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blockly > zelos > MarkerSvg > ocultar
Método zelos.MarkerSvg.hide()
hide(): void;
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Última actualización: 2024-09-09 (UTC)
[null,null,["Última actualización: 2024-09-09 (UTC)"],[[["The `zelos.MarkerSvg.hide()` method is used to hide the marker visualization within the Blockly workspace, typically associated with highlighting connection points or dragging blocks."],["This method belongs to the `zelos.MarkerSvg` class, which is part of the `zelos` rendering namespace in Blockly, and it does not return any specific value."],["Calling `hide()` will make the visual representation of the marker disappear from the workspace until explicitly shown again, allowing for dynamic control over visual cues during block interactions."]]],[]]