Public tester list of the Privacy Sandbox on Android

The Privacy Sandbox relies on companies and organizations adopting the technologies and collaborating.

The following table highlights Android partners participating in testing. If you would like your company to be listed alongside these testers, fill in the Privacy Sandbox on Android public tester declaration form.

Company / Organization Role in testing APIs Testing use-cases Additional details

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience Measurement, retargeting.

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Mobile Measurement Provider (MMP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime Measurement, retargeting.

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Mobile Measurement Provider (MMP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime, Topics Audience Sync for Retargeting, Measurement (App,Web, Web to App, App to Web Attribution), Ad tech Integration. Airbridge is a Mobile Measurement Platform that is an official Attribution Partner of both Google and Meta. See more on our website

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Mobile Measurement Provider (MMP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime Targeting, Retargeting, Measurement.

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Mobile Measurement Provider (MMP) Attribution Reporting Measurement of multiple advertisers to one ad network (publisher could be app or web).

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Game Developer Attribution Reporting Measurement, User Acquisition, Targeting, Retargeting.

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime, Topics Targeting, retargeting, measurement, user acquisition, measurement app to app. InMobi has capabilities of testing both as a SSP and as a DSP.

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Ad Tech Services Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime

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Mobile Measurement Provider (MMP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime SDK Runtime & Attribution API event and aggregate reporting for app to app, web to app, app to web measurement. Kochava also falls into the Ad Tech Services, Demand-Side Platform (DSP), and Publisher testing roles due to our Foundry and PubSuite product offerings.

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Attribution Reporting, Topics Targeting and measurement. Already testing on Web/Chrome.

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience Retargeting.

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Mobile Measurement Provider (MMP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime Measurement, measurement app to app or app to web, retargeting.
Unity Ads

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience, SDK Runtime
Unity Aura

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Ad Tech Services Attribution Reporting, SDK Runtime Installation through alternative Android app stores, attribution for preloads (clickless app installs), targeting, retargeting, measurement, user acquisition. Collaborate with MMPs and App Developers to promote the best solution for effective and privacy enhancing advertising solutions for app installation through alternative stores on mobile devices, a solution where users know their privacy is protected, and developers and businesses have the tools to succeed on mobile.

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Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Attribution Reporting, Protected Audience End to end retargeting testing, including bidding cases. Primarily interested in testing with SSPs and Publishers.

To learn more about Privacy Sandbox on Android, submit this interest form to be included in future virtual forums where we'll share timelines, privacy preserving API (PP API) design updates, and engage in open feedback conversations.