Long Message template

The Long Message template presents a long message to be read while the car is parked, with optional relevant actions.

This template is useful for providing details about a destination or for presenting legal text, such as terms of service or a privacy policy, during a sign-in process.


  • Header with optional action strip
  • Unlimited lines of wrapping text (scrollable)
  • Up to 2 buttons in template body (optional), where one can be designated as primary
Wireframes of the Long Message template

Long Message template examples

Mock-up of Long Message template with sample privacy policy
Mock-up of Long Message template when in motion

When the car is parked, this template can show a detailed message, such as a privacy policy, or terms of service for the user to accept when signing in to the app (Android Auto example)

When the user is driving, the long message is not shown, to prevent driver distraction. For these situations, it’s helpful to provide a button with an alternative option, such as skipping sign-in and using the app in guest mode.

Long Message template UX requirements

App developers:

MUST Include text.
SHOULD Designate a primary action when providing 2 actions.
SHOULD Place the primary action closest to the driver (on the left for left-hand-drive vehicles) when there are 2 actions.
MAY Include up to 2 actions.