Incident information

Waze accepts feed data for both real-time or planned traffic incidents, including hazards on the road, constructions, and more. Incidents don’t affect real-time navigation, they only alert drivers.

For a detailed specification of the CIFS tags see CIFS specification

Incident examples

The following examples show a single incident in XML and JSON formats:

XML incident

The following is an example of a feed file containing a single incident in XML format:

  <incident id="101">
    <polyline>51.510090 -0.006902 51.509142 -0.006564 51.506291 -0.003640 51.503796 0.001051 51.499218 0.001687 51.497365 0.002020</polyline>
    <street>NW 12th St</street>
    <description>Closure on I-95 NB due to construction</description>

JSON incident

The following is an example of a single incident in JSON format:

  "incidents": [
      "incident": {
        "id": "101",
        "type": "HAZARD",
        "subtype": "HAZARD_ON_ROAD",
        "polyline": "51.510090 -0.006902 51.509142 -0.006564 51.506291 -0.003640 51.503796 0.001051 51.499218 0.001687 51.497365 0.002020",
        "street": "NW 12th St",
        "starttime": "2024-06-07T09:00:00+01:00",
        "endtime": "2024-04-07T23:00:00+01:00",
        "description": " Closure on I-95 NB due to construction",
        "direction": "BOTH_DIRECTIONS"

The following examples show an entire incident feed file in both XML and JSON formats:

XML feed file

The following is an example of a complete incident feed file in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<incidents xmlns:xsi=""
   <incident id="1234">
      <description>Major Bridge Replacement</description>
      <polyline>39.4147140554 -84.0911348964 39.4236465485 -84.0910722875 39.4236695805 -84.1239525079</polyline>
   <incident id="1235">
      <description>Furniture fallen from a vehicle on the road</description>
      <street>BALES RD</street>
      <polyline>-84.6517482702 39.1562047924 -84.6515950347 39.1563610529 -84.6505661241 39.1572514708 -84.6502381133 39.1575875208</polyline>
   <incident id="1236">
      <description>Accident involving tractor</description>
      <street>BRIDGETOWN RD</street>
      <polyline>39.1562047924 -84.6517482702 39.1562047924 -84.6517482702</polyline>

JSON feed file

The following is an example of a complete incident feed file in JSON format:

  "incidents": [
      "id": "1234",
      "type": "HAZARD",
      "description": "Major Bridge Replacement",
      "street": "I-71",
      "direction": "BOTH_DIRECTIONS",
      "polyline": "39.4147140554 -84.0911348964 39.4236465485 -84.0910722875 39.4236695805 -84.1239525079",
      "creationtime": "2024-07-12T00:00:00-05:00",
      "starttime": "2024-07-12T00:00:00-05:00",
      "endtime": "2024-12-31T00:00:00-05:00"
      "id": "1235",
      "type": "HAZARD",
      "description": "Furniture fallen from a vehicle on the road",
      "street": "BALES RD",
      "polyline": "-84.6517482702 39.1562047924 -84.6515950347 39.1563610529 -84.6505661241 39.1572514708 -84.6502381133 39.1575875208 ",
      "starttime": "2024-04-25T00:00:00-05:00",
      "creationtime": "2024-04-25T00:00:00-05:00",
      "updatetime": "2024-04-26T00:00:00-05:00"
      "id": "1236",
      "type": "ACCIDENT",
      "description": "Accident involving tractor",
      "street": "BRIDGETOWN RD",
      "direction": "ONE_DIRECTION",
      "polyline": "39.1562047924 -84.6517482702 39.1562047924 -84.6517482702",
      "starttime": "2024-06-25T00:00:00-05:00",
      "creationtime": "2024-06-01T00:10:12-05:00"