Android for Cars lets you create app experiences that display weather maps and relevant weather information to drivers.
The templates in the Android for Cars App Library are driving-optimized and allow you to show relevant weather information in your app. The apps you design with these templates can work for both Android Auto and AAOS.
In the Weather category, your app can draw its own map to show weather relevant information such as temperature, wind, and radar overlays.
Get started
To learn how to design apps with the templates in the Android for Cars App Library, see Build apps with templates.
Relevant templates include:
- Grid template
- List template
- Long Message template
- Message template
- Pane template
- Search template
- Sign-In template
- Tab template
- Map + Content template
UX requirements
Weather apps need to meet the global requirements for templated apps, as well as the requirements for weather apps and for the specific templates used in the task flows.