Method: customers.configurations.delete
사용되지 않는 구성을 삭제합니다. 고객에게 구성이 적용된 기기가 있는 경우 API 호출이 실패합니다.
URL은 gRPC 트랜스코딩 문법을 사용합니다.
경로 매개변수
매개변수 |
name |
필수 항목입니다. 삭제할 구성입니다. customers/[CUSTOMER_ID]/configurations/[CONFIGURATION_ID] 형식의 API 리소스 이름입니다. 구성이 기기에 적용되면 API 호출이 실패합니다.
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자세한 내용은 OAuth 2.0 개요를 참고하세요.
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최종 업데이트: 2024-08-07(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-08-07(UTC)"],[[["This API endpoint is used to delete an unused configuration using a DELETE HTTP request."],["The `name` path parameter is required, which specifies the configuration to delete in the format `customers/[CUSTOMER_ID]/configurations/[CONFIGURATION_ID]`."],["The request body for this operation must be empty."],["If successful, the response body will also be empty, and it fails if the configuration is applied to any devices."],["The authorization scope required for this operation is ``."]]],["This describes how to delete a configuration using a `DELETE` HTTP request to a specific URL: `{name=customers/*/configurations/*}`. The `name` path parameter, formatted as `customers/[CUSTOMER_ID]/configurations/[CONFIGURATION_ID]`, is required. The request body must be empty. A successful request returns an empty response body. The API call will fail if devices are using the targeted configuration, and requires the `` authorization scope.\n"]]