
Image object to manipulate.

Inherits From: expected_type

image_data Byte of the image data.
blob_key A BlobKey, BlobInfo, string, or Unicode representation of the blob key of the blob that contains the image data.
filename String of the file name of a Google Storage file that contains the image data. Must be in the format /gs/bucket_name/object_name.

NotImageError If the given data is empty.

format Retrieves the format of the image.
height Retrieves the height of the image.
width Retrieves the width of the image.



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Checks that a parameter is an integer within the specified range.


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Crops the image.

The four arguments are the scaling numbers that describe the bounding box that will crop the image. The upper left point of the bounding box will be at (left_x*image_width, top_y*image_height), and the lower right point will be at (right_x*image_width, bottom_y*image_height).

left_x Float value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
top_y Float value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
right_x Float value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
bottom_y Float value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

TypeError If the arguments are not of type float.
BadRequestError When the bounding box values are invalid or if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested for this image.


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Performs transformations on a given image.

You can only execute one transformation per image per execute_transforms() call.

output_encoding A value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
quality A value between 1 and 100 to specify the quality of the encoding. This value is only used for JPEG and WEBP quality control.
parse_source_metadata When True, the metadata (EXIF) of the source image is parsed before any transformations. The results can be retrieved via Image.get_original_metadata.
transparent_substitution_rgb When transparent pixels are not supported in the destination image format, transparent pixels will be substituted for the specified color, which must be 32-bit RGB format.
rpc A UserRPC object.

A string of the image data after the transformations have been performed on it.

BadRequestError When the request specifications are invalid.
NotImageError When the image data given is not an image.
BadImageError When the image data given is corrupt.
LargeImageError When the image data given is too large to process.
InvalidBlobKeyError When the blob key provided is invalid.
TransformationError When an error occurs during image manipulation.
AccessDeniedError When the blob key refers to a Google Storage object, and the application does not have permission to access the object.
ObjectNotFoundError When the blob key refers to an object that no longer exists.
Error All other error conditions.


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Asynchronously performs transformations on a given image.

output_encoding A value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
quality A value between 1 and 100 to specify the quality of the encoding. This value is only used for JPEG & WEBP quality control.
parse_source_metadata When True, the metadata (EXIF) of the source image is parsed before any transformations. The results can be retrieved via Image.get_original_metadata.
transparent_substitution_rgb When transparent pixels are not supported in the destination image format, transparent pixels will be substituted for the specified color, which must be in 32-bit RGB format.
rpc A UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object.

BadRequestError When the request specifications are invalid.
NotImageError When the image data given is not an image.
BadImageError When the image data given is corrupt.
LargeImageError When the image data given is too large to process.
InvalidBlobKeyError When the blob key provided is invalid.
TransformationError When an error occurs during image manipulation.
AccessDeniedError When the blob key refers to a Google Storage object, and the application does not have permission to access the object.
ValueError When transparent_substitution_rgb is not an integer.
Error All other error conditions.


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Lists the metadata of the original image.

Returns a dictionary of metadata extracted from the original image during execute_transform.


Some of the EXIF fields are processed; for example, fields with multiple values are returned as lists, rational types are returned as floats, GPS coordinates are already parsed to signed floats, etc.

ImageWidth and ImageLength fields are corrected if they did not correspond to the actual dimensions of the original image.

Dictionary of metadata with string keys. If execute_transform was called with parse_metadata set to True, this dictionary contains information about the various properties of the original image, such as dimensions, color profile, and properties from EXIF.

Even if parse_metadata was False or the images did not have any metadata, the dictionary will contain a limited set of metadata, with least ImageWidth and ImageLength dimensions of the original image being returned.

This call will return None if it is called before a successful execute_transfrom call.


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Calculates the histogram of the image.

rpc A UserRPC object.

3 256-element lists containing the number of occurences of each value of each color in the order RGB. You can learn more about color histograms at Wikipedia_.

NotImageError When the image data supplied is not an image.
BadImageError When the image data supplied is corrupt.
LargeImageError When the image data supplied is too large to process.
Error All other error conditions.

.. _Wikipedia:


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Asynchronously calculates the histogram of the image.

rpc An optional UserRPC object.

rpc A UserRPC object.

NotImageError When the image data supplied is not an image.
BadImageError When the image data supplied is corrupt.
LargeImageError When the image data supplied is too large to process.
Error All other error conditions.


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Flips the image horizontally.

BadRequestError If MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested on the image.


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Automatically adjusts the image's contrast and color levels.

This is similar to the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button in Picasa.

BadRequestError If MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested for this image.


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Resizes the image, maintaining the aspect ratio.

If both width and height are specified, the more restricting of the two values will be used when the image is resized. The maximum dimension allowed for both width and height is 4000 pixels.

If both width and height are specified, and crop_to_fit is True, the less restricting of the two values will be used when the image is resized, and the image will be cropped to fit the specified size. In this case, the center of cropping can be adjusted by crop_offset_x and crop_offset_y.

width Integer of the width in pixels to change the image width to.
height Integer of the height in pixels to change the image height to.
crop_to_fit If True, and both width and height are specified, the image is cropped after it is resized to fit the specified dimensions.
crop_offset_x Float value between 0.0 and 1.0. 0 is left, and 1 is right. The default value is 0.5, or the center of the image.
crop_offset_y Float value between 0.0 and 1.0. 0 is top, and 1 is bottom. The default value is 0.5, or the center of the image.
allow_stretch If True, and both width and height are specified, the image is stretched to fit the resize dimensions without maintaining the aspect ratio.

TypeError When width or height is not an integer or long type.
BadRequestError When the height or width is invalid, or if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested on this image.


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Rotates an image a given number of degrees clockwise.

degrees Integer value of the number of degrees that an image must be rotated. This value must be a multiple of 90.

TypeError When degrees is not an integer or long type.
BadRequestError When the degrees value is invalid or if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested.


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Sets a flag to correct the image orientation based on image metadata.

EXIF metadata within the image may contain a parameter that indicates its proper orientation. This value can equal 1 through 8, inclusive. Setting the orientation to 1 means that the image is in its "normal" orientation, i.e., it should be viewed as it is stored. Normally, this orientation value has no effect on the behavior of the transformations. However, if you call this function with the correct_orientation argument, any orientation specified in the EXIF metadata will be corrected during the first transformation.


If correct_orientation is specified, but the image is already in portrait orientation, i.e., "taller" than it is "wide," no corrections will be made, since the camera has likely already corrected it.

Whether the correction was requested or not, the orientation value in the transformed image is always cleared to indicate that no additional corrections of the returned image's orientation is necessary.

correct_orientation A value from ORIENTATION_CORRECTION_TYPE.

BadRequestError If the correct_orientation value is invalid.


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Flips the image vertically.

BadRequestError If MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested on the image.