Modify Existing Conversions

Call the Conversion.update() method to make the following types of changes to one or more existing conversions:

Search Ads 360 does not support changing the following:

  • The conversion date.
  • The conversion type.
  • The keyword or visit that is attributed for the conversion.
  • The Floodlight activity or activity name.

However, you can always mark an existing conversion as REMOVED and upload a new conversion with the updated date, type, attribution IDs, or Floodlight activity (be sure to specify a new conversionId as well).

As with Conversion.insert(), if your update request specifies multiple conversions, Search Ads 360 attempts to update each conversion on a best-effort basis instead of updating the entire batch as an all-or-nothing transaction. If some updates in a batch fail, others might still succeed. We recommend you read the response for every updated conversion to make sure that the update is successful.

Send an update request

Most of the fields that you specify in a Conversion.update() are used to identify the conversions you want to update. You can use either of the following techniques to identify an existing conversion:

  • Specify the conversion's clickId
    • All the conversions edited must be within 60 days of the time when the click ID is generated.
  • Specify the conversion's criterionId (keyword ID)

Both techniques require you to specify the conversion's conversionId, conversionTimestamp, and transaction type.

In addition, if the original conversion specified revenueMicros and currencyCode or quantityMillis, the update request needs to specify this data even if you aren't changing it.

Identify conversion by click ID

If a conversion originally specified a click ID, you can send a Conversion.update() request that specifies the following fields:

  • clickId
  • conversionId
  • conversionTimestamp
  • type
  • state (only required if you want to change the state to REMOVED or ACTIVE)
  • quantityMillis (only if specified in the original conversion)
  • revenueMicros (only if specified in the original conversion)
  • currencyCode (only if specified in the original conversion)


Here's an example of two existing conversions:

 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
  "conversion" : [{
    "clickId" : "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA",
    "conversionId" : "test_20130906_10",
    "conversionTimestamp" : "1378710000000",
    "segmentationType" : "FLOODLIGHT",
    "segmentationName" : "Test",
    "type": "TRANSACTION",
    "revenueMicros": "100000000", // 100 million revenueMicros is equivalent to $100 of revenue
    "currencyCode": "USD"
   "clickId": "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA",
   "conversionId": "test_1383337059137",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "segmentationType" : "FLOODLIGHT",
   "segmentationName" : "Test",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "1000"

The following request updates one of the conversions from the previous example and removes the other:


Note that a Conversion.update() request uses the PUT HTTP method.

Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token
Content-type: application/json
 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
 "conversion": [
   "clickId": "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // Replace with data from your site
   "conversionId": "test_20130906_10",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "TRANSACTION",
   "revenueMicros": "90000000", // 90 million revenueMicros is equivalent to $90 of revenue
   "currencyCode": "USD"
   "clickId": "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // Replace with data from your site
   "conversionId": "test_1383337059137",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "1000",
   "state": "REMOVED"

To send a raw JSON POST request, you can use the script as follows:

  1. Copy the example JSON object (everything between and including the two curly brackets) into a new text file named request.txt.
  2. Change the agency ID that's in the JSON code to your own agency ID.
  3. Remove any comments, such as // The date column segments the report by individual days.
  4. Assemble your OAuth 2.0 credentials into a single, comma-delimited string as follows:
    (This is the same string that outputs when you run --login as described in Set Up Authorization.)
  5. Invoke as follows: --cred CREDENTIALS --server API-method --put < request.txt
    In the command above, substitute the string you assembled in the previous step for CREDENTIALS.
    Substitute the name of the PUT method in the box below for API-method.

    For example: --cred,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR_abcdef,1/HIJklM01OPQR23NOP456rst890uvw --server --put < request.txt


 * Instantiate the Doubleclicksearch service, create a conversion that updates an existing conversion,
 * and upload the conversions.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  Doubleclicksearch service = getService(); // See Set Up Your Application.

  // Set up a List to keep track of each conversion you create.
  List<Conversion> conversions = new Vector<Conversion>();

  // Create a conversion and add it to the conversion list.
  // Just to get a little fancy, the updateConversionFromVisit() method can be used for all
  // visit conversions, including conversions that don't specify quantity, revenue, or currency.
  // If quantityMillis wasn't specified in the original conversion, specify -1L for the
  // quantityMillis parameter. Likewise, if revenueMicros wasn't specified originally,
  // specify -1L for the revenueMicros parameter and an empty string for currency.
  conversionList = updateConversionFromVisit(
      "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // clickId. Replace with data from your site
      "test_20130906_10",           // conversionId
      1378710000000L,               // timeStamp
      "TRANSACTION",                // type
      "",                           // state
      -1L,                          // quantityMillis
      90000000L,                    // revenueMicros. Equivalent to $90 of revenue
      "USD");                       // currencyCode

   // Here's a conversion that needs to be removed. Just set the state parameter to "REMOVED".
   conversionList = updateConversionFromVisit(
      "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // clickId. Replace with data from your site
      "test_1383337059137",         // conversionId
      1378710000000L,               // timeStamp
      "ACTION",                     // type
      "REMOVED",                    // state
      1000L,                        // quantityMillis
      -1L,                          // revenueMicros
      "");                          // currencyCode

    // Upload the List and handle the response.
    uploadConversions(conversions, service); // See an example in Add New Conversions. 

 * Create a conversion and add it to a List<Conversion>.
  private static List<Conversion> updateConversionFromVisit(List<Conversion> conversions,
      String clickId,
      String conversionId,
      Long timeStamp,
      String type,
      String state,
      Long quantity,
      Long revenue,
      String currency) {

    // Identifies the existing conversion.
    Conversion conversion = new Conversion()

    // Only add these fields if the value is not empty greater than -1.
    if(!state.isEmpty()) conversion.setState(state);
    if (quantity > -1L) {
    if (revenue > -1L) {
      if (!currency.isEmpty()) {
      } else {
            "Can't add conversion %s. It specifies revenue but no currency.",
        return conversions;

    return conversions;


def update_conversion(service):
  """Change the revenue for one existing conversion and remove another.

    service: An authorized Doubleclicksearch service. See Set Up Your Application.
  request = service.conversion().update(
          'conversion' : [{
              'clickId' : 'COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA', // Replace with data from your site
              'conversionId' : 'test_20130906_13',
              'conversionTimestamp' : '1378710000000',
              'segmentationType' : 'FLOODLIGHT',
              'segmentationName' : 'Test',
              'type': 'TRANSACTION',
              'revenueMicros': '90000000', // 90 million revenueMicros is equivalent to $90 of revenue
              'currencyCode': 'USD'
             'clickId': 'COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA', // Replace with data from your site
             'conversionId': 'test_1383337059137_01',
             'conversionTimestamp': '1378710000000',
             'segmentationType' : 'FLOODLIGHT',
             'segmentationName' : 'Test',
             'type': 'ACTION',
             'quantityMillis': '1000',
             'state': 'REMOVED'


Identify conversion by keyword ID

If you don't have access to a click ID, or if a conversion was originally attributed to a keyword or keyword/ad, you can send a Conversion.update() request that specifies the following fields:

  • criterionId (keyword Id)
  • conversionId
  • conversionTimestamp
  • type
  • state (only required if you want to change the state to REMOVED or ACTIVE)
  • quantityMillis (only if specified in the original conversion)
  • revenueMicros (only if specified in the original conversion)
  • currencyCode (only if specified in the original conversion)

You can optionally specify other IDs, such as the conversion's ad ID, campaign ID, and so on, but you don't need to. Search Ads 360 only needs the IDs in the list above to identify an existing conversion.


Here's an example of an existing conversion:

 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
  "conversion" : [{
   "agencyId": "12300000000000456",
   "advertiserId": "45600000000010291",
   "engineAccountId": "700000000042441",
   "campaignId": "71700000002044839",
   "adGroupId": "58700000032026064",
   "criterionId": "43700004289911004",
   "adId": "44700000155906860",
   "conversionId": "test_1383157519886",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "1000",
   "segmentationType": "FLOODLIGHT",
   "segmentationName": "Test"

The following request updates the timestamp of the conversion:


Note that a Conversion.update() request uses the PUT HTTP method.

To send a raw JSON POST request, you can use the script as follows:

  1. Copy the example JSON object (everything between and including the two curly brackets) into a new text file named request.txt.
  2. Change the agency ID that's in the JSON code to your own agency ID.
  3. Remove any comments, such as // The date column segments the report by individual days.
  4. Assemble your OAuth 2.0 credentials into a single, comma-delimited string as follows:
    (This is the same string that outputs when you run --login as described in Set Up Authorization.)
  5. Invoke as follows: --cred CREDENTIALS --server API-method --put < request.txt
    In the command above, substitute the string you assembled in the previous step for CREDENTIALS.
    Substitute the name of the PUT method in the box below for API-method.

    For example: --cred,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR_abcdef,1/HIJklM01OPQR23NOP456rst890uvw --server --put < request.txt

Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token
Content-type: application/json
 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
 "conversion": [
   "criterionId": "43700004289911004", // Replace with your ID
   "conversionId": "test_1383157519886",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "3000"


    // Send conversion data to updateConversion, which creates a conversion and adds it
    // to the conversion list.
    conversionList =  updateConversionFromKeyword(conversionList,
        43700004289911004L,   // criterionId. Replace with your ID
        "test_1383157519886", // conversionId
        1378710000000L,       // timeStamp
        "ACTION",             // type
        "",                   // state
        3000L,                // quantityMillis
        -1L,                  // revenueMicros
        "");                  // currencyCode

  private static List<Conversion> updateConversionFromKeyword(List<Conversion> conversions,
       Long criterionId,
       String conversionId,
       Long timeStamp,
       String type,
       String state,
       Long quantity,
       Long revenue,
       String currency
    ) {

   Conversion conversion = new Conversion()

   // Only add these fields if the value is not empty greater than -1.
   if(!state.isEmpty()) conversion.setState(state);
   if (quantity > -1L) {
   if (revenue > -1L) {
     if (!currency.isEmpty()) {
     } else {
           "Can't add conversion %s. It specifies revenue but no currency.",
       return conversions;

   return conversions;


def update_conversion(service):
  """Change the timestamp of a conversion. Use only the keyword id (criterionId)
  to identify the conversion.

    service: An authorized Doubleclicksearch service. See Set Up Your Application.
  request = service.conversion().update(
          'conversion': [{
              'criterionId': '43700004289911004', // Replace with your ID
              'conversionId': 'test_1383157519886',
              'conversionTimestamp': '1378760000000',
              'type': 'ACTION',
              'quantityMillis': '1000'


Handle Search Ads 360 responses

The response for an update request is the same as the response for an insert request: Search Ads 360 indicates success only if all conversions in the request were successfully updated.

If the request succeeds, the response includes the full Search Ads 360 internal representation for each updated conversion, such as campaign ID, ad group ID and keyword (criterion) ID.

If one or more update fails to validate or upload, the response includes failure messages for each failed update. The response does not contain messages about conversions that successfully updated. For more information about these failure messages, see Handle Search Ads 360 responses for insert requests.