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Gemini ve Gemma AI ile üretken yapay zekayı oyun geliştirme sürecinize entegre etme
Gemini AI ve Gemma modelini kullanarak üretken yapay zekanın, ön prodüksiyondan oyun içi çözümlere kadar oyun geliştirmenin farklı aşamalarında nasıl kullanılabileceğini öğrenin.
Üretken yapay zeka ile temsilci destekli bir seyahat planlama uygulaması oluşturma
Yapay zeka ile sorunsuz şekilde entegre edilebilen çok platformlu uygulamalar oluşturmak için Flutter ve Firebase Genkit'i nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenin.
Gemini API, Flutter ve Firebase ile çok oyunculu bir bulmaca oluşturma
Google mühendislik ekiplerinin Gemini, Flutter ve Firebase'i kullanarak nasıl çok oyunculu bir bulmaca oluşturduğunu öğrenin.
Gemini API, Dart ve Flutter'ı kullanmaya başlama
Dart ve Flutter uygulamalarında üretken yapay zeka prototipi oluşturmak için Gemini API ve Google AI Dart SDK'sını nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenin.
Resim anlama, çok formatlı istemler ve erişilebilirlik için Gemini Pro Vision modelinden yararlanma
NodeJS komut dosyasında bir web sayfasına erişilebilir açıklamalar eklemek amacıyla HTML dokümanlarını ve resim dosyalarını analiz etmek için Gemini modelinin çoklu formatlı özelliklerini nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenin.
Gemini API'yi ve Android'i kullanmaya başlama
Android uygulamalarında üretken yapay zekanın prototipini oluşturmak için Gemini API ve Google AI SDK'sını nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenin.
Gemini API ve Swift'i kullanmaya başlama
Swift ile üretken yapay zeka prototipi oluşturmak için Gemini API ve Google AI Swift SDK'yı nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenin.
Gemini API ve web uygulamalarını kullanmaya başlama
Web uygulamaları için üretken yapay zeka prototipi oluşturmak üzere Gemini API ve Google AI JavaScript SDK'sını nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenin.
Google AI Studio, Gemini AI ve NodeJS'i kullanmaya başlama
Google Yapay Zeka Studio ile metin tabanlı istemlerin prototipini nasıl oluşturacağınızı öğrenin ve ilk Gemini Yapay Zeka NodeJS komut dosyanızı yazmaya başlayın.
Belirli bir zorluk mu yaşıyorsunuz?
Authentication with Firebase
Firebase Authentication provides backend services, SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app.
Creating a multiplayer crossword with Gemini, Flutter, and Firebase
Learn how the Google engineering teams created a multiplayer crossword using Gemini, Flutter, and Firebase.
Incorporating generative AI into your game development process with Gemini and Gemma AI
Learn how generative AI can be used in different stages of game development from preproduction to in-game solutions using Gemini AI and Gemma model.
Build an agent-powered travel planning app with Generative AI
Learn how to use Flutter and Firebase Genkit to build multi-platform apps that can seamlessly integrate with AI.
Getting started with the Gemini API and Android
Learn how to use the Gemini API and the Google AI SDK to prototype generative AI in Android applications.
Getting started with the Gemini API and Web Apps
Learn how to use the Gemini API and the Google AI JavaScript SDK to prototype generative AI for web apps.
Get started with private advertising
Build your ads solution with the Privacy Sandbox to enable your critical advertising use cases without relying on cross-site or cross-app tracking.
Getting started with the Gemini API and Dart and Flutter
Learn how to use the Gemini API and the Google AI Dart SDK to prototype generative AI in Dart and Flutter applications.
Getting started with the Gemini API and Swift
Learn how to use the Gemini API and the Google AI Swift SDK to prototype generative AI with Swift.
Move away from third-party cookies
Learn how to audit, test, and transition your site away from third-party cookies to privacy preserving solutions.
Google Cloud storage
Browse storage resources and design an optimal storage strategy for Google Cloud workloads.
Build a microservice-based ecommerce web application with Kubernetes
Learn how to build a distributed, scalable ecommerce web app using microservices on Kubernetes.
Google Cloud monitoring and logging
Browse monitoring and logging resources for building or migrating workloads on Google Cloud.
Google Cloud security and IAM
Browse security and IAM resources for building or migrating workloads on Google Cloud.
Firebase and Flutter
Add Firebase to your Flutter app with FlutterFire, a set of plugins that connect your Flutter application to Firebase.
Cloud jump start: Data warehouse with BigQuery
Understand and use the Data Warehouse with BigQuery jump start solution for Google Cloud.
Cloud jump start: Load balanced managed VMs
Understand, deploy, and use the load balanced managed virtual machines (VMs) jump start solution.
Google Cloud solutions
Solve your toughest business challenges with AI-powered, industry-focused combinations of our products and services.
Google Cloud application development
Browse development resources for building or migrating workloads on Google Cloud.
Cloud jump start: Secure CI/CD pipeline
This guide helps you use the secure continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline jump start solution.
ChromeOS and Google Play
This guide to publishing on Google Play shows you how to distribute apps and games across ChromeOS and Android.
Build your first Android app
Build your first Android app. Start the Android Basics course, browse learning resources, and explore sample apps.
Firebase solutions
Firebase solutions feature use cases that combine Firebase products to solve common app development challenges.
Leveraging the Gemini Pro Vision model for image understanding, multimodal prompts and accessibility
Explore how you can use the new Gemini Pro Vision model with the Gemini API to handle multimodal input data including text and image prompts to receive a text result. In this solution, you will learn how to access the Gemini API with image and text data, explore a variety of examples of prompts that can be achieved using images using Gemini Pro Vision and finally complete a codelab exploring how to use the API for a real-world problem scenario involving accessibility and basic web development.
Geospatial Creator
Create immersive experiences in minutes with no coding required in Adobe Aero and Unity - powered by ARCore and Google Maps Platform.
Android developers
Learn best practices and get guidance you need to build apps using APIs in the Android framework and other libraries.
Cloud Architecture Center
Reference cloud architectures, guides, and best practices for Google Cloud workflows, all in one place.
Big data and analytics with Google Cloud
Browse data and analytics resources for building or migrating workloads on Google Cloud.
Getting started with Google AI Studio, Gemini AI and NodeJS
Learn how to prototype text-based prompts with Google AI Studio and get started writing your first Gemini AI NodeJS script.
Cloud AI and machine learning
Cloud AI and machine learning solutions offer innovative ML products and services on a trusted platform.
Firebase and Google Play
This guide shows you how to enable App Check in an Android app, using the built-in Play Integrity provider.
Cloud jump start: Log analysis pipeline
Understand and use the log analysis pipeline jump start solution to extract web logs from an app.
Cloud jump start: Dynamic web application with Python
Explore building and running dynamic websites on Google Cloud.
Cloud jump start: Three-tier web app
Understand and deploy the Jump Start Solution, a multi-tier web stack, to Google Cloud.
Build a serverless ecommerce web app with Python, Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Firebase
Learn how to build a modern serverless ecommerce web app using a Django and Cloud Run backend, Cloud SQL data storage, and Firebase.
Firebase and AdMob
Link AdMob with Firebase and Google Analytics to make smarter decisions based on app and ad performance insights.
Build a modern three-tier architecture web application with Cloud Run
Learn how to build a multi-tier web application with a Golang backend running on Cloud Run and using a CloudSQL database.