SportsEvents - Modelling, Best Practices and Sample Feed


A SportsEvent is an entity type representing a sports game or a full replay of a sports game.

What can be modeled as a SportsEvent? A sports game
What can't be modeled as a SportsEvent?

Any short form or clip content or shoulder content. Here's the list:

  • Random recap or replay short clips
  • Previews of the game
  • Highlights of the game
  • Game bloopers
  • Player interview clips
  • Behind the scene videos
  • Game reviews (user generated or otherwise)
  • Random short clips from the game

How do I handle such shoulder content?

Common Use-cases for SportsEvents

S.No. Description Entities Required
Case 1 I need to model a SportsEvent that's part of my Video on demand catalog. SportsEvent representing the game.
Case 2

I need to model a SportsEvent that's part of my live TV catalog and streams online

The game streams over the internet and is not attached to any channel.

SportsEvent representing the game.

BroadcastEvent representing the broadcast of the game.

Case 3 I need to model a SportsEvent that's part of my live TV catalog and is streamed online on a channel.

SportsEvent representing the game.

Broadcast representing the airing of the game.

BroadcastService, Organization, TelevisionChannel, CableOrSatelliteService entities representing the channel and the lineup.

Case 4 Combinations of the preceding three cases. If you combine a subset of the earlier use-cases, then you must provide the entity types in the corresponding "Entities required" column.

Best practices and insights into a few checks that we do

S.No. Entities Required Guidelines
Case 1

I need to model a SportsEvent that's part of my Video on demand catalog.

Entities Required

  • SportsEvent representing the game

Modeling guidelines

The deep link to the game must be provided on the SportsEvent entity using the SportsEvent.potentialAction property.

Quality checks to perform

  • Set the SportsEvent.potentialAction.actionAccessibilityRequirement.availabilityStarts at least 14 days before the SportsEvent.startDate. The intention is not to mandate the provision of sports event data 14 days in advance; the event data can be delivered later. However, the availabilityStarts value must be set at least 14 days prior to the event.
  • Set the SportsEvent.potentialAction.actionAccessibilityRequirement.availabilityEnds after the SportsEvent.endDate.
Case 2

I need to model a SportsEvent that's part of my live TV catalog and streams online.

The game streams over the internet and is not attached to any channel.

Entities Required

  • SportsEvent representing the game
  • BroadcastEvent representing the airing of the game

Modeling guidelines

Sub-case 1: The game is only available live (and not as part of the Video on demand catalog)

  • The BroadcastEvent entity must be provided to share the schedule of the broadcast.
  • The deep link to the game must be provided on the BroadcastEvent entity using the BroadcastEvent.potentialAction property.
  • Since the game is only available to view live, the SportsEvent entity must not have any deep links. That is, the SportsEvent.potentialAction must not be provided.
  • BroadcastEvent.broadcastOfEvent must be provided because the game is not tied to any channel broadcast.

Sub-case 2: The game is available live and as part of the Video on demand catalog (this could happen when a game replay is being broadcast)

  • The BroadcastEvent entity must be provided to share the schedule of the broadcast.
  • The deep link to the game must be provided on the BroadcastEvent entity using the BroadcastEvent.potentialAction property.
  • Since the game is available to view live as part of the Video on demand catalog, the SportsEvent entity must also have a deep link. The SportsEvent.potentialAction must be provided to redirect the user to the Video on demand catalog.
  • BroadcastEvent.publishedOn must not be provided because the game is not tied to any channel broadcast.

Quality checks to perform

  • Set the BroadcastEvent.isLiveBroadcast property to true when the game is actually live. Don't set the property to true for a game replay.
  • For BroadcastEvents that aren't live, BroadcastEvent.startDate usually can't be earlier than the actual SportsEvent startDate.
  • BroadcastEvents shouldn't have a publishedOn property because the broadcast streams on the internet and doesn't attach to a channel.
Case 3

I need to model a SportsEvent that's part of my live TV catalog and streams online on a channel.

Entities Required

  • SportsEvent that represents the game.
  • BroadcastEvent that represents the airing of the game.
  • BroadcastService, Organization, TelevisionChannel, CableOrSatelliteService entities representing the channel and the lineup.

Modeling guidelines

Sub-case 1: The game is only available live (and not as part of the Video on demand catalog)

  • Share the schedule of the broadcast. To do so, provide the BroadcastEvent entity.
  • Represent the channel and the provider lineup. To do so, provide the BroadcastService, Organization, TelevisionChannel, and CableOrSatelliteService entities.
  • Provide the BroadcastService deep link. Represent it with the BroadcastService.potentialAction property.
  • Don't provide the BroadcastEvent.potentialAction property.
  • Since the game is only available to view Live, the SportsEvent entity must not have any deep link. For example, don't provide SportsEvent.potentialAction.
  • Provide BroadcastEvent.publishedOn and point it to the BroadcastService entity representing the channel on which the Broadcast will happen.

Sub-case 2: The game is available live and as part of the Video on demand catalog (this could happen when a game replay is being broadcast)

  • Provide the BroadcastEvent entity to share the schedule of the broadcast.
  • Provide the BroadcastService, Organization, TelevisionChannel, and CableOrSatelliteService entities representing the channel and the provider lineup.
  • Provide the BroadcastService deep link to the channel on which the game broadcast will happen, represented by the BroadcastService.potentialAction property.
  • Don't provide the BroadcastEvent.potentialAction property.
  • Since the game is available to view live and as part of the Video on demand catalog, the SportsEvent entity must also have a deep link. For example, SportsEvent.potentialAction can be provided that redirects the user to the Video on demand catalog.
  • Provide BroadcastEvent.publishedOn and point it to the BroadcastService entity representing the channel on which the Broadcast will happen.

Quality checks to perform

  • Set the BroadcastEvent.isLiveBroadcast property to true when the game is actually live. Don't set the property to true for a game replay.
  • For BroadcastEvents that aren't live, BroadcastEvent.startDate usually can't be earlier than the actual SportsEvent startDate.
  • Since the game airs on a channel, add a deep link using the BroadcastService.potentialAction property. BroadcastEvent entity can't have a deep link in this case.


Case 1: A sports event that's part of Video on demand catalog

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@id": "",
  "name":"2019 Professional Basketball Finals, Game 6: Team A at Team B",
  "description": {
      "@language": "en",
      "@value": "Game 6 of the 2019 Professional Basketball Finals. Team A leads the series 3-2 against Team B."
  "startDate": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2018-09-16T13:00-08:00",
    "name":"Team B",
      "name":"Professional Basketball League",
        "name":"John doe"
    "name":"Team A",
        "name":"Jane Doe"
    "name":"Example Stadium",
      "streetAddress":"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
      "addressLocality":"Mountain View",
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "TMS_ID",
      "value":  "TMS ID of this game"
"potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-09-01T10:00-08:00",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "name": "Example Package",
        "commonTier": true,
        "@id": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"

Case 2: A sports event that's part of live TV catalog and is streamed online

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "BroadcastEvent",
  "@id": "",
  "name": "2019 Professional Basketball Finals, Game 6: Team A at Team B",
  "description": "Game 6 of the 2019 Professional Basketball Finals. Team A leads the series 3-2 against Team B.",
  "startDate": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2018-09-16T13:00-08:00",
  "videoFormat": "HD",
  "isLiveBroadcast": "False",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
      "availabilityEnds": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "name": "Example Package",
        "commonTier": true,
        "@id": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
  "broadcastOfEvent": {
    "@type": "SportsEvent",
    "@id": ""

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@id": "",
  "name":"2019 Professional Basketball Finals, Game 6: Team A at Team B",
  "description": {
      "@language": "en",
      "@value": "Game 6 of the 2019 Professional Basketball Finals. Team A leads the series 3-2 against Team B."
  "startDate": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2018-09-16T13:00-08:00",
    "name":"Team B",
      "name":"Professional Basketball League",
        "name":"John doe"
    "name":"Team A",
        "name":"Jane Doe"
    "name":"Example Stadium",
      "streetAddress":"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
      "addressLocality":"Mountain View",
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "TMS_ID",
      "value":  "TMS ID of this game"

Case 3: A sports event that's part of live TV catalog and is streamed online on a channel

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "BroadcastEvent",
  "@id": "",
  "name": "2019 Professional Basketball Finals, Game 6: Team A at Team B",
  "description": "Game 6 of the 2019 Professional Basketball Finals. Team A leads the series 3-2 against Team B.",
  "startDate": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2018-09-16T13:00-08:00",
  "videoFormat": "HD",
  "isLiveBroadcast": "False",
  "publishedOn": {
    "@type": "BroadcastService",
    "@id": ""
  "broadcastOfEvent": {
    "@type": "SportsEvent",
    "@id": ""

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@id": "",
  "name":"2019 Professional Basketball Finals, Game 6: Team A at Team B",
  "description": {
      "@language": "en",
      "@value": "Game 6 of the 2019 Professional Basketball Finals. Team A leads the series 3-2 against Team B."
  "startDate": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2018-09-16T13:00-08:00",
    "name":"Team B",
      "name":"Professional Basketball League",
        "name":"John doe"
    "name":"Team A",
        "name":"Jane Doe"
    "name":"Example Stadium",
      "streetAddress":"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
      "addressLocality":"Mountain View",
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "TMS_ID",
      "value":  "TMS ID of this game"

BroadcastService, CableOrSatelliteService, TelevisionChannel, Organization entities as defined in Live TV Channel section under Concepts

How do I handle shoulder content?

What qualifies as shoulder content?
  • Random recap or replay short clips
  • Previews of the game
  • Highlights of the game
  • Game bloopers
  • Player interview clips
  • Behind the scene videos
  • Game reviews (user generated or otherwise)
  • Other random short clips from the game
S.No. Use case Modeling guidelines
Case 1 I have shoulder content in my Video on demand catalog.
  • This isn't supported and can't be provided in the feed.
  • ViTA can be used to provide a subset of this content though. Contact your Google representative to learn more about ViTA.
Case 2 I have shoulder content in my live catalog

Sub-case 1: Content is available to stream live on the internet

  • Provide the BroadcastEvent entity to share the schedule of the broadcast.
  • Provide the deep link of the content using the BroadcastEvent.potentialAction property.
  • Add any associated metadata (to the clip) directly to the BroadcastEvent . For example, images can be added using the BroadcastEvent.image property. Age ratings can be added using the BroadcastEvent.contentRating property.
  • Since this content type isn't a SportsEvent, the feed must not contain a SportsEvent entity. As such, the broadcastOfEvent property on the BroadcastEvent must not be provided.
  • Since it's not tied to a channel, don't provide the publishedOn property on the BroadcastEvent.

Sub-case 2: Content is available to stream live on the internet on a channel

  • The BroadcastEvent entity must be provided to share the schedule of the broadcast.
  • The BroadcastService, Organization, TelevisionChannel , CableOrSatelliteService entities must be provided to represent the channel and the provider lineup.
  • The deep link to the game must simply be the BroadcastService deep link, represented by the BroadcastService.potentialAction property, which must be provided.
  • The BroadcastEvent.potentialAction property must not be provided.
  • Any associated metadata (to the clip) must be directly added to the BroadcastEvent. For example, images can be added using the BroadcastEvent.image property. Age ratings can be added using the BroadcastEvent.contentRating property.
  • Since this content type isn't a SportsEvent, the feed must not contain a SportsEvent entity. As such, the broadcastOfEvent property on the BroadcastEvent must not be provided.
  • Since it's tied to a channel, provide the publishedOn property on the BroadcastEvent.
Case 3 I have shoulder content available as part of both Video on demand and live TV catalog

Given that Video on demand sports shoulder content isn't accepted in the feed today, this is similar to case 2. See the instructions from there.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find the associated specifications for the entities mentioned earlier?

A: You can find the required specifications here.

Overall documentation Link
SportsEvent Link
BroadcastService, Organization, TelevisionChannel , CableOrSatelliteService Link
BroadcastEvent Link

Q: Is there a more detailed document that explains how to model the live TV channels and lineups?

A: Yes, you can find more details in Live TV Channel section under Concepts. Please feel free to request view access if you aren't able to view the document.

Q: Does ViTA support full live games and full game replays as well?

A: ViTA supports metadata on league based full live games and full game replays (in addition to a subset of shoulder content)

  • For partners that already have a functional Media Actions feed with Google or have a Video on demand or live TV offering, Google requires the feed to expand and include the supported SportsEvent types as well.

    • For the short term, the partners can use ViTA for shoulder content ingestion. Support all types of content through the feed should roll out over the long term.
  • For partners that don't have a Video on demand or live TV offering but carry only league based sports and related shoulder content, ViTA is a great option to begin with. Contact your Google representative to learn more about ViTA.