of tracking mechanisms like third-party cookies. This post explains how to participate.