Google Workspace 插件快速入门

本快速入门创建了一个简单的 Google Workspace 插件,用于演示首页、上下文触发器以及如何连接到第三方 API。

该插件会在 Gmail、Google 日历和 Google 云端硬盘中创建上下文和非上下文界面。该插件会随机显示一张小猫图片,图片上会叠加显示文字。对于首页,该文本可以是静态文本,也可以是上下文触发器的托管应用上下文。


  • 设置环境。
  • 设置脚本。
  • 运行脚本。



  • Google 帐号(Google Workspace 帐号可能需要管理员批准)。
  • 一个能够访问互联网的网络浏览器。

  • 具有一个 Google Cloud 项目


在 Google Cloud 控制台中打开您的 Cloud 项目

打开您打算用于此示例的 Cloud 项目(如果尚未打开):

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往选择项目页面。

    选择 Cloud 项目

  2. 选择您要使用的 Google Cloud 项目。或者,点击创建项目,然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。如果您创建了 Google Cloud 项目,则可能需要为该项目启用结算功能

Google Workspace 插件需要配置同意屏幕。通过配置插件的 OAuth 同意屏幕,可以定义 Google 向用户显示的内容。

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依次点击“菜单”图标 > API 和服务 > OAuth 同意屏幕

    转到 OAuth 同意屏幕

  2. 对于用户类型,选择内部,然后点击创建
  3. 填写应用注册表单,然后点击保存并继续
  4. 目前,您可以跳过添加范围的步骤,点击 Save and Continue(保存并继续)。 将来,当您创建要在 Google Workspace 组织外部使用的应用时,必须将用户类型更改为外部,然后添加您的应用所需的授权范围。

  5. 查看您的应用注册摘要。如要进行更改,请点击修改。如果应用注册看起来正常,请点击 Back to Dashboard


创建 Apps 脚本项目

  1. 如需创建新的 Apps 脚本项目,请前往
  2. 点击未命名项目
  3. 将 Apps 脚本项目 Cats 重命名,然后点击重命名
  4. 文件旁边,依次点击“更多”图标 > 重命名。将文件命名为 Common
  5. 点击“Add a file”图标 > Script。将文件命名为 Gmail
  6. 重复第 5 步,再创建 2 个名为 CalendarDrive 的脚本文件。完成后,您应该拥有 4 个单独的脚本文件。
  7. 将每个文件的内容替换为以下相应的代码:

     * This simple Google Workspace Add-on shows a random image of a cat in the
     * sidebar. When opened manually (the homepage card), some static text is
     * overlayed on the image, but when contextual cards are opened a new cat image
     * is shown with the text taken from that context (such as a message's subject
     * line) overlaying the image. There is also a button that updates the card with
     * a new random cat image.
     * Click "File > Make a copy..." to copy the script, and "Publish > Deploy from
     * manifest > Install add-on" to install it.
     * The maximum number of characters that can fit in the cat image.
    var MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 40;
     * Callback for rendering the homepage card.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onHomepage(e) {
      var hour = Number(Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),, 'H'));
      var message;
      if (hour >= 6 && hour < 12) {
        message = 'Good morning';
      } else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 18) {
        message = 'Good afternoon';
      } else {
        message = 'Good night';
      message += ' ' + e.hostApp;
      return createCatCard(message, true);
     * Creates a card with an image of a cat, overlayed with the text.
     * @param {String} text The text to overlay on the image.
     * @param {Boolean} isHomepage True if the card created here is a homepage;
     *      false otherwise. Defaults to false.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The assembled card.
    function createCatCard(text, isHomepage) {
      // Explicitly set the value of isHomepage as false if null or undefined.
      if (!isHomepage) {
        isHomepage = false;
      // Use the "Cat as a service" API to get the cat image. Add a "time" URL
      // parameter to act as a cache buster.
      var now = new Date();
      // Replace forward slashes in the text, as they break the CataaS API.
      var caption = text.replace(/\//g, ' ');
      var imageUrl =
              encodeURIComponent(caption), now.getTime());
      var image = CardService.newImage()
      // Create a button that changes the cat image when pressed.
      // Note: Action parameter keys and values must be strings.
      var action = CardService.newAction()
          .setParameters({text: text, isHomepage: isHomepage.toString()});
      var button = CardService.newTextButton()
          .setText('Change cat')
      var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()
      // Create a footer to be shown at the bottom.
      var footer = CardService.newFixedFooter()
              .setText('Powered by')
      // Assemble the widgets and return the card.
      var section = CardService.newCardSection()
      var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
      if (!isHomepage) {
        // Create the header shown when the card is minimized,
        // but only when this card is a contextual card. Peek headers
        // are never used by non-contexual cards like homepages.
        var peekHeader = CardService.newCardHeader()
          .setTitle('Contextual Cat')
     * Callback for the "Change cat" button.
     * @param {Object} e The event object, documented {@link
     *     here}.
     * @return {CardService.ActionResponse} The action response to apply.
    function onChangeCat(e) {
      // Get the text that was shown in the current cat image. This was passed as a
      // parameter on the Action set for the button.
      var text = e.parameters.text;
      // The isHomepage parameter is passed as a string, so convert to a Boolean.
      var isHomepage = e.parameters.isHomepage === 'true';
      // Create a new card with the same text.
      var card = createCatCard(text, isHomepage);
      // Create an action response that instructs the add-on to replace
      // the current card with the new one.
      var navigation = CardService.newNavigation()
      var actionResponse = CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()
     * Truncate a message to fit in the cat image.
     * @param {string} message The message to truncate.
     * @return {string} The truncated message.
    function truncate(message) {
      if (message.length > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
        message = message.slice(0, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH);
        message = message.slice(0, message.lastIndexOf(' ')) + '...';
      return message;

     * Callback for rendering the card for a specific Gmail message.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onGmailMessage(e) {
      // Get the ID of the message the user has open.
      var messageId =;
      // Get an access token scoped to the current message and use it for GmailApp
      // calls.
      var accessToken =;
      // Get the subject of the email.
      var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId);
      var subject = message.getThread().getFirstMessageSubject();
      // Remove labels and prefixes.
      subject = subject
          .replace(/^([rR][eE]|[fF][wW][dD])\:\s*/, '')
          .replace(/^\[.*?\]\s*/, '');
      // If neccessary, truncate the subject to fit in the image.
      subject = truncate(subject);
      return createCatCard(subject);
     * Callback for rendering the card for the compose action dialog.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onGmailCompose(e) {
      var header = CardService.newCardHeader()
          .setTitle('Insert cat')
          .setSubtitle('Add a custom cat image to your email message.');
      // Create text input for entering the cat's message.
      var input = CardService.newTextInput()
          .setHint('What do you want the cat to say?');
      // Create a button that inserts the cat image when pressed.
      var action = CardService.newAction()
      var button = CardService.newTextButton()
          .setText('Insert cat')
      var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()
      // Assemble the widgets and return the card.
      var section = CardService.newCardSection()
      var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
     * Callback for inserting a cat into the Gmail draft.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.UpdateDraftActionResponse} The draft update response.
    function onGmailInsertCat(e) {
      // Get the text that was entered by the user.
      var text = e.formInput.text;
      // Use the "Cat as a service" API to get the cat image. Add a "time" URL
      // parameter to act as a cache buster.
      var now = new Date();
      var imageUrl = '';
      if (text) {
        // Replace forward slashes in the text, as they break the CataaS API.
        var caption = text.replace(/\//g, ' ');
        imageUrl += Utilities.formatString('/says/%s?time=%s',
            encodeURIComponent(caption), now.getTime());
      var imageHtmlContent = '<img style="display: block; max-height: 300px;" src="'
          + imageUrl + '"/>';
      var response = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
      return response;

     * Callback for rendering the card for a specific Calendar event.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onCalendarEventOpen(e) {
      var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(e.calendar.calendarId);
      // The event metadata doesn't include the event's title, so using the
      // calendar.readonly scope and fetching the event by it's ID.
      var event = calendar.getEventById(;
      if (!event) {
        // This is a new event still being created.
        return createCatCard('A new event! Am I invited?');
      var title = event.getTitle();
      // If necessary, truncate the title to fit in the image.
      title = truncate(title);
      return createCatCard(title);

     * Callback for rendering the card for specific Drive items.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onDriveItemsSelected(e) {
      var items =;
      // Include at most 5 items in the text.
      items = items.slice(0, 5);
      var text = {
        var title = item.title;
        // If neccessary, truncate the title to fit in the image.
        title = truncate(title);
        return title;
      return createCatCard(text);

  8. 点击 Project Settings 图标 项目设置的图标

  9. 选中在编辑器中显示“appsscript.json”清单文件复选框。

  10. 点击 Editor 图标

  11. 打开 appsscript.json 文件并将内容替换为以下代码,然后点击“Save”“保存”图标(保存)。


      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "dependencies": {
      "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
      "oauthScopes": [
      "runtimeVersion": "V8",
      "addOns": {
        "common": {
          "name": "Cats",
          "logoUrl": "",
          "useLocaleFromApp": true,
          "homepageTrigger": {
            "runFunction": "onHomepage",
            "enabled": true
          "universalActions": [{
            "label": "Learn more about Cataas",
            "openLink": ""
        "gmail": {
          "contextualTriggers": [{
            "unconditional": {
            "onTriggerFunction": "onGmailMessage"
          "composeTrigger": {
            "selectActions": [{
              "text": "Insert cat",
              "runFunction": "onGmailCompose"
            "draftAccess": "NONE"
        "drive": {
          "onItemsSelectedTrigger": {
            "runFunction": "onDriveItemsSelected"
        "calendar": {
          "eventOpenTrigger": {
            "runFunction": "onCalendarEventOpen"

复制 Cloud 项目编号

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依次点击“菜单”图标 > IAM 和管理 > 设置

    转到“IAM 和管理”设置

  2. 项目编号字段中,复制相应值。

设置 Apps 脚本项目的 Cloud 项目

  1. 在 Apps 脚本项目中,点击 Project Settings 图标 项目设置的图标
  2. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 项目下,点击更改项目
  3. GCP 项目编号中,粘贴 Google Cloud 项目编号。
  4. 点击设置项目


  1. 在 Apps 脚本项目中,点击 Editor 图标
  2. 点击部署 > 测试部署
  3. 依次点击安装 > 完成


  1. 前往 Gmail
  2. 如需打开该插件,请在右侧面板中点击“Cats”
  3. 如果系统提示,请授权该插件。
  4. 该插件会显示一张猫的图片和文字。如需更改图片,请点击 Change cat
  5. 如果您在插件打开时打开电子邮件,则图片会刷新,文本将更改为电子邮件的主题行(如果过长,则会被截断)。

