Contoh Kode Apps Script

Contoh kode Apps Script berikut tersedia untuk YouTube Data API. Anda dapat mendownload contoh kode ini dari folder apps-script di repositori contoh kode YouTube API di GitHub.

Ambil upload saya

Fungsi ini mengambil video yang diupload pengguna skrip saat ini. Untuk menjalankannya, diperlukan cakupan baca/tulis OAuth untuk YouTube serta otorisasi pengguna. Di lingkungan waktu proses Apps Script, saat pengguna menjalankan skrip untuk pertama kalinya, Apps Script akan meminta izin pengguna untuk mengakses layanan yang dipanggil oleh skrip. Setelah izin diberikan, izin tersebut akan disimpan di cache selama beberapa waktu. Pengguna yang menjalankan skrip akan dimintai izin lagi setelah izin yang diperlukan berubah, atau ketika menjadi tidak valid oleh fungsi ScriptApp.validationAuth().

Skrip ini melakukan langkah-langkah berikut untuk mengambil video yang diupload pengguna aktif: 1. Mengambil saluran pengguna 2. Mengambil 'upload' pengguna daftar putar 3. Melakukan iterasi melalui playlist ini dan mencatat ID dan judul video 4. Mengambil token halaman berikutnya (jika ada). Jika ada, mengambil halaman berikutnya. BUKA Langkah 3
 * This function retrieves the current script user's uploaded videos. To execute,
 * it requires the OAuth read/write scope for YouTube as well as user authorization.
 * In Apps Script's runtime environment, the first time a user runs a script, Apps
 * Script will prompt the user for permission to access the services called by the
 * script. After permissions are granted, they are cached for some periodF of time.
 * The user running the script will be prompted for permission again once the
 * permissions required change, or when they are invalidated by the
 * ScriptApp.invalidateAuth() function.
 * This script takes the following steps to retrieve the active user's uploaded videos:
 *    1. Fetches the user's channels
 *    2. Fetches the user's 'uploads' playlist
 *    3. Iterates through this playlist and logs the video IDs and titles
 *    4. Fetches a next page token (if any). If there is one, fetches the next page. GOTO Step 3
function retrieveMyUploads() {
  var results = YouTube.Channels.list('contentDetails', {mine: true});
  for(var i in results.items) {
    var item = results.items[i];
    // Get the playlist ID, which is nested in contentDetails, as described in the
    // Channel resource:
    var playlistId = item.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;

    var nextPageToken = '';

    // This loop retrieves a set of playlist items and checks the nextPageToken in the
    // response to determine whether the list contains additional items. It repeats that process
    // until it has retrieved all of the items in the list.
    while (nextPageToken != null) {
      var playlistResponse = YouTube.PlaylistItems.list('snippet', {
        playlistId: playlistId,
        maxResults: 25,
        pageToken: nextPageToken

      for (var j = 0; j < playlistResponse.items.length; j++) {
        var playlistItem = playlistResponse.items[j];
        Logger.log('[%s] Title: %s',

      nextPageToken = playlistResponse.nextPageToken;

Cari menggunakan kata kunci

Fungsi ini mencari video yang terkait dengan kata kunci 'dogs'. ID video dan judul hasil penelusuran dicatat ke log Apps Script.

Perhatikan bahwa sampel ini membatasi hasil hingga 25. Untuk menampilkan hasil lainnya, teruskan parameter tambahan seperti yang didokumentasikan di sini:
 * This function searches for videos related to the keyword 'dogs'. The video IDs and titles
 * of the search results are logged to Apps Script's log.
 * Note that this sample limits the results to 25. To return more results, pass
 * additional parameters as documented here:
function searchByKeyword() {
  var results = YouTube.Search.list('id,snippet', {q: 'dogs', maxResults: 25});
  for(var i in results.items) {
    var item = results.items[i];
    Logger.log('[%s] Title: %s',, item.snippet.title);

Telusuri menurut topik

Fungsi ini mencari video yang terkait dengan topik Freebase tertentu, mencatat ID dan judul video ke log Apps Script. Contoh ini menggunakan ID topik untuk Google Apps Script.

Perhatikan bahwa sampel ini membatasi hasil hingga 25. Untuk menampilkan hasil lainnya, teruskan parameter tambahan seperti yang didokumentasikan di sini:
 * This function searches for videos that are associated with a particular Freebase
 * topic, logging their video IDs and titles to the Apps Script log. This example uses
 * the topic ID for Google Apps Script.
 * Note that this sample limits the results to 25. To return more results, pass
 * additional parameters as documented here:
function searchByTopic() {
  var mid = '/m/0gjf126';
  var results = YouTube.Search.list('id,snippet', {topicId: mid, maxResults: 25});
  for(var i in results.items) {
    var item = results.items[i];
    Logger.log('[%s] Title: %s',, item.snippet.title);

Subscribe ke channel

Contoh ini membuat pengguna aktif subscribe ke channel YouTube GoogleDevelopers, yang ditentukan oleh channelId.
 * This sample subscribes the active user to the Google Developers
 * YouTube channel, specified by the channelId.
function addSubscription() {
  // Replace this channel ID with the channel ID you want to subscribe to
  var channelId = 'UC_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw';
  var resource = {
    snippet: {
      resourceId: {
        kind: 'youtube#channel',
        channelId: channelId

  try {
    var response = YouTube.Subscriptions.insert(resource, 'snippet');
  } catch (e) {
    if(e.message.match('subscriptionDuplicate')) {
      Logger.log('Cannot subscribe; already subscribed to channel: ' + channelId);
    } else {
      Logger.log('Error adding subscription: ' + e.message);

Perbarui video

Sampel ini menemukan upload pengguna aktif, lalu memperbarui deskripsi upload terbaru dengan menambahkan string.
 * This sample finds the active user's uploads, then updates the most recent
 * upload's description by appending a string.
function updateVideo() {
  // 1. Fetch all the channels owned by active user
  var myChannels = YouTube.Channels.list('contentDetails', {mine: true});
  // 2. Iterate through the channels and get the uploads playlist ID
  for (var i = 0; i < myChannels.items.length; i++) {
    var item = myChannels.items[i];
    var uploadsPlaylistId = item.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;

    var playlistResponse = YouTube.PlaylistItems.list('snippet', {
      playlistId: uploadsPlaylistId,
      maxResults: 1

    // Get the videoID of the first video in the list
    var video = playlistResponse.items[0];
    var originalDescription = video.snippet.description;
    var updatedDescription = originalDescription + ' Description updated via Google Apps Script';

    video.snippet.description = updatedDescription;

    var resource = {
      snippet: {
        title: video.snippet.title,
        description: updatedDescription,
        categoryId: '22'
      id: video.snippet.resourceId.videoId
    YouTube.Videos.update(resource, 'id,snippet');