[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-11-26。"],[[["Local Services Ads Redirect integrations must adhere to Local Services platform policies and Place Action policies to ensure a positive user experience."],["Place Action links need to direct users to specific landing pages for the merchant or location, enabling them to complete the desired action without redirects."],["User Personal Identification Information (PII) should not be shared with Google without explicit user consent or legal permission."],["Eligible merchant categories for Actions Center Business Link and Redirect integrations currently include Restaurants, Businesses offering online services, and Retail merchants."],["Non-compliance with these policies can lead to the permanent removal of Place Action links provided by the platform."]]],["Place Action links for the Local Services Ads Redirect integration must direct users to a dedicated landing page for the specific merchant or location, enabling them to complete the intended action without redirects. Partners must follow Actions Center's support and maintenance guidelines. Personal Identification Information (PII) should not be sent to Google without explicit user consent. Eligible merchants for the integration include restaurants, online service providers, and retailers. Violations of these policies may result in the removal of all Place Action links.\n"]]