Contoh berikut menunjukkan beberapa skenario umum untuk Tindakan Mendengarkan. Untuk menyederhanakan, contoh ini menghilangkan detail beberapa properti.
Kasus dasar
Layanan streaming menyediakan konten eksklusif artis, yang hanya tersedia untuk pelanggan (subscribe
), dan playlist berbasis artis, yang tersedia untuk semua orang (free
"@context":["", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"potentialAction": {
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
Khusus playlist
Layanan streaming hanya menyediakan playlist:
"@context":["", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
Beberapa persyaratan aksesibilitas berbasis platform
Kasus dasar, tetapi sekarang konten artis tersedia untuk semua orang di platform desktop:
"@context":["", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"potentialAction": [
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"target": {
"actionPlatform": ""
"eligibleRegion": {
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
Beberapa persyaratan aksesibilitas regional
Kasus dasar, tetapi sekarang konten artis tersedia untuk semua orang di semua platform di Kanada:
"@context":["", {"@language": "en"}],
"sameAs": "",
"name":"My Favorite Artist",
"description":"This is my favorite artist.",
"potentialAction": [
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": {
"subjectOf": {
"name":"My Favorite Artist Mix",
"description":"A playlist of songs similar to My Favorite Artist.",
"target": {
"eligibleRegion": [
Beberapa wilayah dan bahasa
Entitas tersedia di beberapa wilayah dan bahasa:
"@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
"@type": "MusicRecording",
"@id": "",
"url": "",
"name": [
"@language": "fr-fr",
"@value": "Amour"
"@language": "en-us",
"@value": "Love"
"byArtist": [
"@type": "MusicGroup",
"@id": "",
"name": [
"@language": "fr-fr",
"@value": "Mon Artiste Préféré"
"@language": "en-us",
"@value": "My Favorite Artist"
"inAlbum": [
"@type": "MusicAlbum",
"@id": "",
"name": [
"@language": "fr-fr",
"@value": "Mon Album Préféré"
"@language": "en-us",
"@value": "My Favorite Album"
"potentialAction": [
"@type": "ListenAction",
"target": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "en-us",
"urlTemplate": "",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "en-us",
"urlTemplate": "",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "en-us",
"urlTemplate": "android-app://",
"actionPlatform": [
"expectsAcceptanceOf": [
"@type": "Offer",
"eligibleRegion": [
"@type": "Country",
"name": "US"
"category": "subscription",
"name": "Example Music",
"price": 9.99,
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"seller": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Example seller",
"sameAs": ""
"@type": "ListenAction",
"target": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "fr-fr",
"urlTemplate": "",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "fr-fr",
"urlTemplate": "",
"actionPlatform": [
"@type": "EntryPoint",
"inLanguage": "fr-fr",
"urlTemplate": "android-app://",
"actionPlatform": [
"expectsAcceptanceOf": [
"@type": "Offer",
"eligibleRegion": [
"@type": "Country",
"name": "FR"
"category": "subscription",
"name": "Example Music",
"price": 5.99,
"priceCurrency": "EUR",
"seller": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Example Seller",
"sameAs": ""