このガイドでは、Google Chat で Google 広告の予測 Manager API
トラフィック予測では、 過去のトラフィックと今後のインプレッションの機会を照合して、 広告枠をセグメント化して パッケージ化する方法を確認しました
// Create the date range. Include the previous and next 7 days. Interval interval = new Interval( Instant.now().plus(Duration.standardDays(-7)), Instant.now().plus(Duration.standardDays(7))); DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(); dateRange.setStartDate(DateTimes.toDateTime(interval.getStart()).getDate()); dateRange.setEndDate(DateTimes.toDateTime(interval.getEnd()).getDate()); // Request the traffic data. TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest(); trafficDataRequest.setRequestedDateRange(dateRange); trafficDataRequest.setTargeting(targeting); TrafficDataResponse trafficData = forecastService.getTrafficData(trafficDataRequest);
# Create a start date that's 7 days in the past and an end date that's 7 days # in the future. today = datetime.date.today() start_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=7) end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=7) # Create targeting. targeting = { 'inventoryTargeting': { 'targetedAdUnits': [ { 'includeDescendants': True, 'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id, } ] } } # Request the traffic forecast data. traffic_data = forecast_service.getTrafficData({ 'targeting': targeting, 'requestedDateRange': { 'startDate': start_date, 'endDate': end_date } })
// Create the date range. Include the previous and next 7 days. $startDate = AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime(new DateTime('-7 day')) ->getDate(); $endDate = AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime(new DateTime('+7 day')) ->getDate(); $dateRange = new DateRange(); $dateRange->setStartDate($startDate); $dateRange->setEndDate($endDate); // Request the traffic forecast data. $trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest(); $trafficDataRequest->setRequestedDateRange($dateRange); $trafficDataRequest->setTargeting($targeting); $trafficData = $forecastService->getTrafficData($trafficDataRequest);
TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest() { requestedDateRange = new DateRange() { startDate = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(startDate, "America/New_York").date, endDate = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(endDate, "America/New_York").date }, targeting = new Targeting() { inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting() { targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] { new AdUnitTargeting() { adUnitId = rootAdUnitId, includeDescendants = true } } } } }; TrafficDataResponse trafficData = forecastService.getTrafficData(trafficDataRequest);
# Create a start date that's 7 days in the past and an end date that's 7 days # in the future. today = ad_manager.today start_date = today - 7 end_date = today + 7 # Create targeting. targeting = { :inventory_targeting => { :targeted_ad_units => [ { :include_descendants => true, :ad_unit_id => root_ad_unit_id } ] } } # Request the traffic forecast data. traffic_data = forecast_service.get_traffic_data({ :targeting => targeting, :requested_date_range => { :start_date => start_date.to_h, :end_date => end_date.to_h } })
AvailabilityForecast 使用可能なユニットの最大数を 予約できる広告申込情報が表示されますこの予測は、 インベントリ機能を使用します。
予測には、利用可能、一致した、候補、配信済み、予約済みが含まれます あります。また、競合するすべての広告申込情報と利用可能なユニットを含めることもできます。 各ターゲット 内訳 プロジェクト内で設定されているオプションに応じて AvailabilityForecastOptions を使用します。 デフォルトでは、どちらも予測には含まれません。
ターゲティングの内訳には、各ターゲティングで一致したユニットと利用可能なユニットが表示されます。 できます。これらの内訳項目は 追加することをおすすめしますたとえば、広告申込情報が広告ユニット ID 123456 をターゲットとしているとします。 次のような内訳が表示されます。
<targetingCriteriaBreakdowns> <targetingDimension>AD_UNIT</targetingDimension> <targetingCriteriaId>123456</targetingCriteriaId> <targetingCriteriaName>My Ad Unit Name</targetingCriteriaName> <excluded>false</excluded> <availableUnits>1000</availableUnits> <matchedUnits>2300</matchedUnits> </targetingCriteriaBreakdowns>
在庫予測は、既存の広告申込情報または見込み広告申込情報に対して実行できます 表示されます。
既存の広告申込情報の在庫予測は、その広告申込情報の ID を使って実行できます。
// Get the ForecastService. ForecastServiceInterface forecastService = adManagerServices.get(session, ForecastServiceInterface.class); // Get forecast for line item. AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); options.setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); options.setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecastById(lineItemId, options); long matched = forecast.getMatchedUnits(); double availablePercent = (forecast.getAvailableUnits() / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; String unitType = forecast.getUnitType().toString().toLowerCase(); System.out.printf("%d %s matched.%n", matched, unitType); System.out.printf("%.2f%% %s available.%n", availablePercent, unitType); if (forecast.getPossibleUnits() != null) { double possiblePercent = (forecast.getPossibleUnits() / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; System.out.printf("%.2f%% %s possible.%n", possiblePercent, unitType); } System.out.printf( "%d contending line items.%n", forecast.getContendingLineItems() == null ? 0 : forecast.getContendingLineItems().length);
# Initialize appropriate service. forecast_service = client.GetService('ForecastService', version='v202408') # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { 'includeContendingLineItems': True, 'includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown': True, } # Get forecast for line item. forecast = forecast_service.getAvailabilityForecastById( line_item_id, forecast_options) matched = int(forecast['matchedUnits']) available_units = int(forecast['availableUnits']) if matched > 0: available_percent = (float(available_units) / matched) * 100. else: available_percent = 0 contending_line_items = getattr(forecast, 'contentingLineItems', []) # Display results. print('%s %s matched.' % (matched, forecast['unitType'].lower())) print('%s%% %s available.' % ( available_percent, forecast['unitType'].lower())) print('%d contending line items.' % len(contending_line_items)) if 'possibleUnits' in forecast and matched: possible_percent = (int(forecast['possibleUnits'])/float(matched)) * 100. print('%s%% %s possible' % (possible_percent, forecast['unitType'].lower()))
$forecastService = $serviceFactory->createForecastService($session); // Get forecast for line item. $options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); $options->setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); $options->setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); $forecast = $forecastService->getAvailabilityForecastById( $lineItemId, $options ); // Print out forecast results. $matchedUnits = $forecast->getMatchedUnits(); $unitType = strtolower($forecast->getUnitType()); printf("%d %s matched.%s", $matchedUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL); if ($matchedUnits > 0) { $availableUnits = $forecast->getAvailableUnits(); $percentAvailableUnits = $availableUnits / $matchedUnits * 100; $possibleUnits = $forecast->getPossibleUnits(); $percentPossibleUnits = $possibleUnits / $matchedUnits * 100; printf( "%.2d%% %s available.%s", $percentAvailableUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL ); printf( "%.2d%% %s possible.%s", $percentPossibleUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL ); } printf( "%d contending line items.%s", count($forecast->getContendingLineItems()), PHP_EOL );
using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService<ForecastService>()) { // Get forecast for line item. AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); options.includeContendingLineItems = true; options.includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = true; AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecastById(lineItemId, options); // Display results. long matched = forecast.matchedUnits; double availablePercent = (double) (forecast.availableUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; String unitType = forecast.unitType.ToString().ToLower(); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} matched.\n{2} % {3} available.", matched, unitType, availablePercent, unitType); if (forecast.possibleUnitsSpecified) { double possiblePercent = (double) (forecast.possibleUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; Console.WriteLine(possiblePercent + "% " + unitType + " possible.\n"); } Console.WriteLine("{0} contending line items.", (forecast.contendingLineItems != null) ? forecast.contendingLineItems.Length : 0);
# Get the ForecastService. forecast_service = ad_manager.service(:ForecastService, API_VERSION) # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { :include_contending_line_items => True, :include_targeting_criteria_breakdown => True, } # Get forecast for the line item. forecast = forecast_service.get_availability_forecast_by_id( line_item_id, forecast_options ) unless forecast.nil? # Display results. matched = forecast[:matched_units] available_percent = forecast[:available_units] * 100.0 / matched unit_type = forecast[:unit_type].to_s.downcase puts '%.2f %s matched.' % [matched, unit_type] puts '%.2f%% of %s available.' % [available_percent, unit_type] puts '%d contending line items.' % forecast[:contending_line_items].size unless forecast[:possible_units].nil? possible_percent = forecast[:possible_units] * 100.0 / matched puts '%.2f%% of %s possible.' % [possible_percent, unit_type] end end
100 clicks matched.
2 contending line items.
または、見込み広告申込情報をインスタンス化し、何も入力せずに予測することもできます。 永続化します。これを行うには、ローカル広告申込情報オブジェクトをインスタンス化し、 ProspectiveLineItem です。 広告主 ID を設定した場合、予測では統合ブロックも考慮されます。 ルールが考慮されます。
// Get forecast for prospective line item. ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem(); prospectiveLineItem.setAdvertiserId(advertiserId); prospectiveLineItem.setLineItem(lineItem); AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); options.setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); options.setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);
prospective_line_item = { 'lineItem': line_item, 'advertiserId': advertiser_id } # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { 'includeContendingLineItems': True, # The field includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown can only be set if # breakdowns are not manually specified. # 'includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown': True, 'breakdown': { 'timeWindows': [ now_datetime, now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=1), now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=2), now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=3), now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=4), end_datetime ], 'targets': [ { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this # breakdown in the response. 'name': 'United States', 'targeting': { 'inventoryTargeting': { 'targetedAdUnits': [ { 'includeDescendants': True, 'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id, } ] }, 'geoTargeting': { 'targetedLocations': [ { 'id': '2840', 'displayName': 'US' } ] } } }, { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this # breakdown in the response. 'name': 'Geneva', 'targeting': { 'inventoryTargeting': { 'targetedAdUnits': [ { 'includeDescendants': True, 'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id, } ] }, 'geoTargeting': { 'targetedLocations': [ { 'id': '20133', 'displayName': 'Geneva' } ] } } } ] } } # Get forecast. forecast = forecast_service.getAvailabilityForecast( prospective_line_item, forecast_options)
// Get forecast for prospective line item. $prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem(); $prospectiveLineItem->setAdvertiserId($advertiserId); $prospectiveLineItem->setLineItem($lineItem); $options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); $options->setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); $options->setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); $forecast = $forecastService->getAvailabilityForecast( $prospectiveLineItem, $options );
// Get availability forecast. AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions() { includeContendingLineItems = true, // Targeting criteria breakdown can only be included if breakdowns // are not speficied. includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = false, breakdown = new ForecastBreakdownOptions { timeWindows = new DateTime[] { lineItem.startDateTime, DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(1), "America/New_York"), DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(2), "America/New_York"), DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(3), "America/New_York"), DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(4), "America/New_York"), lineItem.endDateTime }, targets = new ForecastBreakdownTarget[] { new ForecastBreakdownTarget() { // Optional name field to identify this breakdown // in the response. name = "United States", targeting = new Targeting() { inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting() { targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] { new AdUnitTargeting() { adUnitId = rootAdUnitId, includeDescendants = true } } }, geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting() { targetedLocations = new Location[] { new Location() { id = 2840L } } } } }, new ForecastBreakdownTarget() { // Optional name field to identify this breakdown // in the response. name = "Geneva", targeting = new Targeting() { inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting() { targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] { new AdUnitTargeting() { adUnitId = rootAdUnitId, includeDescendants = true } } }, geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting() { targetedLocations = new Location[] { new Location () { id = 20133L } } } } } } } }; ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem() { advertiserId = advertiserId, lineItem = lineItem }; AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);
prospective_line_item = { :advertiser_id => advertiser_id, :line_item => line_item } # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { :include_contending_line_items => true, # The field includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown can only be set if breakdowns # are not mannually specified. # :include_targeting_criteria_breakdown => true, :breakdown => { # Break down forecast by day from start_time to end_time :time_windows => time_windows, # Break down forecast by any targeting configuration :targets => [ { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this breakdown in # the response. :name => 'United States', :targeting => { :inventory_targeting => targeting[:inventory_targeting], :geo_targeting => { :targeted_locations => [ { :id => '2840', :display_name => 'US' } ] } } }, { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this breakdown in # the response. :name => 'Geneva', :targeting => { :inventory_targeting => targeting[:inventory_targeting], :geo_targeting => { :targeted_locations => [ { :id => '20133', :display_name => 'Geneva' } ] } } } ] } } # Get forecast for the line item. forecast = forecast_service.get_availability_forecast( prospective_line_item, forecast_options)
複数の競合する広告申込情報の配信をシミュレーションしたい場合は、 使用します。 DeliveryForecast。
既存の広告申込情報について、その ID を使用して配信予測を実行できます。
// Get the ForecastService. ForecastServiceInterface forecastService = adManagerServices.get(session, ForecastServiceInterface.class); DeliveryForecastOptions options = new DeliveryForecastOptions(); DeliveryForecast forecast = forecastService.getDeliveryForecastByIds(Longs.toArray(lineItemIds), options); for (LineItemDeliveryForecast lineItemForecast : forecast.getLineItemDeliveryForecasts()) { String unitType = lineItemForecast.getUnitType().toString().toLowerCase(); System.out.printf("Forecast for line item %d:%n", lineItemForecast.getLineItemId()); System.out.printf("\t%d %s matched%n", lineItemForecast.getMatchedUnits(), unitType); System.out.printf("\t%d %s delivered%n", lineItemForecast.getDeliveredUnits(), unitType); System.out.printf( "\t%d %s predicted%n", lineItemForecast.getPredictedDeliveryUnits(), unitType); }
# Initialize appropriate service. forecast_service = client.GetService('ForecastService', version='v202408') # Get forecast for line item. forecast = forecast_service.getDeliveryForecastByIds( [line_item_id1, line_item_id2], {'ignoredLineItemIds': []}) for single_forecast in forecast['lineItemDeliveryForecasts']: unit_type = single_forecast['unitType'] print('Forecast for line item %d:\n\t%d %s matched\n\t%d %s delivered\n\t' '%d %s predicted\n' % ( single_forecast['lineItemId'], single_forecast['matchedUnits'], unit_type, single_forecast['deliveredUnits'], unit_type, single_forecast['predictedDeliveryUnits'], unit_type)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize client object. ad_manager_client = ad_manager.AdManagerClient.LoadFromStorage() main(ad_manager_client, LINE_ITEM_ID_1, LINE_ITEM_ID_2)
$forecastService = $serviceFactory->createForecastService($session); // Get forecast for the line items with no options set. $forecast = $forecastService->getDeliveryForecastByIds( [$lineItemId1, $lineItemId2], new DeliveryForecastOptions() ); // Print out forecast results. $lineItemDeliveryForecasts = $forecast->getLineItemDeliveryForecasts(); foreach ($lineItemDeliveryForecasts as $lineItemForecast) { $unitType = strtolower($lineItemForecast->getUnitType()); printf( "Forecast for line item ID %d:%s", $lineItemForecast->getLineItemId(), PHP_EOL ); printf( " %d %s matched%s", $lineItemForecast->getMatchedUnits(), $unitType, PHP_EOL ); printf( " %d %s delivered%s", $lineItemForecast->getDeliveredUnits(), $unitType, PHP_EOL ); printf( " %d %s predicted%s", $lineItemForecast->getPredictedDeliveryUnits(), $unitType, PHP_EOL ); }
using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService<ForecastService>()) { // Get a delivery forecast for the line items. DeliveryForecastOptions options = new DeliveryForecastOptions(); options.ignoredLineItemIds = new long[] { }; DeliveryForecast forecast = forecastService.getDeliveryForecastByIds(new long[] { lineItemId1, lineItemId2 }, options); // Display results. foreach (LineItemDeliveryForecast lineItemForecast in forecast .lineItemDeliveryForecasts) { String unitType = lineItemForecast.unitType.GetType().Name.ToLower(); Console.WriteLine("Forecast for line item {0}:", lineItemForecast.lineItemId); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} matched", lineItemForecast.matchedUnits, unitType); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} delivered", lineItemForecast.deliveredUnits, unitType); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} predicted", lineItemForecast.predictedDeliveryUnits, unitType); }
# Get the ForecastService. forecast_service = ad_manager.service(:ForecastService, API_VERSION) # Get forecast for the line item. forecast = forecast_service.get_delivery_forecast_by_ids( [line_item_id1, line_item_id2], nil) unless forecast.nil? || forecast[:line_item_delivery_forecasts].nil? forecast[:line_item_delivery_forecasts].each do |single_forecast| # Display results. unit_type = single_forecast[:unit_type] puts ('Forecast for line item %d:\n\t%d %s matched\n\t%d %s ' + 'delivered\n\t%d %s predicted\n') % [single_forecast[:line_item_id], single_forecast[:matched_units], unit_type, single_forecast[:delivered_units], unit_type, single_forecast[:predicted_delivery_units], unit_type] end end
Forecast for line item 14678:
100 clicks matched
0 clicks delivered
98 clicks predicted
配信シミュレーションから広告申込情報を除外するには、次の操作を行います。 その ID を DeliveryForecastOptions.
在庫予測と同様に、オンラインで配信予測を実行できます。 永続化されていないアイテムがあります。そのためには、 ForecastService.getDeliveryForecast メソッドを呼び出します。
販売率予想レポート 獲得可能なインプレッション数を Google アドマネージャーのネットワークで 収益を最大化し 販売率販売率予想レポートは ReportService。
- 在庫を予測したい広告申込情報がたくさんあります。1 回のリクエストで複数の予測を実行できますか?
- 不正解です。在庫予測リクエストは行ごとに個別に行う必要があります。 予測されます
- 何度も予測を実行したところ、EXCEEDED_QUOTA エラーが発生しました。なぜでしょうか?
- 予測の計算には費用がかかり、割り当てシステムによって サービスの信頼性です発生した予測については、安全に待ってから再試行できます 発生する場合があります。
- 予測はネットワークのトラフィックに基づいて実行されます 履歴をご覧ください。 場合によっては、予測を実行するのに十分な過去のデータがないことがあります。詳細情報 エラーの詳細については、このモジュールの ForecastError ドキュメントをご覧ください。
- AlternativeUnitTypeForecast とは
- 場合によっては、他にどのような広告枠を利用できるかを知っておくと便利です。対象 たとえば ある商品の需要を予測する場合 CPC の行 アイテム、代替ユニット タイプ 予測 インプレッション数に関する情報が含まれます。
- アド マネージャーの予測全般について質問がある。
- サービスが提供されているかどうかを確認する よくある質問、またはデベロッパーに質問する フォーラムをご覧ください。