При выдаче запроса BatchAvailabilityLookup партнерский сервер бронирования проверяет, что запрошенные интервалы встреч в настоящее время действительны и доступны. Это может использоваться Центром действий, чтобы гарантировать, что во время процесса резервирования пользователям будут предоставлены только текущие слоты.
Пакетная доступностьПоискЗапрос
Возвращаемое значение
Пакетная доступностьLookupResponse
message BatchAvailabilityLookupRequest {
// ID of the merchant.
string merchant_id = 1;
// Multiple slot times to be checked for availability. All queried times apply
// to the same merchant_id and service_id.
repeated SlotTime slot_time = 3;
reserved 2;
// Response for the [ext.maps.booking.partner.v3.BatchAvailabilityLookupRequest]
// RPC with the availabilities of the appointment slots.
message BatchAvailabilityLookupResponse {
// The availabilities for the requested SlotTime entries. There must be
// exactly one slot_time_availability for each SlotTime entry in the
// [ext.maps.booking.partner.v3.BatchAvailabilityLookupRequest].
repeated SlotTimeAvailability slot_time_availability = 1;
SlotTime в запросе
// Identifies a Slot service_id and start time and optionally, the Slot duration
// and resources, for a specific merchant. Note that this differs from the
// definition of Slot, as it does not include merchant_id identifier.
message SlotTime {
// ID of the service. (required)
string service_id = 5;
// Start time of the appointment slot in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
// (required)
int64 start_sec = 1;
// Duration of the appointment slot in seconds (optional)
int64 duration_sec = 2;
// Opaque tag that identifies the availability slot and matches the value
// provided in the availability feed (optional)
string availability_tag = 3;
// The set of resources that specifies the appointment slot, e.g. by
// indicating the staff member and room selected by the user, or party size
// for dining slots (optional)
ResourceIds resource_ids = 4;
// Indicates whether bookings of this slot will be confirmed
// synchronously or asynchronously. (optional)
// An UNSPECIFIED value will be interpreted as synchronous.
ConfirmationMode confirmation_mode = 6;
SlotTimeAvailability в ответ
Если слоты не найдены, просто верните пустой ответ. Не возвращайте ошибку 400.
message SlotTimeAvailability {
// The SlotTime for which availability was checked.
SlotTime slot_time = 1;
// Whether the requested SlotTime is available
bool available = 2;