Report on Campaign and Ad Group Targets

The new Search Ads 360 Reporting API is now available. The new API provides enhanced flexibility to build custom reports and integrate the data into your reporting applications and processes. Learn more about migrating to and using the new Search Ads 360 Reporting API.

Targets are criteria for displaying ads based on location, demographics, and other characteristics of a search query. For example, an advertiser can target a campaign's ads to appear only in New York, Boston, and Chicago. Or an advertiser can increase bids for searches from members of a specific advertising audience, thus increasing the likelihood that the ad will appear for the audience.

Some types of targets can be applied only to campaigns while others can only be applied to ad groups. To see which targets are available at each level, refer to the documentation for campaignTarget and adGroupTarget reports.

You can request reports that show performance metrics for specific types of targets. For example, if an advertiser targets a campaign to geographic locations, include the locationTargetName column in a campaignTarget request. When you retrieve the generated report, you can see how the campaign performed in each targeted location.

Negative targets

Negative targets prevent ads from appearing when searches match specific criteria. Similar to targets, some types of negative targets can be applied only to campaigns while others can only be applied to ad groups. See negativeCampaignTarget and negativeAdGroupTarget for details.

You can request reports to see the criteria that negative targets use to exclude ads. For example, if an advertiser uses negative targets to prevent a campaign from displaying ads in specific geographic locations, include the locationTargetName column in a negativeCampaignTarget request. When you retrieve the generated report, you can see the list of locations that are excluded from the campaign.

Example requests

Here are example requests for different types of targets:

Report on location targets in a campaign

The following example asynchronous request returns the number of clicks, impressions, and other data for location targets (reporting on location targets is available only for Google Ads campaigns). Search Ads 360 supports a few types of location targets, such as geo location targets, proximity targets, and radius targets for Google Ads location extensions, and reports for location targets contain data for all types of location targets that are applied within the report scope.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "campaignTarget",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "account" },
    { "columnName": "campaign" },
    { "columnName": "locationTargetName" },
    { "columnName": "clicks" },
    { "columnName": "impr" },
    { "columnName": "cost" },
    { "columnName": "dfaActions"}
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2016-07-21",
    "endDate" : "2016-08-19"
 "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of a campaignTarget report. The report shows performance for a geo-location target that specifies "US", a proximity target that specifies "100.0 miles around (37.4220041,-122.0862462)", and another geo-location target that specifies a US ZIP code (90210):

Hooper's - Google,Accessories,US,10895,12895,1255.07000000,1157
Hooper's - Google,Accessories,"100.0 miles around (37.4220041,-122.0862462)",10816,12816,1285.07000000,1145
Hooper's - Google,Accessories,90210,12790,12790,1124.06000000,1147

Remarketing targets for all ad groups in an account

The following example asynchronous request returns the number of clicks, impressions, and other data for all remarketing targets defined for ad groups in a specific Google Ads campaign.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201", // Replace with your IDs
    "campaignId": "700000000058578" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "adGroupTarget",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "account" },
    { "columnName": "campaign" },
    { "columnName": "adGroup" },
    { "columnName": "engineRemarketingList" },
    { "columnName": "clicks" },
    { "columnName": "impr" },
    { "columnName": "cost" },
    { "columnName": "dfaActions"}
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2016-07-21",
    "endDate" : "2016-08-19"
 "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of an adGroupTarget report. The report shows that three ad groups in the "Accessories" campaign define remarketing targets. Performance metrics for each remarketing target are also included:

Hooper's - Google,Accessories,Summer 2016,Weekend Warriors,7707,26333,1255.07000000,3
Hooper's - Google,Accessories,$30 and Under,Email Subscribers,6992,29630,3170.18000000,8
Hooper's - Google,Accessories,Tote Bags,Repeat Buyers,4535,20504,1524.88000000,2

Dynamic ad targets for all ad groups in an account

A dynamic ad target defines pages on your site that you want to advertise with dynamic search ads. (Dynamic ad targets are only available in Google Ads engine accounts, and are always created in specific ad groups.) Google uses its search index to determine when a customer's search is relevant to any pages that match your dynamic ad targets. If a search is relevant, Google displays a dynamic search ad that you've defined in the same ad group as the targets.

The following example asynchronous request returns the number of clicks, impressions, and other data for all dynamic ad targets defined for ad groups in an engine account.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "adGroupTarget",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "account" },
    { "columnName": "campaign" },
    { "columnName": "adGroup" },
    { "columnName": "dynamicSearchAdsTargetConditions" },
    { "columnName": "dynamicSearchAdsTargetCoverage" },
    { "columnName": "clicks" },
    { "columnName": "impr" },
    { "columnName": "cost" },
    { "columnName": "dfaActions"}
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2016-07-21",
    "endDate" : "2016-08-19"
 "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of an adGroupTarget report. The report shows that one ad group in the "Google Stores" campaign defines a dynamic ad target. Performance metrics for the target are also included:

Hooper's - Google,Google Stores,Chargers,"AND(CATEGORY = ""Electronics"",CATEGORY = ""Accessories"")",4535,20504,1524.88000000,2

Report on negative location targets for campaigns

The following example asynchronous request returns the locations that are excluded from campaigns in an engine account (reporting on negative location targets is available only for Google Ads campaigns). Negative location targets only use geo location targets as criteria (they can't specify proximity targets or radius targets). So reports for negative location targets only contain the list of geo-locations that are excluded from campaigns within the report scope.

Note that a request for a negative target report doesn't need to specify a time range. Negative reports always return the current settings. For example, it isn't possible to request a report showing the negative targets that were in use last quarter.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "negativeCampaignTarget",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "account" },
    { "columnName": "campaign" },
    { "columnName": "locationTargetName" }
  "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of a negativeCampaignTarget report. The report shows that the "Grand openings - NE" campaign excludes the state of Maine, and the "Grand openings - West" campaign excludes the state of California:

Hooper's - Google,Grand openings - NE,US-ME
Hooper's - Google,Grand openings - West,US-CA