利用 Content API v2,您可以通过 Shippingsettings 和 Accounttax 服务指定将适用于帐号中所有商品的税费和运费。如果您想让结果更加精确,则可以通过 Products 服务指定商品级税费和运费。
有关 Google 政策以及指定税费和运费的各种选项的信息,请参阅以下帮助中心文章:
属性(据此使用 Accounttax 服务)仅适用于面向美国投放的商品。
Accounttax 和 Shippingsettings Content API 服务镜像 Merchant Center 界面的功能。
针对法国 8 欧元运费,且基于美国的运输公司运费标准,每次配送服务需要 3-7 天送货:
PUT /content/v2/<merchant_id>/shippingsettings/<account_id> { "accountId": <account_id>, "services": [ { "name": "Livraison Prioritaire", "deliveryCountry": "FR", "currency": "EUR", "rateGroups": [ { "singleValue": { "flatRate": { "currency": "EUR", "value": "8" } } } ], "active": true, "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 } }, { "name": "UPS in US", "deliveryCountry": "US", "currency": "USD" "rateGroups": [ { "singleValue": { "carrierRateName": "ups" }, "carrierRates": [ { "name": "ups", "carrierName": "UPS", "carrierService": "Ground", "originPostalCode": "10011" } ] } ], "active": true, "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 }, } ] }
要检索可用的运输公司名称和服务,请使用 getsupportedcarriers 方法。
要在纽约州各地创建免运费促销活动(不收取运费的方式),请对美国其他州使用 UPS。要对美国各州应用不同的税费,请按如下所示申请使用 Content API 的 Accounttax 和 Shippingsettings 服务。首先配置配送设置:
PUT /content/v2/<merchant_id>/shippingsettings/<account_id> { "accountId": <account_id>, "services": [ { "name": "Eligible for free shipping", "deliveryCountry": "US", "rateGroups": [ { "mainTable": { "rowHeaders": { "locations": [ { "locationIds": ["21167"] }, // NY { "locationIds": ["21164", "21139"] } // NJ, CT ] }, "rows": [ { "cells": [ { "flatRate": { "currency": "USD", "value": "0" } } ] }, { "cells": [ { "flatRate": { "currency": "USD", "value": "0" } } ] } ] } } ], "active": true, "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 }, "currency": "USD" }, { "name": "UPS in US", "deliveryCountry": "US", "rateGroups": [ { "singleValue": { "carrierRateName": "UPS mainland" }, "carrierRates": [ { "name": "UPS mainland", "carrierName": "UPS", "carrierService": "Ground", "originPostalCode": "10011", // currently only US, AU, and DE postal codes "percentageAdjustment": "1.05", "flatAdjustment": { "currency": "USD", "value": "0.75" } } ] } ], "active": true, "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 }, "currency": "USD" } ], "postalCodeGroups": [ { "name": "More cities", // An alternative using postal codes "country": "US", "postalCodeRanges": [ { "postalCodeRangeBegin": "94041" }, { "postalCodeRangeBegin": "94042" }, { "postalCodeRangeBegin": "94043", "postalCodeRangeEnd": "94045" }, { "postalCodeRangeBegin": "9405*" }, { "postalCodeRangeBegin": "9406*", "postalCodeRangeEnd": "9408*" } ] } ] }
请注意,地理位置 ID 可用来表示行政区。
PUT /content/v2/<merchant_id>/accounttax/<account_id> { "accountId": <account_id>, "rules": [ { "country": "US", // currently only US is supported, may be omitted "locationId": 21167, "useGlobalRate": true, "shippingTaxed": false }, { "locationId": 21137, "useGlobalRate": false, "shippingTaxed": true, "ratePercent": "2.15" } // ... ] }
要在美国定义 7 美元的运费促销活动,对于在纽约市重量超过 10 磅的订单定义 3 美元或 5 美元的运费促销(具体取决于订单的价格),并且对于低于该重量的订单免运费,请使用以下配置:
PUT /content/v2/<merchant_id>/shippingsettings/<account_id> { "accountId": <account_id>, "services": [ { "name": "Custom shipping rules", "deliveryCountry": "US", "rateGroups": [ { "mainTable": { "rowHeaders": { "postalCodeGroupNames": [ "NYC", "all other locations" ] }, "columnHeaders": { "weights": [ { "unit": "lb", "value": "10" }, { "unit": "lb", "value": "infinity" } ] }, "rows": [ { "cells": [ { "flatRate": { "value": "0", "currency": "USD" } }, { "subtableName": "NYC large packages" } ] }, { "cells": [ { "flatRate": { "value": "7", "currency": "USD" } }, { "flatRate": { "value": "7", "currency": "USD" } } ] } ] }, "subtables": [ { "name": "NYC large packages", "rowHeaders": { "prices": [ {"value": "100", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] }, "rows": [ { "cells": [ { "flatRate": { "value": "3", "currency": "USD" } } ] }, { "cells": [ { "flatRate": { "value": "5", "currency": "USD" } } ] } ] } ] } ], "active": true, "currency": "USD", "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 } } ], "postalCodeGroups": [ { "name": "NYC", // Approximation of NYC using postal codes "country": "US", "postalCodeRanges": [ { "postalCodeRangeBegin": "10000", postalCodeRangeEnd: "11999" } ] } ] }
在 Shippingsettings 中,每项配送服务最多只能包含 20 个运费组。由于通过配送标签利用运费组来区分运费,这似乎建议只能通过配送标签强制执行 20 种独特的运费。但是,每个国家/地区最多可以提供 20 项配送服务。通过对同一国家/地区的多项服务拆分运费(按配送标签区分),您最多可以通过配送标签区分 400 种独特的运费。
以下示例在两项不同的服务中使用唯一的费率来拆分 40 个配送标签。此示例用省略号隐藏了配送资源的其他详请,例如实际费率。
PUT /content/v2/<merchant_id>/shippingsettings/<account_id> { "accountId": <account_id>, "services": [ { "name": "labels_0_19", "deliveryCountry": "US", "active": true, "currency": "USD", "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 } "rateGroups": [ { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_0"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_1"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_2"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_3"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_4"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_5"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_6"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_7"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_8"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_9"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_10"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_11"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_12"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_13"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_14"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_15"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_16"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_17"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_18"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_19"], ... } ] }, { "name": "labels_20_39", "deliveryCountry": "US", "active": true, "currency": "USD", "deliveryTime": { "minTransitTimeInDays": 3, "maxTransitTimeInDays": 7 } "rateGroups": [ { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_20"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_21"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_22"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_23"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_24"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_25"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_26"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_27"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_28"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_29"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_30"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_31"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_32"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_33"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_34"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_35"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_36"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_37"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_38"], ... } { "applicableShippingLabels": ["shipping_label_39"], ... } ] } ], "postalCodeGroups": [ ... ] }
即使跨费率组的配送标签共用同一运费,也可能需要拆分这些标签,因为每个费率组在 applicableShippingLabels
字段内只能有 30 个配送标签。因此,举一个极端的例子,如果所有配送标签共用同一费率结构,Shippingsettings
最多可以为一个国家/地区处理 12000 个配送标签:每个费率组 30 个配送标签,每项配送服务 20 个费率组,每个国家/地区 20 个配送服务。
有关详情,请参阅 Accounttax 和 Shippingsettings 的参考文档。