Smart Home Brightness Trait Schema

action.devices.traits.Brightness - This trait covers how to control the brightness of a device.


Devices with this trait may report the following attributes as part of the SYNC operation. To learn more about handling SYNC intents, see Intent fulfillment.

Attributes Type Description
commandOnlyBrightness Boolean

(Default: false)

Indicates if the device supports using one-way (true) or two-way (false) communication. Set this attribute to true if the device cannot respond to a QUERY intent or Report State for this trait.


Device that supports for brightness commands, states query and reporting.


Device that only support for brightness commands.

"commandOnlyBrightness": true


Devices with this trait may report the following states as part of the QUERY operation. To learn more about handling QUERY intents, see Intent fulfillment.

States Type Description
brightness Integer

Current brightness level of the device.


What is the brightness level of my light?

"brightness": 65


Devices with this trait may respond to the following commands as part of the EXECUTE operation. To learn more about handling EXECUTE intents, see Intent fulfillment.


Adjust device absolute brightness.


Parameters Type Description
brightness Integer


New absolute brightness percentage.


Adjust my light to 65% brightness.

"command": "action.devices.commands.BrightnessAbsolute",
"params": {
"brightness": 65


Adjust device relative brightness.

This command requires the following attributes:
  "commandOnlyBrightness": true


The payload contains one of the following:

Percentage relative adjustment.

Parameters Type Description
brightnessRelativePercent Integer


The exact percentage of brightness to change.

Weight relative adjustment.

Parameters Type Description
brightnessRelativeWeight Integer


This indicates the ambiguous amount of the brightness change. From small amount to large amount, this param will be scaled to integer 0 to 5, with the sign to indicate direction.


Brighten my light by 20%.

"command": "action.devices.commands.BrightnessRelative",
"params": {
"brightnessRelativePercent": 20

Dim my light a little.

"command": "action.devices.commands.BrightnessRelative",
"params": {
"brightnessRelativeWeight": -1

Sample utterances

  • Bitte mach das Licht ein bisschen dunkler
  • Bitte stell das Flurlicht auf ein Drittel
  • Die Küche ein wenig heller stellen
  • Erhöhe die Helligkeit
  • Erhöhe die Helligkeit um 20%
  • Helligkeit der Leselampe auf 5 %
  • Helligkeit im Wohnzimmer auf 10% stellen
  • Mach das Licht bitte 20 % dunkler
  • Mach das Licht bitte 20 % heller
  • Mach das Licht sehr hell
  • Mach das Schlafzimmer ein bisschen dunkler
  • Mach das Wohnzimmer dunkler
  • Stell das Licht auf 50 % ein.
  • Stelle das Licht bitte auf maximale Helligkeit
  • Stelle die Beleuchtung heller
  • Verringere die Helligkeit der Beleuchtung
  • Verringere die Helligkeit in der Küche um 20%
  • brighten light at 10%
  • brighten lights by 20%
  • brighten the kitchen slightly
  • brighten the kitchen to 50
  • brighten the lights up
  • dim down the lights
  • dim lights a little more
  • dim lights by 20%
  • increase brightness in living room by 100%
  • make it darker in the living room
  • make the bedroom brighter
  • make the lights a little bit brighter
  • make the living room a little bit dimmer
  • reduce brightness in the living room by 50%
  • set the light to maximum
  • turn brightness on light to maximum
  • pon las luces a la mitad
  • Mets la lumière sur 20 % .
  • Règle la luminosité du salon au maximum .
  • allume la lampe à 20 % de luminosité
  • allume la lumière du salon au maximum
  • assombris la cuisine de 20 %
  • augmente l'éclairage de 20 %
  • augmente l'éclairage de la cuisine
  • augmente la luminosité de 10 % dans le salon
  • augmente la luminosité de la chambre
  • augmente un peu l'éclairage
  • augmente un peu la luminosité de la chambre
  • baisse les lumières
  • baisse les lumières de 20 %
  • baisse un peu la lumière du salon
  • luminosité de la chambre à 20 %
  • moins de luminosité dans le salon


See the full list of errors and exceptions.