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Durasi: 20 menit
Jenis project: Add-on Editor
- Memahami fungsi solusi tersebut.
- Pahami apa yang dilakukan layanan Apps Script dalam
- Siapkan skrip.
- Jalankan skrip.
Tentang solusi ini
Bersihkan data {i>spreadsheet<i} dengan menghapus secara otomatis baris dan kolom kosong,
memotong {i>spreadsheet<i} ke tepi rentang data, dan mengisi kesenjangan
yang mengupload data.
Cara kerjanya
Skrip menjalankan fungsi berikut:
- Hapus baris kosong–Dalam rentang yang dipilih, skrip mengidentifikasi baris kosong
baris dan menghapusnya. Jika sel yang ada di dalam baris berisi karakter spasi, maka baris
tidak dianggap kosong.
- Hapus kolom kosong–Dalam rentang yang dipilih, skrip mengidentifikasi kolom kosong
kolom dan menghapusnya. Jika sel dalam kolom
berisi karakter spasi,
kolom tidak
dianggap kosong.
- Pangkas sheet ke rentang data–Skrip mengidentifikasi tempat rentang data berakhir
serta menghapus kelebihan baris dan kolom.
- Isi baris kosong–Skrip akan menyalin dan menempelkan konten
memilih sel aktif ke sel kosong pada baris di bawahnya. Skrip berhenti
menempelkan konten saat menemukan baris yang tidak kosong atau mencapai akhir
dari rentang data.
Layanan Apps Script
Solusi ini menggunakan layanan berikut:
- Layanan Spreadsheet–Mengaktifkan properti aktif
{i>sheet<i} dan melakukan semua fungsi pembersihan.
Untuk menggunakan contoh ini, Anda memerlukan prasyarat berikut:
- Akun Google (Akun Google Workspace mungkin
memerlukan persetujuan administrator).
- Browser web dengan akses ke internet.
Menyiapkan skrip
- Klik tombol berikut untuk membuka project Apps Script Lembar bersih.
Membuka project
- Klik Ringkasan
- Di halaman ringkasan, klik Buat salinan
- Di bagian atas salinan project Anda, klik Deploy.
> Deployment pengujian.
- Di sebelah Pilih jenis, klik Aktifkan jenis deployment
> Add-on Editor.
- Klik Buat pengujian baru.
- Di bagian Dokumen pengujian, klik Tidak ada dokumen yang dipilih.
- Pilih spreadsheet dengan data yang akan dibersihkan, lalu klik Sisipkan. Untuk menggunakan
contoh dokumen, buat salinan spreadsheet Contoh data pembersihan.
- Klik Simpan pengujian.
- Untuk membuka {i>spreadsheet<i}, pilih tombol pilihan di samping pengujian yang disimpan, lalu
klik Execute.
Jalankan skrip:
- Di spreadsheet, pilih rentang
- Klik Ekstensi >
Salinan Clean sheet
> Hapus baris kosong.
- Saat diminta, klik Lanjutkan dan beri otorisasi pada skrip.
- Klik Ekstensi >
Salinan Clean sheet
> Hapus baris kosong lagi.
- Klik Ekstensi >
Salinan Clean sheet
> Hapus kolom kosong.
- Klik Ekstensi >
Salinan Clean sheet
> Lembar pangkas ke rentang data.
- Pilih sel
- Klik Ekstensi >
Salinan Clean sheet
> Isi baris kosong di bawah.
Meninjau kode
Untuk meninjau kode Apps Script untuk solusi ini, klik
Lihat kode sumber di bawah:
Melihat kode sumber
// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:
// https://developers.google.com/apps-script/add-ons/clean-sheet
Copyright 2022 Google LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Application Constants
const APP_TITLE = 'Clean sheet';
* Identifies and deletes empty rows in selected range of active sheet.
* Cells that contain space characters are treated as non-empty.
* The entire row, including the cells outside of the selected range,
* must be empty to be deleted.
* Called from menu option.
function deleteEmptyRows() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Gets active selection and dimensions.
let activeRange = sheet.getActiveRange();
const rowCount = activeRange.getHeight();
const firstActiveRow = activeRange.getRow();
const columnCount = sheet.getMaxColumns();
// Tests that the selection is a valid range.
if (rowCount < 1) {
showMessage('Select a valid range.');
// Tests active range isn't too large to process. Enforces limit set to 10k.
if (rowCount > 10000) {
showMessage("Selected range too large. Select up to 10,000 rows at one time.");
// Utilizes an array of values for efficient processing to determine blank rows.
const activeRangeValues = sheet.getRange(firstActiveRow, 1, rowCount, columnCount).getValues();
// Checks if array is all empty values.
const valueFilter = value => value !== '';
const isRowEmpty = (row) => {
return row.filter(valueFilter).length === 0;
// Maps the range values as an object with value (to test) and corresponding row index (with offset from selection).
const rowsToDelete = activeRangeValues.map((row, index) => ({ row, offset: index + activeRange.getRowIndex() }))
.filter(item => isRowEmpty(item.row)) // Test to filter out non-empty rows.
.map(item => item.offset); //Remap to include just the row indexes that will be removed.
// Combines a sorted, ascending list of indexes into a set of ranges capturing consecutive values as start/end ranges.
// Combines sequential empty rows for faster processing.
const rangesToDelete = rowsToDelete.reduce((ranges, index) => {
const currentRange = ranges[ranges.length - 1];
if (currentRange && index === currentRange[1] + 1) {
currentRange[1] = index;
return ranges;
ranges.push([index, index]);
return ranges;
}, []);
// Sends a list of row indexes to be deleted to the console.
// Deletes the rows using REVERSE order to ensure proper indexing is used.
rangesToDelete.reverse().forEach(([start, end]) => sheet.deleteRows(start, end - start + 1));
* Removes blank columns in a selected range.
* Cells containing Space characters are treated as non-empty.
* The entire column, including cells outside of the selected range,
* must be empty to be deleted.
* Called from menu option.
function deleteEmptyColumns() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Gets active selection and dimensions.
let activeRange = sheet.getActiveRange();
const rowCountMax = sheet.getMaxRows();
const columnWidth = activeRange.getWidth();
const firstActiveColumn = activeRange.getColumn();
// Tests that the selection is a valid range.
if (columnWidth < 1) {
showMessage('Select a valid range.');
// Tests active range is not too large to process. Enforces limit set to 1k.
if (columnWidth > 1000) {
showMessage("Selected range too large. Select up to 10,000 rows at one time.");
// Utilizes an array of values for efficient processing to determine blank columns.
const activeRangeValues = sheet.getRange(1, firstActiveColumn, rowCountMax, columnWidth).getValues();
// Transposes the array of range values so it can be processed in order of columns.
const activeRangeValuesTransposed = activeRangeValues[0].map((_, colIndex) => activeRangeValues.map(row => row[colIndex]));
// Checks if array is all empty values.
const valueFilter = value => value !== '';
const isColumnEmpty = (column) => {
return column.filter(valueFilter).length === 0;
// Maps the range values as an object with value (to test) and corresponding column index (with offset from selection).
const columnsToDelete = activeRangeValuesTransposed.map((column, index) => ({ column, offset: index + firstActiveColumn}))
.filter(item => isColumnEmpty(item.column)) // Test to filter out non-empty rows.
.map(item => item.offset); //Remap to include just the column indexes that will be removed.
// Combines a sorted, ascending list of indexes into a set of ranges capturing consecutive values as start/end ranges.
// Combines sequential empty columns for faster processing.
const rangesToDelete = columnsToDelete.reduce((ranges, index) => {
const currentRange = ranges[ranges.length - 1];
if (currentRange && index === currentRange[1] + 1) {
currentRange[1] = index;
return ranges;
ranges.push([index, index]);
return ranges;
}, []);
// Sends a list of column indexes to be deleted to the console.
// Deletes the columns using REVERSE order to ensure proper indexing is used.
rangesToDelete.reverse().forEach(([start, end]) => sheet.deleteColumns(start, end - start + 1));
* Trims all of the unused rows and columns outside of selected data range.
* Called from menu option.
function cropSheet() {
const dataRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getDataRange();
const sheet = dataRange.getSheet();
let numRows = dataRange.getNumRows();
let numColumns = dataRange.getNumColumns();
const maxRows = sheet.getMaxRows();
const maxColumns = sheet.getMaxColumns();
const numFrozenRows = sheet.getFrozenRows();
const numFrozenColumns = sheet.getFrozenColumns();
// If last data row is less than maximium row, then deletes rows after the last data row.
if (numRows < maxRows) {
numRows = Math.max(numRows, numFrozenRows + 1); // Don't crop empty frozen rows.
sheet.deleteRows(numRows + 1, maxRows - numRows);
// If last data column is less than maximium column, then deletes columns after the last data column.
if (numColumns < maxColumns) {
numColumns = Math.max(numColumns, numFrozenColumns + 1); // Don't crop empty frozen columns.
sheet.deleteColumns(numColumns + 1, maxColumns - numColumns);
* Copies value of active cell to the blank cells beneath it.
* Stops at last row of the sheet's data range if only blank cells are encountered.
* Called from menu option.
function fillDownData() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// Gets sheet's active cell and confirms it's not empty.
const activeCell = sheet.getActiveCell();
const activeCellValue = activeCell.getValue();
if (!activeCellValue) {
showMessage("The active cell is empty. Nothing to fill.");
// Gets coordinates of active cell.
const column = activeCell.getColumn();
const row = activeCell.getRow();
// Gets entire data range of the sheet.
const dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
const dataRangeRows = dataRange.getNumRows();
// Gets trimmed range starting from active cell to the end of sheet data range.
const searchRange = dataRange.offset(row - 1, column - 1, dataRangeRows - row + 1, 1)
const searchValues = searchRange.getDisplayValues();
// Find the number of empty rows below the active cell.
let i = 1; // Start at 1 to skip the ActiveCell.
while (searchValues[i] && searchValues[i][0] == "") { i++; }
// If blanks exist, fill the range with values.
if (i > 1) {
const fillRange = searchRange.offset(0, 0, i, 1).setValue(activeCellValue)
//sheet.setActiveRange(fillRange) // Uncomment to test affected range.
else {
showMessage("There are no empty cells below the Active Cell to fill.");
* A helper function to display messages to user.
* @param {string} message - Message to be displayed.
* @param {string} caller - {Optional} text to append to title.
function showMessage(message, caller) {
// Sets the title using the APP_TITLE variable; adds optional caller string.
const title = APP_TITLE
if (caller != null) {
title += ` : ${caller}`
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.alert(title, message, ui.ButtonSet.OK);
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