- 预约链接必须显示预约类型、地点和空闲时间,且无需进一步互动
- 预约类型不得包含错误的数字或字符,例如“B)”
- 预约类型不得有拼写错误或打字错误
- 预约类型不得超过 30 个字符
- 不允许使用会指示患者致电预约或需要额外转诊的预约类型,因为患者无法通过预约空闲情况功能执行这些预约。
- 不支持到店预约类型
- 不支持急诊室 [appointment types/en/actions-center/verticals/healthcare/appointments/reference/feeds/appointment-type-feed] 预约,也不支持急诊室设施的其他预约。
- 所有 [appointment /content/en/actions-center/verticals/healthcare/appointments/reference/feeds/appointment-type-feed)
- 预约链接只能将用户定向至已获许可且拥有资质的医疗保健提供商的预约
- 不支持在医疗预约中使用补充和替代医学提供商。
- 预约链接必须允许用户完成预约
- 预约链接必须指向开放式预约页面,即系统不应提示用户登录或注册
- 预约链接必须可供医疗预约抓取工具访问
- 网页和所有必要资源必须成功加载
- robots.txt 不得屏蔽医疗预约抓取工具
- 不得要求医疗预约抓取工具完成验证码
- 医疗预约抓取工具必须能够针对每个预约链接每天尝试并成功完成 30 次请求
在卫生系统一级,Feed 的准确性必须始终高于 95%。准确性是通过将通过 Feed 发送的数据与提供商网站上列出的数据进行比较来确定的。
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-11-26。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-11-26。"],[[["Healthcare appointment listings must include appointment type, location, and available times directly in the appointment link without requiring further user interaction."],["Appointment types should be concise (under 30 characters), accurate (no typos or erroneous characters), and reflect bookable appointments with licensed healthcare providers (excluding walk-ins, emergency services, and alternative medicine)."],["Appointment links must lead to open-access booking pages allowing users to complete their booking without login or registration, be accessible to Google crawlers (not blocked by robots.txt or CAPTCHA), and maintain over 95% accuracy compared to the provider's website."],["Appointment types that necessitate phone calls or referrals are not permitted as they are incompatible with the online booking functionality."],["All appointment content must adhere to Google's standard Content Policies for Search features to ensure a consistent and trustworthy user experience."]]],["Healthcare appointment integrations require specific adherence to policies. Appointment links must display appointment details without additional user input and lead to accessible booking pages for licensed providers. Appointment types must be concise (under 30 characters), free of errors, and exclude call-for-appointment, referral-required, walk-in, or emergency department options. Feeds need over 95% accuracy when compared to providers' websites and be accessible to crawlers, which must not be blocked or face captchas, with 30 successful requests per day.\n"]]