Resellers and customers use the zero-touch portal to prepare devices and configurations for zero-touch enrollment. This guide helps enrolled device resellers use the portal. If you're a customer, visit the Android Enterprise Help Center .
Resellers are companies that distribute devices for zero-touch enrollment. As a reseller, you use the portal to manage your customers and register devices to them. To help you do this, use the portal to:
- Create customer accounts.
- View all available customers.
- Search for devices.
- Add or remove devices.
Get started
If you're the first person from your organization to use the portal, register for the Android Enterprise Partner Portal to apply for access. Once you have access to the portal, submit an application to become a validated device reseller. A member of our team will contact you to sign the necessary legal agreements and give you access to the portal.
You'll need a Google Account, associated with your corporate email, to use the portal. See Associate a Google Account below. You can't use your personal Gmail account with the portal.
Associate a Google Account
If you don't have a Google Account associated with your corporate email, follow the steps below:
- Go to Create your Google Account.
- Enter your name.
- Set Your email address to your corporate email. Don't click I would like a new Gmail address.
- Complete the remaining account information.
- Click Next step.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to finish creating your account.
We recommend enabling 2-Step Verification on a Google Account that's used for administrative purposes. 2-Step Verification adds an extra layer of security to your account. See the Google Account Help Center to help you and learn more about your new account.
Work with customers
Your customers use the portal to map devices to the EMM configs that provision those devices. Add your customers in the portal to give them access. After you add a customer to the portal, your organization can register devices for the customer.
View customers
Customers are listed in a table under the Customers tab , where you can also see Customer ID and the number of devices added under that customer. Devices can be added via this tab by hovering over the customer you wish to add to and selecting Add device. Clicking on the customer name will take you to the Devices tab automatically, where you can see all the devices listed under that specific customer. If you know the name of the customer, we recommend using the customer search bar at the top of the screen.
To see all your customers:
- Open the portal.
- Click Customers in the sidebar.
To see your vendors' customers:
- Open the portal.
- Click Customers in the sidebar.
- Select the Vendor customers tab
The vendor customers table can be sorted by Customer name, Customer ID, Number of devices, and the Vendor name. A dropdown at the top of the page gives you the option to only show customers for a specific vendor in the list that is associated with your reseller account.
Note: The Add customer button is disabled under Vendor customers. This is because resellers cannot create any customer accounts or add any devices for their vendors.
Add a customer
You can set up a new customer account in the portal. After you create a customer in the portal, they manage their employees' portal access.
Note: The below instructions will only add a new account for a customer using Android devices. To add a customer using ChromeOS devices, select New customer during the Add device step.
Before you add a new customer, you need the following information.
- A customer name so you can find the customer in your portal. The customer name doesn't have to be unique, but it's easier to find customers if you name each one uniquely.
- Ask the customer to supply at least one Google Account to be the owner. The owner can add and remove users and other owners later. If the customer needs help associating the account, send the instructions from Associate a Google Account above.
To create a customer account, follow the steps below:
- Open the portal.
- Click Customers in the sidebar.
- Click Add Customer.
- Give the customer a name.
- Set the customer account owner in Manager email.
- Optionally, add comma-separated email addresses for other employees that need to access the portal.
- Select your preferred language from the dropdown provided.
- You have two options for receiving a welcome email. The first is if you are creating a zero-touch customer, where they will receive an email immediately after their new customer is added. The second is if you are creating an essentials customer, where the email will send to their customer after all the devices are assigned.
- Check the details you've entered—you can't edit or delete a customer after you create one.
- Click Add.
An email will be sent out confirming addition of a new customer once the device has been successfully added.
Manage devices
After your customers purchase devices, they'll want to configure provisioning settings for these devices in their zero-touch account. Assigning a device adds the device to zero-touch and shows the device in the customer's view of the portal. In the portal, you can:
- Find devices.
- Assign devices to customers.
- Remove devices from customers.
- Import and export CSV data.
Note: when configuring a Samsung device we recommend that KME and zero-touch
are not configured on the same device due to configuration sync issues. For more
information please read
Find devices
The Portal can be used to find devices your organization (or vendors) registered to customers. This can be done using the IMEI, serial number, MEID, customer ID, or the name of the customer. To find devices:
- Open the Devices tab from the left sidebar
- Enter the IMEI, serial number, MEID, customer ID, or the name of the customer in the top search bar which states "Search for Devices"
- Click Search.
- All results matching the information given will be displayed in the results table
The table allows multi-selection of devices using the checkboxes, results downloaded as a CSV, and the ability to remove multiple devices at once if necessary. If your search does not match any devices, the table will not display any results.
Add devices
Devices can be added via the Devices tab or the Customer tab. Adding a device in the customer tab can be done by finding the customer in the list and hovering over the row to see the Add device button. Device addition on the Customers tab bypasses the need to input a customer as you add the device straight from the customer row. You register devices to a customer by uploading a CSV file via the CSV Upload option. If you do not wish to use a CSV, select the Quick Upload option.
Registering a device adds it to zero-touch and shows the device in the customer's view of the portal. Each row in the CSV file lists the customer ID that you want to assign the device to.
Note: A CSV text file represents a data table, and each line represents a row in that table. Commas separate the values in that row. A new line means a new row of data.
CSV Upload
Prepare a CSV file containing your device and customer information. You can download a sample file from the Device upload page in the portal to help you get started. Alternatively, if you want to start with a blank file, learn about the fields needed by reading Import CSV file format.
Check that the CSV file you upload to the portal is smaller than 50 MB because that's the largest file the portal accepts. If you have more than 50 MB of data, consider splitting the file into smaller files. For ChromeOS devices, the CSV file limit is 30 devices, regardless of file size. When you've prepared your CSV file, follow the steps below:
- From the Devices tab, select Add device
- This will open up a modal where you can choose to Quick Upload or CSV Upload to set up a device. Select CSV Upload
- Click to upload your CSV or drag and drop from your file explorer
A message of completion is shown once the CSV is uploaded stating that it may take anywhere from minutes to a couple of days for the device to be added to your portal. If the file and its devices did not upload successfully, you will receive an email stating how many devices uploaded successfully and how many failed to upload. Click the See details button in the email to open a status page. The status page lists each device that wasn't assigned to a customer with a reason for the error.
If you close your browser window after the CSV file uploads, the portal continues to process your data. To know when the portal finishes processing your data, check your email inbox for the status email.
The devices appear in your customer's portal after processing has finished. When you receive the processing summary email, check for any errors, and if everything went well, let your customer know that they can see the purchased devices in their portal.
Import CSV file format
To register devices to your customer's account, you upload a CSV file. The following snippet shows the CSV field format with example values for two Android devices with IMEIs. Note that the second device is a dual-SIM device with two IMEIs:
You can also register any device by serial number, using the serial
, model
and manufacturer
fields. If you specify the serial number you must also
specify the manufacturer and model fields:
You can also register serial number, manufacturer, model, and IMEI for a single device:
Table 1 shows the field values you use in your CSV file:
Field | Example | Description |
modemtype | IMEI | Required if also setting modemid or modemid2. Set this value to IMEI or MEID using uppercase characters. |
modemid | 123456789012347 | Set this value to the device’s IMEI or MEID number. The portal validates IMEI values when processing the data row. |
modemid2 | 234567890123478 | For dual-SIM devices, set this value to the device’s other IMEI or MEID number. |
serial | ABcd1235678 | Required for Wi-Fi only Android devices and ChromeOS devices. Optional for cellular devices. The manufacturer’s case-sensitive serial number for the device. |
model | VM1A | Required if serial is provided. Set this value to the device’s model. For ChromeOS devices you need to make sure this is one of the names listed in the list of compatible ChromeOS devices. |
manufacturer | Required if serial is provided. This must match the device's built-in value returned from Build.MANUFACTURER . See the manufacturer names reference for further information. If the manufacturer value includes a comma, you should enclose the value in double quotation marks to prevent the comma being interpreted as a delimiter in the CSV file, e.g. "casio computer co., ltd." | |
profiletype | ZERO_TOUCH | Always set this value to ZERO_TOUCH using uppercase characters. |
owner | 54321 | Required for Android devices. Set this value to the numeric ID of the customer you want to assign the device to. To find the ID for a customer, follow the steps in View customers (above). |
phonenumber | +1 (800) 555-0100 | Optionally, set this value to the telephone number of the device. You can use any format that makes sense for your organization. |
ordernumber | GOOG#123/ABC-123456 | Optionally, set this value to the order number for the purchase. You can use any format that makes sense for your organization. |
preprovisioningtoken | 01234567-0123-0123-abcd-012345abcdef | Required for ChromeOS devices. The pre-provisioning token provided by the customer. |
attesteddeviceid | ABcd1235678 | Required for ChromeOS devices. The attestation ID for the device. See attestation ID formats for details. |
Quick Upload
To add a device using the Quick Upload function:
- Select the operating system of the device. This option is only visible if your account is enabled for more than one operating system.
- Select which customer to add the device to by inputting their name or customer ID
- For an Android device:
- Choose the identifier type from IMEI or serial number
- For IMEI you must provide the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification) number
- For serial number you must provide the manufacturer, model, and serial number. Of which the Manufacturer and Model must be selected from the dropdown shown. If the manufacturer and model are not shown in the dropdown, please contact your OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) to check if the device you are attempting to add is supported by zero-touch.
- For a ChromeOS device:
- Enter the pre-provisioning token that your customer has provided. If you have previously used this token you can select it from the auto-complete options presented.
- Enter the model of the device. Select one of the supported models from the auto-complete options presented.
- Enter the serial number and attestation ID of the device.
Note: For detailed information on required fields during device upload, please read the identifiers page.
Remove devices
You'll need to remove a customer's device before you can assign the same device to a different customer.
Single device
You can remove one device at a time by selecting devices in the portal. To remove a device, follow the steps below:
- Open the portal.
- Find the devices you want to remove by following the steps in Find devices above.
- Locate the device in the Registered Devices table if there is more than one device in the results.
- Click Remove in the device row.
- Click Remove in the confirmation panel to confirm.
Multiple devices
You can remove customers' devices by selecting all the relevant devices from the device page using the checkboxes and clicking remove or by uploading a CSV file.
For removal via a CSV file, use the CSV field format above and set the
field to 0 (zero). Confirm that the CSV file you upload to the portal
is smaller than 50 MB because that's the largest file the portal accepts.
The following snippet shows an example CSV file to deregister two devices.
To remove a batch of devices, follow the steps below:
- Open the portal.
- Click Add device in the sidebar.
- Click Upload.
- Select your CSV file from the file picker.
After the file uploads, the portal processes the data rows. When processing finishes, the portal shows a notification with a link to an upload status page. You also receive an email summarizing the processing of your CSV data. Click the See details button in the email to open the status page for your CSV file. The status page lists any devices the portal didn't remove with a reason for the error.
Export devices
To export a CSV file of your customers' devices, follow the steps below:
- Find the devices you want to export by following the steps in Find devices above.
- If your search found devices, click Download results as .csv.
The CSV file contains all your found devices, not just the result rows shown in the table. The export CSV file contains the following fields:
contains the GSM network identity number for the device.serialnumber
contains the manufacturer's serial number for the device. This might be empty if the serial number isn't recorded for the device.manufacturer
contains the device manufacturer’s name. This might be empty if the manufacturer isn't recorded for the device.model
contains the manufacturer's name for the device model. This might be empty if the model isn't recorded for the device.owner
contains the numeric ID for the customer your organization assigned the device to. This matches the value listed in the Customers page.ownername
contains the name of the customer your organization assigned the device to. This matches the value listed in the Customers page.reseller
contains the numeric ID for the reseller (your organization or one of your vendors) that claimed the device.resellername
contains the name of the reseller (your organization or one of your vendors) that claimed the device.imei2
contains the second GSM network identity number for the device.
The device export CSV file contains different columns than the device import CSV file. The snippet below shows the first lines from a typical device export CSV file:
"123456789012347","","","","","123456789","ACME Wireless Inc.","54321","XYZ Corp",
"","","ABcd1235678","Honeywell","VM1A","123456789","ACME Wireless Inc.","54321","XYZ Corp",
Dual-SIM devices
A dual-SIM device includes two discrete modems and has two IMEI numbers. You can register both IMEIs, but if registering just one, choose the numerically lowest IMEI number as zero-touch enrollment works more reliably with the lowest IMEI.
To display the second IMEI in the zero-touch portal:
- Go to the Devices tab.
- On the upper right corner, beside the Add Device button, click the three dots .
- Select Customize table.
- Select the checkbox for IMEI2.
- Click Save.
For information on dual-sim issues and their resolutions regarding zero-touch devices, please read known issues.
You can use vendors to represent reseller partners in your dealer network, local operators within a global reseller network, or any organization that sells devices on your behalf. Vendors help you separate your users, customers, and devices:
- Vendors cannot see your zero-touch enrollment account or each others’ accounts.
- You can view your vendors’ customers and devices and you can remove vendors’ devices. However, you cannot assign devices to your vendors’ customers.
Vendors appear and behave (in the portal and APIs) just as a reseller does, except that a vendor cannot have other vendors.
View vendors
To see your organization’s vendors:
- Open the portal.
- Click Vendors in the sidebar.
- Look in the Vendors table to see your organization’s vendors.
If you don't see Vendors in the sidebar, your organization is a vendor that’s already part of reseller network. Check which zero-touch account you're using in the sidebar dropdown.
Create a vendor
Resellers cannot create new Vendors via the portal, only view the list of existing Vendors. Instead you must send a support request via the reseller community page for Google to start the approval and creation process. In your email please provide the following:
- Vendor Name: to identify the vendor in your portal. It is preferable to be short, unique, and recognizable for ease of search
- Manager Email: this will be the new owner provided by the vendor. The owner can add and remove users, and other owners. If the vendor needs help associating the account, send the instructions from Associate a Google Account.
- Optional additional email addresses for other employees to access the portal
A member of the Android team will contact you to verify that your specific reseller agreement covers your new vendor addition. You will then be informed once the vendor has been created, and in turn, the new vendor will be contacted confirming the account is ready to use. The access your organization has to the customers and devices on the vendor are communicated to the vendor in the same email.
Portal users
Your organization manages the users that have access to the portal.
Your organization's portal users can be owners or admins. Owners share the same access as admins and can manage your organization's users. Table 2 compares the capabilities of the owner and admin roles:
Portal task | Owner | Admin |
Add, edit, and assign devices | ||
Add customers | ||
Add users | ||
Edit user roles | ||
Remove users | ||
View Vendors | ||
Import and export CSV files | ||
Add service accounts to get API access |
See your account's role
Follow the steps below to check your account's role:
- Open the portal.
- Click Users in the sidebar.
- Look in the Role column to see your account's role.
Add team members
Before you start, check your account role to ensure that it's Owner. You must be an owner to add team members. Give portal access to new team members by following the steps below:
- Ask your team member to associate a Google Account with their corporate email. Your team member can follow the instructions in Associate a Google Account.
- Open the portal.
- Click Users in the sidebar.
- Click .
- Set Email address to the team member's corporate email.
- Select a Role from the dropdown.
- Click Add.
The portal doesn't notify your team members that they have access so you must remember to inform them yourself.
Delete team members
Before you start, check your account role to ensure that it's Owner. You need to be an account owner to delete team members. To remove a team member's access to the portal, follow the steps below:
- Open the portal.
- Click Users in the sidebar.
- Hover over the row for the user you wish to remove
- Before you proceed, check that the account is correct.
- Select Delete. Before deletion is completed the portal provides a warning message to ensure you wish to go ahead with deletion. You must click the delete button again to confirm.
If you accidentally delete an account, re-add it by following the instructions in Add team members above.
Edit roles
Before you start, check your account role to ensure that it's Owner. You need to be an account owner to edit team members' roles. To change the role of a team member, follow the steps below:
- Open the portal.
- Click Users in the sidebar.
- Click Edit for the account you want to change.
- Select a Role from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
Note: You cannot edit your own user role, only another user with the ability to edit roles can do so for you.
Portal languages
You can use the portal in one of the following languages:
American English, British English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, or Swedish.
To change to another language, update the preferred language in your Google Account. For more help, follow the instructions in Change language.