خوراک تبدیل


تعریف ConversionFeed

message ConversionFeed {
Conversion data = 1;

تعریف تبدیل

// Info about the conversion rate of a booking "action_link" provided in
// practitioner/facility feed.
Conversion {
// ...

CollectionPeriod {
.type.Date start_date = 1;
.type.Date end_date = 2;

// Period specifies the period that the conversion data corresponds to. Period
// is specified by start_date and end_date, which starts from 00:00 of the
// start_date and ends at 23:59 of the end_date.
// Note: UTC timezone should be used to delineate which transactions fall on
// which dates. (required)
// Example: Date { year:2020 month:10 day 8) represents October 8th, 2020.
CollectionPeriod period = 2;

// Total number of assisted transactions via the above action_link, i.e. the
// the number of completed bookings through the action_link redirected from
// Google. Only provide this value if it is more than 50.
  int32 num_transactions
= 3;

// Whether num_transactions exceeds 50. If not, do not provide
// num_transactions.
bool num_transactions_gt_50 = 4;

// The number of visits through the action_link redirected from Google.
//  Only provide this value if it is more than 50.
  int32 num_visits
= 5;

// Whether num_visits exceeds 50. If not, do not provide num_visits.
bool num_visits_gt_50 = 6;

// Optional. Which appointment type this conversion data is specific to.
// If unset, it's assumed that the data in this message spans all appointment
// types (unless there is another message that has appointment_type_id set,
// in which case it refers to all types not otherwise covered).
string appointment_type_id = 7;

نمونه های خوراک تبدیل

"data": [
"period": {
"start_date": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 7,
"day": 1
"end_date": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 7,
"day": 7
"num_transactions_gt_50": false,
"num_visits": 101,
"num_visits_gt_50": true
"period": {
"start_date": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 7,
"day": 8
"end_date": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 7,
"day": 14
"num_transactions": 57,
"num_transactions_gt_50": true,
"num_visits": 201,
"num_visits_gt_50": true

"generation_timestamp": 1615078234,
"name": "healthappointments.conversion",
"data_file": [