Fields | |
editAttendeesActionMarkup |
An action that adds attendees to the Google Calendar event. |
editConferenceDataActionMarkup |
An action that adds conference data to the Google Calendar event. Third-party conferencing add-ons can only be built in Apps Script. |
addAttachmentsActionMarkup |
An action that adds attachments to the Google Calendar event. |
Fields | |
addonAttachments[] |
Fields | |
resourceUrl |
title |
Title of the attachment. |
mimeType |
MIME type of the content in resourceUrl. |
iconUrl |
Link to the resource's icon. |
Markup that defines conference data associated to a Google Calendar event. Third-party conferencing add-ons can only be built in Apps Script.
Fields | |
conferenceId |
Unique identifier for this conference data. Maximum 512 characters long. |
entryPoints[] |
Entry points to the conference. Maximum 300 entry points are allowed. |
parameters[] |
Additional add-on parameters. Maximum 300 parameters are allowed. |
error |
If set, it means an error occurred during conference creation. |
note |
Additional notes (such as instructions from the administrator, legal notices) to display to the user. Can contain HTML. Max length 2048 characters. |
conferenceSolutionId |
An identifier of the conferencing solution. Must match a value from the deployment's |
A way to join the conference. Third-party conferencing add-ons can only be built in Apps Script.
Fields | |
type |
The type of the entry point. Required. |
uri |
A URI for joining the conference. Supports tel: and http(s): and should be at most 1300 characters long. Required. |
label |
The label of the entry point to display to the user. Maximum 512 characters long. |
meetingCode |
A meeting code for accessing the conference. Maximum 128 characters long. |
accessCode |
An access code for accessing the conference. Maximum 128 characters long. |
passcode |
A passcode for accessing the conference. Maximum 128 characters long. |
password |
A password for accessing the conference. Maximum 128 characters long. |
pin |
A PIN for accessing the conference. Maximum 128 characters long. |
regionCode |
The CLDR/ISO 3166 region code for the country associated with this entry point. Applicable only to |
features[] |
Features of the entry point, such as being toll or toll-free. One entry point can have multiple features. |
Features of the entry point. Some features might apply only to specific entry points.
Enums | |
Unknown feature. |
Applies to PHONE entry point. A call to a toll number is charged to the calling party. A number can't be toll and toll-free at the same time. |
Applies to PHONE entry point. For the calling party, a call to a toll-free number is free of charge. A number can't be toll and toll-free at the same time. |
The type of the entry point. Third-party conferencing add-ons can only be built in Apps Script.
Enums | |
Unknown conference type. |
A video conference. |
A phone conference. |
Used to provide a link to further conference joining information. |
A conference using Session Initiation Protocol |
Represents an error that occurred during conference creation. Third-party conferencing add-ons can only be built in Apps Script.
Fields | |
type |
The type of error. Required. |
authenticationUrl |
If the error type is |
Enums | |
Unknown error. |
An authentication error. |
A temporary error. |
A permanent error. |
The user isn't allowed to perform some action in the third-party conferencing system. |
The user isn't allowed to use the selected conference solution (but might be allowed to use other solutions offered by the add-on). |
Solution-specific parameters that are persisted with the event data and, if an update or delete is needed, are passed to the add-on. For example: [{key: 'sessionKey', value: '123'}, {key: 'meetingId', value: '456'}]
Fields | |
key |
The key of the parameter. Maximum 50 characters long. Required. |
value |
The value of the parameter. Maximum 1024 characters long. Required. |
Fields | |
addAttendeeEmails[] |
A list of attendees to add to the Google Calendar event. |
Fields | |
Union field
conferenceData |
The conference data to add to the Google Calendar event. Third-party conferencing add-ons can only be built in Apps Script. |
For a
widget that uses a multiselect menu, a data source from Google Chat. The data source populates selection items for the multiselect menu. For example, a user can select Google Chat spaces that they're a member of.SelectionInput
Available for Google Chat apps and unavailable for Google Workspace add-ons.
Fields | |
Union field source . The Google Chat data source. source can be only one of the following: |
spaceDataSource |
Google Chat spaces that the user is a member of. |
A data source that populates Google Chat spaces as selection items for a multiselect menu. Only populates spaces that the user is a member of.
Available for Google Chat apps and unavailable for Google Workspace add-ons.
Fields | |
defaultToCurrentSpace |
If set to |
Creates or updates a message in Google Chat. For details, see Build Google Chat interfaces.
Fields | |
Union field action . A Google Chat action. action can be only one of the following: |
createMessageAction |
Sends a message as a Google Chat app. |
updateMessageAction |
Updates a Google Chat app's message. |
updateInlinePreviewAction |
To preview links, adds one or more cards to a Google Chat user's message. |
The Chat app sends a message. For details, see Send Google Chat messages.
Fields | |
message |
The Google Chat message. |
The Chat app previews a link in a message by adding or updating one or more cards. For details, see Preview links in Google Chat messages.
Fields | |
cardsV2[] |
An array of one or more cards. |
The Chat app updates text or cards in a message. For details, see Send Google Chat messages.
Fields | |
message |
The updated message. |
Fields | |
requestFileScope |
Fields | |
itemId |
Fields | |
Union field
requestFileScopeForActiveDocument |
This type has no fields.
Fields | |
Union field
taskAction |
updateDraftActionMarkup |
openCreatedDraftActionMarkup |
addonComposeUiActionMarkup |
Fields | |
type |
Enums | |
Default. When unspecified, no action is taken. |
Dismisses the add-on compose UI. |
Fields | |
draftId |
The ID of the newly created draft in the form "r123". |
draftStorageId |
The server storage ID in hex format, for example,"15e9fa622ce1029d". |
draftThreadServerPermId |
The server permanent ID for the draft's thread. This field isn't set anywhere, and it's ignored when processing OpenCreatedDraftActionMarkup. Supply and use draftThreadStorageId instead. |
draftThreadId |
The ID of the thread containing the newly created draft, for example, "15e9fa622ce1029d". |
Fields | |
reloadTasks |
Fields | |
updateBody |
A field that contains a series of update actions to perform on the draft body that the user is currently editing. |
updateToRecipients |
If set, replaces the existing To recipients of the draft the user is currently editing. |
updateCcRecipients |
If set, replaces the existing Cc recipients of the draft the user is currently editing. |
updateBccRecipients |
If set, replaces the existing Bcc recipients of the draft the user is currently editing. |
updateSubject |
If set, replaces the existing subject of the draft the user is currently editing. |
Fields | |
email |
Fields | |
bccRecipients[] |
Fields | |
insertContents[] |
A repeated field that contains a series of content to insert into the draft that the user is currently editing. The content can contain HTML content or plain text content. |
type |
Enums | |
Default value when nothing is set for ContentType. |
Specifies that the content is in plain text. |
Specifies that the content is in HTML and is mutable (can be edited). |
Specifies that the content is in HTML and is immutable (cannot be edited). |
EmailMimeType is deprecated. Please use ContentType.
Enums | |
Default value when nothing is set for EmailMimeType. |
Specifies that the inserted content is in plain text. |
Specifies that the inserted content is in HTML. |
Fields | |
content |
The content to be inserted. |
mimeType |
contentType |
The type of inserted content. |
Enums | |
Default value when nothing is set for Type. |
Indicates this action is to perform an in-place insertion. By default the content is inserted at the current cursor position, if there is selected content, it replaces the selected content. |
Indicates this action is to perform insert at the start of the message body. |
Indicates this action is to perform insert at the end of the message body. |
Indicates this action is to replace the message body. |
Fields | |
ccRecipients[] |
Fields | |
subject |
Fields | |
toRecipients[] |
Actions handled by individual host apps.
Fields | |
Union field
gmailAction |
Actions handled by Gmail. |
calendarAction |
Actions handled by Calendar. |
driveAction |
Actions handled by Drive. |
editorAction |
Actions handled by Docs, Sheets, or Slides. |
sheetsAction |
Actions handled by Sheets. |
Defines how to update Google Workspace data.
Fields | |
Union field action . The add-on action for a given Google Workspace host application. action can be only one of the following: |
chatDataAction |
A Google Chat action that creates or updates text or cards in a message. |
For a
widget that uses a multiselect menu, a data source from a Google Workspace application. The data source populates selection items for the multiselect menu.SelectionInput
Available for Google Chat apps and unavailable for Google Workspace add-ons.
Fields | |
Union field data_source . The Google Workspace application that populates items for a multiselect menu. data_source can be only one of the following: |
chatDataSource |
A data source from Google Chat. |
Fields | |
customFunctionReturnValueMarkup |
The result of a user running a custom function.
Fields | |
Union field result . The result of the custom function execution. result can be only one of the following: |
value |
The value that resulted from running the custom function. |
errorMessage |
The error message to show to the user if something went wrong. |