Android for Cars lets you design map-centered navigation experiences that incorporate both the center screen and the instrument cluster in the driver’s journey.

The templates in the Android for Cars App Library are driving-optimized and include key navigation-focused features. Such features include: place lists, route previews, travel estimate cards, routing cards, navigation alerts, map interactivity, and cluster integration. The apps you design with these templates can work for both Android Auto and AAOS.
In the Navigation category, your app draws its own map for greater control over the experience.
Get started
To learn how to design apps with the templates in the Android for Cars App Library, see Build apps with templates.
Templates especially relevant for navigation apps include:
To see how the templates can be assembled into navigation-oriented experiences, check out the following sample flows:
- Navigate to a saved location
- Browse locations and start navigation
- Access location details and start navigation
- Search using past results while driving
- Respond to a navigation alert
- Respond to a timed alert
- Add a stop while driving
- Arrive at destination
- View a map in the cluster
UX requirements
Navigation apps need to meet the global requirements for templated apps, as well as the requirements for navigation apps and for the specific templates used in the task flows.