Google Hosted Libraries 服务条款
使用 Google 托管的库对用户的隐私有什么影响?
Google 托管的库旨在将最终用户数据的收集、存储和使用限制在高效提供我们的托管库所需的范围内。
通用的 Google 隐私权政策适用于我们的服务。另外,对于向我们的资源专用网域(例如发出的任何请求,我们都会另外提供以下声明:
Google Hosted Libraries 使用特定于资源的网域,因此对托管式库的请求与使用其他 Google 服务时发出的请求是分开的。向这些资源专属网域的请求未通过身份验证。
Google Hosted Libraries 只会在必要时使用 Cookie,以确保安全并防止滥用行为。
Google Hosted 库支持并建议通过 HTTPS 进行加密。
- 我们会将 HTTP(S) 请求的记录记录到 Google 托管的库,以衡量性能指标和诊断问题。我们的系统在记录之前会移除 HTTP 引荐来源网址信息,以避免将请求与使用 Google 托管的库的任何单个网站相关联。对日志的访问仅基于有必要知道的情况,并且确保安全。如需详细了解 Google 收集的信息以及如何使用和保护这些信息,请参阅 Google 的隐私权政策。
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["Google Hosted Libraries prioritize user privacy by limiting data collection, storage, and usage to what's essential for efficient service."],["Requests for hosted libraries are separate from other Google services and are unauthenticated, enhancing user privacy."],["Google Hosted Libraries only uses cookies when necessary for security and abuse prevention."],["For added security, encryption via HTTPS is supported and recommended."],["HTTP(S) request logs are used solely for performance measurement and diagnostics, with referrer information removed and access restricted to protect user privacy."]]],["Google Hosted Libraries minimizes data collection to ensure efficient service. Requests to resource-specific domains are unauthenticated and isolated from other Google services. Cookies are used solely for security and abuse prevention. Encryption via HTTPS is supported and recommended. While HTTP(S) requests are logged for performance and problem diagnosis, referer information is removed to protect user website associations, and access to logs is restricted and secured.\n"]]