Эксплуатация службы агрегации
После успешного развертывания узнайте больше о работе службы агрегации, просмотрев руководство по API , репозиторий с открытым исходным кодом на GitHub, а также продвиньте свою новую службу агрегации на шаг вперед, создавая отчеты об отладке и изучая новые стратегии пакетной обработки.
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Последнее обновление: 2024-10-25 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-10-25 UTC."],[[["Explore the API guide and open-source repository on GitHub to understand the operation of Aggregation Service after deployment."],["Enhance your Aggregation Service utilization by implementing debug reports and exploring advanced batching strategies for aggregatable reports."],["Deepen your understanding of the service through resources like the Aggregation Service Explainer, batching strategies documentation, and debugging guide."],["Leverage Open Telemetry for metric tracing to gain insights into the performance and behavior of your Aggregation Service."]]],["Explore the API guide and open-source repository on GitHub to operate the Aggregation Service. Enhance functionality by creating debug reports and implementing new batching strategies. Further learning resources include the Aggregation Service's GitHub, its explainer, information on batching strategies, debug reporting, and metric tracing using Open Telemetry. These resources will help to deepen your understanding and utilization of the Aggregation Service.\n"]]