Alur kerja RBM inti untuk maskapai termasuk meninjau informasi tentang agen dan menyetujui atau menolak izin mereka untuk melakukan peluncuran pada berjejaring dan mengirim pesan kepada pelanggan mereka.
Cuplikan kode di halaman ini diambil dari JavaScript dan Curl sampel.
Menampilkan daftar semua agen yang dikirim ke operator
Operator dapat memperoleh daftar semua agen yang telah dikirimkan developer untuk diluncurkan di jaringan operator.
const businessCommunicationsApiHelper = require('@google/rbm-businesscommunications'); const privateKey = require('../../resources/businesscommunications-service-account-credentials.json'); businessCommunicationsApiHelper.initBusinessCommunucationsApi(privateKey); // Retrieve all agents targeting the carrier businessCommunicationsApiHelper.listAgents('brands/-').then((response) => { console.log('Current agents are:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); });
curl -v "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "User-Agent: curl/business-messaging" \ -H "`oauth2l header --json serviceAccount.json businesscommunications`"
Merek ditetapkan ke -
karena tidak diperlukan saat mengambil daftar semua
agen keamanan.
Kode ini menampilkan daftar semua agen yang dikirimkan untuk diluncurkan di operator:
"agents": [
"name": "brands/40bd963f-ff92-425c-b273-8f0892d2d017/agents/my_new_agent_4fpd1psz_agent",
"displayName": "My new agent",
"rcsBusinessMessagingAgent": {
"description": "This is the agent description that will be displayed in the Agent info tab in Messages",
"logoUri": "",
"heroUri": "",
"phoneNumbers": [
"phoneNumber": {
"number": "+12223334444"
"label": "Call support"
"privacy": {
"uri": "",
"label": "Our privacy policy"
"termsConditions": {
"uri": "",
"label": "Our Terms and Conditions"
"color": "#0B78D0",
"billingConfig": {
"billingCategory": "BASIC_MESSAGE"
"agentUseCase": "MULTI_USE",
"hostingRegion": "NORTH_AMERICA"
"name": "brands/40bd963f-ff92-425c-b273-8f0892d2d017/agents/my_new_agent_7jo0trhw_agent",
"displayName": "My second agent",
"rcsBusinessMessagingAgent": {
"description": "Another agent description",
"logoUri": "",
"heroUri": "",
"phoneNumbers": [
"phoneNumber": {
"number": "+12228885768"
"label": "Call support"
"privacy": {
"uri": "",
"label": "Our privacy policy"
"termsConditions": {
"uri": "",
"label": "Our Terms and Conditions"
"color": "#0B78D0",
"billingConfig": {
"billingCategory": "CONVERSATIONAL_LEGACY"
"agentUseCase": "PROMOTIONAL",
"hostingRegion": "NORTH_AMERICA"
Hasil dapat diambil satu halaman dalam satu waktu. Lihat Referensi API untuk mengetahui detailnya.
Mendapatkan kuesioner dan status peluncuran agen
Operator dapat memperoleh status peluncuran saat ini dari agen dan developer kuesioner peluncuran.
const businessCommunicationsApiHelper = require('@google/rbm-businesscommunications'); const privateKey = require('../../resources/businesscommunications-service-account-credentials.json'); businessCommunicationsApiHelper.initBusinessCommunucationsApi(privateKey); businessCommunicationsApiHelper.getAgentLaunch(agents[0].name).then((response) => { console.log('Launch details are:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); });
curl -v " ID/launch" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "User-Agent: curl/business-messaging" \ -H "`oauth2l header --json serviceAccount.json businesscommunications`"
Pemanggil tidak selalu memerlukan nama agen lengkap, termasuk nama brand.
Hanya ID agen (sebelum
) yang diperlukan, dengan nama merek ditetapkan ke
Kode ini akan menampilkan informasi peluncuran:
"name": "brands/8b5c7f80-b025-486b-bc8a-2d0797559711/agents/my-agent-demo/launch",
"rcsBusinessMessaging": {
"questionnaire": {
"contacts": [
"name": "John Doe",
"title": "Mr",
"email": ""
"optinDescription": "Messages are sent to known MSISDNs",
"triggerDescription": "We respond to any interaction",
"interactionsDescription": "Simple conversations with a chatbot",
"optoutDescription": "User sends stop"
"launchDetails": {
"/v1/regions/thecarrier": {
"updateTime": "2023-02-20T15:10:36.528669Z"
Mengambil definisi agen
Anda dapat mengambil informasi agen menggunakan ID uniknya (name
const businessCommunicationsApiHelper = require('@google/rbm-businesscommunications'); const privateKey = require('../../resources/businesscommunications-service-account-credentials.json'); businessCommunicationsApiHelper.initBusinessCommunucationsApi(privateKey); businessCommunicationsApiHelper.getAgent(agent[0].name).then((response) => { console.log('Agent details are:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); });
curl -v " ID" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "User-Agent: curl/business-messaging" \ -H "`oauth2l header --json serviceAccount.json businesscommunications`"
Pemanggil tidak harus memerlukan nama agen lengkap, termasuk nama merek.
Hanya ID agen (sebelum
) yang diperlukan, dengan nama merek ditetapkan ke
Kode ini akan menampilkan informasi agen:
"name": "brands/40bd963f-ff92-425c-b273-8f0892d2d017/agents/my_new_agent_4fpd1psz_agent",
"displayName": "My new agent",
"rcsBusinessMessagingAgent": {
"description": "This is the agent description that will be displayed in the Agent info tab in Messages",
"logoUri": "",
"heroUri": "",
"phoneNumbers": [
"phoneNumber": {
"number": "+12223334444"
"label": "Call support"
"privacy": {
"uri": "",
"label": "Our privacy policy"
"termsConditions": {
"uri": "",
"label": "Our Terms and Conditions"
"color": "#0B78D0",
"billingConfig": {
"billingCategory": "BASIC_MESSAGE"
"agentUseCase": "MULTI_USE",
"hostingRegion": "NORTH_AMERICA"
Ubah status peluncuran agen
Operator dapat memperbarui status peluncuran agen dan menambahkan pesan yang akan dikirim melalui email ke pengembang.
Status harus diubah sebagai berikut:
Pemanggil tidak harus memerlukan nama agen lengkap, termasuk nama merek.
Hanya ID agen (sebelum
) yang diperlukan, dengan nama merek ditetapkan ke
const businessCommunicationsApiHelper = require('@google/rbm-businesscommunications'); const privateKey = require('../../resources/businesscommunications-service-account-credentials.json'); businessCommunicationsApiHelper.initBusinessCommunucationsApi(privateKey); businessCommunicationsApiHelper .updateAgentLaunchState(agentId, 'LAUNCH_STATE_LAUNCHED').then((response) => { console.log('Updated launch details are:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)); });
curl -v -X PATCH " ID/launch" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "User-Agent: curl/business-messaging" \ -H "`oauth2l header --json serviceAccount.json businesscommunications`" \ -d "{ 'rcsBusinessMessaging': { 'launchDetails': { '': { 'launchState': 'LAUNCH_STATE_LAUNCHED', } } } }"
Kode ini menampilkan informasi peluncuran yang diperbarui dengan status peluncuran yang diubah:
"name": "brands/40bd963f-ff92-425c-b273-8f0892d2d017/agents/my_new_agent_4fpd1psz_agent/launch",
"rcsBusinessMessaging": {
"questionnaire": {
"contacts": [
"name": "Ian",
"title": "The Boss",
"email": ""
"optinDescription": "Users accepted our terms of service online.",
"triggerDescription": "We are reaching preregistered users",
"interactionsDescription": "This agent does not do much.",
"optoutDescription": "Reply stop and we stop.",
"agentAccessInstructions": "This is a a simple agent that reaches registered users.",
"videoUris": [
"screenshotUris": [
"launchDetails": {
"/v1/regions/thecarrier": {
"comment": "We don't have a billing contract in place with you.",
"updateTime": "2023-04-28T15:22:10.221191Z"
Menghapus agen
Untuk alasan keamanan, agen RBM tidak dapat dihapus lagi. Kontak Dukungan RBM untuk mendapatkan bantuan.