
Represents a queue.

Inherits From: expected_type

The Queue class is used to prepare tasks for offline execution by App Engine.

A queue object is instantiated by name. The name must correspond either to the default queue (provided by the system) or a user-defined queue as specified in the application's queue.yaml configuration file. The queue object can then be used to insert new task instances for offline execution by App Engine.

Multiple queue objects can correspond to the same underlying system queue. However, a single task object can only be added to one queue.

name Optional; name of this queue, which must correspond to a user-defined queue name from queue.yaml. If not supplied, defaults to the default queue.

InvalidQueueNameError If the queue name is invalid.

name Returns the name of this queue.



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Adds a task or list of tasks into this queue.

If a list of more than one tasks is given, a raised exception does not guarantee that no tasks were added to the queue (unless transactional is set to True). To determine which tasks were successfully added when an exception is raised, check the Task.was_enqueued property.

Push tasks, or those with a method not equal to pull cannot be added to queues in pull mode. Similarly, pull tasks cannot be added to queues in push mode.

If a TaskAlreadyExistsError or TombstonedTaskError is raised, the caller can be guaranteed that for each one of the provided tasks, either the corresponding task was successfully added, or a task with the given name was successfully added in the past.

task A task instance or a list of task instances that will be added to the queue. If task is set to a list of task objects, all tasks are added to the queue. If Transactional=True, then all of the tasks are added in the same active Datastore transaction, and if any of the tasks cannot be added to the queue, none of the tasks are added to the queue, and the Datastore transaction will fail. If transactional=False, a failure to add any task to the queue will raise an exception, but other tasks will be added to the queue.
transactional If True, transactional tasks will be added to the queue but cannot be run or leased until after the transaction succeeds. If the transaction fails then the tasks will be removed from the queue (and therefore will never run). If False, the added tasks are available to run immediately; any enclosing transaction's success or failure is ignored.

The task or list of tasks that was supplied to this method. Successfully queued tasks will have a valid queue name and task name after the call; these task objects are marked as queued and cannot be added again.
Note Task objects returned from transactional adds are not notified or updated when the enclosing transaction succeeds or fails.

BadTaskStateError If the task has already been added to a queue.
BadTransactionStateError If the transactional argument is True but this call is being made outside of the context of a transaction.
DuplicateTaskNameError If a task name is repeated in the request.
InvalidTaskNameError If a task name is provided but is not valid.
InvalidTaskError If both push and pull tasks exist in the task list.
InvalidQueueModeError If a pull task is added to a queue in push mode, or if a push task is added to a queue in pull mode.
TaskAlreadyExistsError If a task with the same name as a given name has previously been added to the queue.
TombstonedTaskError If a task with the same name as a given name has previously been added to the queue and deleted.
TooManyTasksError If a task contains more than MAX_TASKS_PER_ADD tasks.
TransactionalRequestTooLargeError If transactional is True and the total size of the tasks and supporting request data exceeds the MAX_TRANSACTIONAL_REQUEST_SIZE_BYTES quota. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Asynchronously adds a task or list of tasks into this queue.

This function is identical to add() except that it returns an asynchronous object. You can call get_result() on the return value to block on the call.

task A task instance or a list of task instances that will be added to the queue. If task is a list of task objects, all tasks are added to the queue. If Transactional=True, then all of the tasks are added in the same active Datastore transaction, and if any of the tasks cannot be added to the queue, none of the tasks are added to the queue and the Datastore transaction will fail. If transactional=False, a failure to add a task to the queue will raise an exception, but other tasks will be enqueued.
transactional If True, transactional tasks will be added to the queue but cannot be run or leased until after the transaction succeeds. If the transaction fails, the tasks will be removed from the queue (and therefore will never run). If False, the added tasks are available to run immediately; any enclosing transaction's success or failure is ignored.
rpc An optional UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object. Call get_result() to complete the RPC and obtain the task or list of tasks that was supplied to this method. Successfully queued tasks will have a valid queue name and task name after the call; such task objects are marked as queued and cannot be added again.
Note Task objects that are returned from transactional adds are not notified or updated when the enclosing transaction succeeds or fails.

BadTaskStateError If the tasks have already been added to a queue.
BadTransactionStateError If the transactional argument is True but this call is being made outside of the context of a transaction.
DuplicateTaskNameError If a task name is repeated in the request.
InvalidTaskError If both push and pull tasks exist in the task list.
InvalidTaskNameError If a task name is provided but is not valid.
TooManyTasksError If the task contains more than MAX_TASKS_PER_ADD tasks.
TransactionalRequestTooLargeError If transactional is True and the total size of the tasks and supporting request data exceeds the MAX_TRANSACTIONAL_REQUEST_SIZE_BYTES quota.


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Deletes a task or list of tasks in this queue.

When multiple tasks are specified, an exception will be raised if any individual task fails to be deleted. Check the task.was_deleted property.

The task name is the only task attribute that is used to select tasks for deletion. If any task exists that is unnamed or with the was_deleted property set to True, a BadTaskStateError will be raised immediately.

task A task instance or a list of task instances that will be deleted from the queue.

The task or list of tasks passed into this call.

BadTaskStateError If the tasks to be deleted do not have task names or have already been deleted.
DuplicateTaskNameError If a task is repeated in the request. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Asynchronously deletes a task or list of tasks in this queue.

The task name is the only task attribute that is used to select tasks for deletion.

This function is identical to delete_tasks() except that it returns an asynchronous object. You can call get_result() on the return value to block on the call.

task A task instance or a list of task instances that will be deleted from the queue.
rpc An optional UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object. Call get_result() to complete the RPC and obtain the task or list of tasks passed into this call.

BadTaskStateError If the tasks to be deleted do not have task names or have already been deleted.
DuplicateTaskNameError If a task is repeated in the request.


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Deletes a task or list of tasks in this queue, by name.

When multiple tasks are specified, an exception will be raised if any individual task fails to be deleted.

task_name A string corresponding to a task name, or an iterable of strings corresponding to task names.

If an iterable, other than string, is provided as input, a list of task objects is returned, one for each task name in the order requested. The Task.was_deleted property will be True for each task deleted by this call, and will be False for unknown and tombstoned tasks.

Otherwise, if a single string was provided as input, a single task object is returned.

DuplicateTaskNameError If a task name is repeated in the request. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Asynchronously deletes a task or list of tasks in this queue, by name.

This function is identical to delete_tasks_by_name() except that it returns an asynchronous object. You can call get_result() on the return value to block on the call.

task_name A string corresponding to a task name, or an iterable of strings corresponding to task names.
rpc An optional UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object. Call get_result() to complete the RPC and obtain the result.

If an iterable, other than string, is provided as input, the result will be a list of of task objects, one for each task name in the order requested. The Task.was_deleted property will be True for each task deleted by this call, and will be False for unknown and tombstoned tasks.

Otherwise, if a single string was provided as input, then the result will be a single task object.

DuplicateTaskNameError If a task name is repeated in the request.


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Gets the current details about this queue.

deadline The maximum number of seconds to wait before aborting the method call.

A QueueStatistics instance that contains information about this queue. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Asynchronously gets the current details about this queue.

rpc An optional UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object. Call get_result() to complete the RPC and obtain a QueueStatistics instance that contains information about this queue.


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Leases a number of tasks from the queue for a period of time.

This method can only be performed on a pull queue. Any non-pull tasks in the pull queue will be converted into pull tasks when being leased. If fewer than the specified number of max_tasks are available, all available tasks will be returned. The lease_tasks method supports leasing at most 1000 tasks for no longer than a week in a single call.

lease_seconds Number of seconds to lease the tasks, up to one week (604,800 seconds). Must be a positive integer.
max_tasks The maximum number of tasks to lease from the pull queue, up to 1000 tasks.
deadline The maximum number of seconds to wait before aborting the method call.

A list of tasks leased from the queue.

InvalidLeaseTimeError If lease_seconds is not a valid float or integer number or is outside the valid range.
InvalidMaxTasksError If max_tasks is not a valid integer or is outside the valid range.
InvalidQueueModeError If invoked on a queue that is not in pull mode. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Asynchronously leases a number of tasks from the queue.

This method can only be performed on a pull queue. Attempts to lease tasks from a push queue results in an InvalidQueueModeError. All non-pull tasks in the pull queue will be converted into pull tasks when leased. If fewer than the specified value of max_tasks are available, all available tasks on a best-effort basis are returned. The lease_tasks_async method supports leasing at most 1000 tasks for no longer than a week in a single call.

This function is identical to lease_tasks() except that it returns an asynchronous object. You can call get_result() on the return value to block on the call.

lease_seconds Number of seconds to lease the tasks, up to one week (604,800 seconds). Must be a positive integer.
max_tasks Maximum number of tasks to lease from the pull queue, up to 1000 tasks.
rpc An optional UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object. Call get_result() to complete the RPC and obtain the list of tasks leased from the queue.

InvalidLeaseTimeError If lease_seconds is not a valid float or integer number or is outside the valid range.
InvalidMaxTasksError If max_tasks is not a valid integer or is outside the valid range.


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Leases tasks with the same tag from the queue.

If a tag is specified, tasks with that tag are leased for a specified period of time. If a tag is not specified, the tag of the queue's oldest task (specified by the eta) will be used.

This method can only be performed on a pull queue. Any non-pull tasks in the pull queue will be converted into pull tasks when being leased. If fewer than the specified value of max_tasks are available, all available tasks will be returned. The lease_tasks method supports leasing at most 1000 tasks for no longer than a week in a single call.

lease_seconds Number of seconds to lease the tasks.
max_tasks The maximum number of tasks to lease from the pull queue.
tag The tag to query for, or None to group by the first available tag.
deadline The maximum number of seconds to wait before aborting the method call.

A list of tasks leased from the queue.

InvalidLeaseTimeError If lease_seconds is not a valid float or integer number or is outside the valid range.
InvalidMaxTasksError If max_tasks is not a valid integer or is outside the valid range.
InvalidQueueModeError If invoked on a queue that is not in pull mode. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Asynchronously leases tasks with the same tag from the queue.

If a tag is specified, tasks with that tag are leased for a specified period of time. If a tag is not specified, the best-effort oldest tag of the queue's oldest task (specified by the eta) will be used.

This function is identical to lease_tasks_by_tag() except that it returns an asynchronous object. You can call get_result() on the return value to block on the call.

lease_seconds Number of seconds to lease the tasks.
max_tasks The maximum number of tasks to lease from the pull queue.
tag The tag to query for, or None to group by the first available tag.
rpc An optional UserRPC object.

A UserRPC object. Call get_result() to complete the RPC and obtain the list of tasks leased from the queue.

InvalidLeaseTimeError If lease_seconds is not a valid float or integer number or is outside the valid range.
InvalidMaxTasksError If max_tasks is not a valid integer or is outside the valid range.


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Modifies the lease of a task in this queue.

task A task instance that will have its lease modified.
lease_seconds Number of seconds, from the current time, that the task lease will be modified to. If lease_seconds is 0, the task lease is removed and the task will be available for leasing again using the lease_tasks method.

TypeError If lease_seconds is not a valid float or integer.
InvalidLeaseTimeError If lease_seconds is outside of the valid range. Error-subclass on application errors.


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Removes all of the tasks in this queue.

Purging the queue takes time, regardless of the queue size. Tasks continue to run until the backends recognize that the queue has been purged. This operation is permanent; purged tasks cannot be recovered.

Error-subclass on application errors.


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Return self==value.


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Return self!=value.