Server-side Tag Manager supports Google signals for Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
Before you begin
Before you can use Google signals in a server container:
- In Google Analytics, activate Google signals for the property you reference in your client-side Google tag.
- If you have more than one GA4 property, activate Google signals across your other properties.
Make sure your client-side tag sends data to a server container and your server container processes incoming requests. Learn more.
If you are serving Google scripts from your own servers, you need to enable region-specific settings for tags.
Use Google signals in a server container
To enable Google signals for server-side tagging:
In your server container, open the Tags menu.
Create a new Google Analytics: GA4 tag or edit an existing tag.
Enter a Measurement ID. Server tag will automatically inherit the Google Signals configuration settings for this measurement ID. If you don't supply a Measurement ID, the server tag inherits the Google Signals settings of the Measurement ID used in the client-side Google tag.
Repeat step 4 for all tags that are allowed to process Google signals.