
调用 Conversion.update() 方法对一个或多个现有转化进行以下类型的更改:

Search Ads 360 不支持更改以下内容:

  • 转化日期。
  • 转化类型。
  • 转化所归因的关键字或访问。
  • Floodlight 活动或活动名称。

不过,您可以随时将现有转化标记为“已移除”,并上传新的转化 替换为更新后的日期、类型、归因 ID 或 Floodlight 活动(请务必指定 新的 conversionId)。

Conversion.insert() 一样,如果您的更新请求指定了多个 转化数据,Search Ads 360 会尝试尽可能更新每次转化 而不是将整个批次作为一刀切的事务进行更新。如果一些更新 其他批次可能失败,其他批次可能仍然会成功。我们建议您阅读 响应,以确保更新成功。


您在 Conversion.update() 中指定的大多数字段都用于 确定要更新的转化。您可以使用以下任一 识别现有转化的技巧:

  • 指定转化的 clickId <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">
    • 所有修改的转化都必须在生成点击 ID 后的 60 天内完成。
  • 指定转化的 criterionId(关键字 ID)

这两种方法都要求您指定转换的 conversionIdconversionTimestamp、 交易金额为 type

此外,如果原始转化指定了 revenueMicroscurrencyCodequantityMillis,那么即使您将 并没有改变

按点击 ID 标识转化

如果转化最初指定了点击 ID,您可以发送 Conversion.update() 请求指定以下字段:

  • clickId
  • conversionId
  • conversionTimestamp
  • type
  • state(仅当您要将状态更改为“已移除”时才需要此属性) 或 ACTIVE)
  • quantityMillis(仅当原始转化中已指定时)
  • revenueMicros(仅当原始转化中已指定时)
  • currencyCode(仅当原始转化中已指定时)



 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
  "conversion" : [{
    "clickId" : "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA",
    "conversionId" : "test_20130906_10",
    "conversionTimestamp" : "1378710000000",
    "segmentationType" : "FLOODLIGHT",
    "segmentationName" : "Test",
    "type": "TRANSACTION",
    "revenueMicros": "100000000", // 100 million revenueMicros is equivalent to $100 of revenue
    "currencyCode": "USD"
   "clickId": "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA",
   "conversionId": "test_1383337059137",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "segmentationType" : "FLOODLIGHT",
   "segmentationName" : "Test",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "1000"

以下请求更新了上一个示例中的一项转化并移除 另一个:


请注意,Conversion.update() 请求使用 PUT HTTP 方法。

PUT https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/conversion
Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token
Content-type: application/json
 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
 "conversion": [
   "clickId": "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // Replace with data from your site
   "conversionId": "test_20130906_10",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "TRANSACTION",
   "revenueMicros": "90000000", // 90 million revenueMicros is equivalent to $90 of revenue
   "currencyCode": "USD"
   "clickId": "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // Replace with data from your site
   "conversionId": "test_1383337059137",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "1000",
   "state": "REMOVED"

要发送原始 JSON POST 请求,您可以使用 sa360Api.py 脚本如下:

  1. 复制示例 JSON 对象(两者之间的所有内容,包括两者之间的内容) 大括号中的内容)复制到名为 request.txt 的新文本文件中。
  2. 将 JSON 代码中的代理机构 ID 更改为您自己的代理机构 ID。
  3. 移除所有评论,例如 // The date column segments the report by individual days.
  4. 将您的 OAuth 2.0 凭据整合到一个以英文逗号分隔的字符串中,如下所示: 跟随:
    (此字符串与您运行 sa360Api.py --loginsa360Api.py 输出的字符串相同,如设置 授权。)
  5. 按如下方式调用 sa360Api.py
    sa360Api.py --cred CREDENTIALS --server API-method --put < request.txt
    在上面的命令中,将 CREDENTIALS 替换成您在上一步中组建的字符串。
    API-method 替换成下框中的 PUT 方法的名称。

    sa360Api.py --cred 123456789123.apps.googleusercontent.com,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR_abcdef,1/HIJklM01OPQR23NOP456rst890uvw --server https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/conversion --put < request.txt


 * Instantiate the Doubleclicksearch service, create a conversion that updates an existing conversion,
 * and upload the conversions.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  Doubleclicksearch service = getService(); // See Set Up Your Application.

  // Set up a List to keep track of each conversion you create.
  List<Conversion> conversions = new Vector<Conversion>();

  // Create a conversion and add it to the conversion list.
  // Just to get a little fancy, the updateConversionFromVisit() method can be used for all
  // visit conversions, including conversions that don't specify quantity, revenue, or currency.
  // If quantityMillis wasn't specified in the original conversion, specify -1L for the
  // quantityMillis parameter. Likewise, if revenueMicros wasn't specified originally,
  // specify -1L for the revenueMicros parameter and an empty string for currency.
  conversionList = updateConversionFromVisit(
      "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // clickId. Replace with data from your site
      "test_20130906_10",           // conversionId
      1378710000000L,               // timeStamp
      "TRANSACTION",                // type
      "",                           // state
      -1L,                          // quantityMillis
      90000000L,                    // revenueMicros. Equivalent to $90 of revenue
      "USD");                       // currencyCode

   // Here's a conversion that needs to be removed. Just set the state parameter to "REMOVED".
   conversionList = updateConversionFromVisit(
      "COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA", // clickId. Replace with data from your site
      "test_1383337059137",         // conversionId
      1378710000000L,               // timeStamp
      "ACTION",                     // type
      "REMOVED",                    // state
      1000L,                        // quantityMillis
      -1L,                          // revenueMicros
      "");                          // currencyCode

    // Upload the List and handle the response.
    uploadConversions(conversions, service); // See an example in Add New Conversions. 

 * Create a conversion and add it to a List<Conversion>.
  private static List<Conversion> updateConversionFromVisit(List<Conversion> conversions,
      String clickId,
      String conversionId,
      Long timeStamp,
      String type,
      String state,
      Long quantity,
      Long revenue,
      String currency) {

    // Identifies the existing conversion.
    Conversion conversion = new Conversion()

    // Only add these fields if the value is not empty greater than -1.
    if(!state.isEmpty()) conversion.setState(state);
    if (quantity > -1L) {
    if (revenue > -1L) {
      if (!currency.isEmpty()) {
      } else {
            "Can't add conversion %s. It specifies revenue but no currency.",
        return conversions;

    return conversions;


def update_conversion(service):
  """Change the revenue for one existing conversion and remove another.

    service: An authorized Doubleclicksearch service. See Set Up Your Application.
  request = service.conversion().update(
          'conversion' : [{
              'clickId' : 'COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA', // Replace with data from your site
              'conversionId' : 'test_20130906_13',
              'conversionTimestamp' : '1378710000000',
              'segmentationType' : 'FLOODLIGHT',
              'segmentationName' : 'Test',
              'type': 'TRANSACTION',
              'revenueMicros': '90000000', // 90 million revenueMicros is equivalent to $90 of revenue
              'currencyCode': 'USD'
             'clickId': 'COiYmPDTv7kCFcP0KgodOzQAAA', // Replace with data from your site
             'conversionId': 'test_1383337059137_01',
             'conversionTimestamp': '1378710000000',
             'segmentationType' : 'FLOODLIGHT',
             'segmentationName' : 'Test',
             'type': 'ACTION',
             'quantityMillis': '1000',
             'state': 'REMOVED'


按关键字 ID 标识转化

如果您无权访问点击 ID,或者转化最初归因于 关键字或关键字/广告,您可以发送 Conversion.update() 请求 指定以下字段:

  • criterionId(关键字 ID)
  • conversionId
  • conversionTimestamp
  • type
  • state(仅当您要将状态更改为“已移除”时才需要此属性) 或 ACTIVE)
  • quantityMillis(仅当原始转化中已指定时)
  • revenueMicros(仅当原始转化中已指定时)
  • currencyCode(仅当原始转化中已指定时)

您还可以指定其他 ID,例如转化的广告 ID、广告系列 ID 等等,但您不必这样做。Search Ads 360 只需要上表中的 ID 来 识别现有转化



 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
  "conversion" : [{
   "agencyId": "12300000000000456",
   "advertiserId": "45600000000010291",
   "engineAccountId": "700000000042441",
   "campaignId": "71700000002044839",
   "adGroupId": "58700000032026064",
   "criterionId": "43700004289911004",
   "adId": "44700000155906860",
   "conversionId": "test_1383157519886",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "1000",
   "segmentationType": "FLOODLIGHT",
   "segmentationName": "Test"



请注意,Conversion.update() 请求使用 PUT HTTP 方法。

要发送原始 JSON POST 请求,您可以使用 sa360Api.py 脚本如下:

  1. 复制示例 JSON 对象(两者之间的所有内容,包括两者之间的内容) 大括号中的内容)复制到名为 request.txt 的新文本文件中。
  2. 将 JSON 代码中的代理机构 ID 更改为您自己的代理机构 ID。
  3. 移除所有评论,例如 // The date column segments the report by individual days.
  4. 将您的 OAuth 2.0 凭据整合到一个以英文逗号分隔的字符串中,如下所示: 跟随:
    (此字符串与您运行 sa360Api.py --loginsa360Api.py 输出的字符串相同,如设置 授权。)
  5. 按如下方式调用 sa360Api.py
    sa360Api.py --cred CREDENTIALS --server API-method --put < request.txt
    在上面的命令中,将 CREDENTIALS 替换成您在上一步中组建的字符串。
    API-method 替换成下框中的 PUT 方法的名称。

    sa360Api.py --cred 123456789123.apps.googleusercontent.com,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR_abcdef,1/HIJklM01OPQR23NOP456rst890uvw --server https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/conversion --put < request.txt

PUT https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/conversion
Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token
Content-type: application/json
 "kind": "doubleclicksearch#conversionList",
 "conversion": [
   "criterionId": "43700004289911004", // Replace with your ID
   "conversionId": "test_1383157519886",
   "conversionTimestamp": "1378710000000",
   "type": "ACTION",
   "quantityMillis": "3000"


    // Send conversion data to updateConversion, which creates a conversion and adds it
    // to the conversion list.
    conversionList =  updateConversionFromKeyword(conversionList,
        43700004289911004L,   // criterionId. Replace with your ID
        "test_1383157519886", // conversionId
        1378710000000L,       // timeStamp
        "ACTION",             // type
        "",                   // state
        3000L,                // quantityMillis
        -1L,                  // revenueMicros
        "");                  // currencyCode

  private static List<Conversion> updateConversionFromKeyword(List<Conversion> conversions,
       Long criterionId,
       String conversionId,
       Long timeStamp,
       String type,
       String state,
       Long quantity,
       Long revenue,
       String currency
    ) {

   Conversion conversion = new Conversion()

   // Only add these fields if the value is not empty greater than -1.
   if(!state.isEmpty()) conversion.setState(state);
   if (quantity > -1L) {
   if (revenue > -1L) {
     if (!currency.isEmpty()) {
     } else {
           "Can't add conversion %s. It specifies revenue but no currency.",
       return conversions;

   return conversions;


def update_conversion(service):
  """Change the timestamp of a conversion. Use only the keyword id (criterionId)
  to identify the conversion.

    service: An authorized Doubleclicksearch service. See Set Up Your Application.
  request = service.conversion().update(
          'conversion': [{
              'criterionId': '43700004289911004', // Replace with your ID
              'conversionId': 'test_1383157519886',
              'conversionTimestamp': '1378760000000',
              'type': 'ACTION',
              'quantityMillis': '1000'


处理 Search Ads 360 响应

更新请求的响应与插入的响应相同 请求:仅当请求中的所有转化均已达成时,Search Ads 360 才表示成功 已成功更新。

如果请求成功,响应将包含完整的 Search Ads 360 内部 更新的每个转化数据的表示形式,如广告系列 ID、广告组 ID 和关键字 (条件)ID。

如果一项或多项更新无法验证或上传,则响应会包含失败 则会收到错误消息。响应不包含有关转化的消息 已成功更新。 有关这些失败消息的详细信息,请参阅处理 Search Ads 360 响应